Procedure for Bulk Liquid Chemical Cargo Inspection by Cargo Inspectors (API MPMS Ch 17.12)
RRC Study Text: NEBOSH Award in Health and Safety at Work (RRC Study Texts)
This publication provides the outline of a programme to strengthen regulatory competences, based on the operating experience of countries with a developed nuclear programme and which are members of the Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Agencies (FORO). The guidelines are designed to optimize the resources of the Ibero-American region and they complement and supplement the IAEA’s Safety Reports Series No. 79 as a frame of reference.
Cause Factor: Human - a Treatise on Rotary Wing Human Factors
by Olaf Skjenna
This book focuses on human error as a cause of accidents and illustrates them by describing a number of accidents that have occurred, mainly in the oil and chemical industries. It is intended for practising engineers, especially chemical engineers and students.
Strategies for Protecting National Critical Infrastructure Assets
by John Sullivant
This title eases the research burden, develops investigative protocols, and pulls together data into a comprehensive and practical guide, to help the serious reader understand advanced concepts and techniques of risk assessment with an emphasis on meeting the security needs of the critical national infrastructure. The text is divided into five major sections, which are further broken down by individual chapters, each addressing one element of risk assessment as well as focusing attention on appl...
Carbon Tetrachloride (Toxicity Review S., #23)
A Study Book for the NEBOSH National Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health
by Ian Coombes
The Study Books for NEBOSH National Diploma (formerly known as Level 4) consist of a series of three books, "Managing Health and Safety", "Hazardous Agents in the Workplace", and "Workplace and Work Equipment", designed to provide a health and safety knowledge base for those studying for the NEBOSH National Diploma. The NEBOSH National Diploma is accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) at Level 6 in the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and is also mapped against th...
Conference Proceedings (Conference proceedings, Vol 419)
Safety in the Use of Isocyanate Pre-Polymers in the Printing and Printed Packaging Industries
Safety and Security Engineering V (Wit Transactions on the Built Environment)
Farm Safety Self-Assessment Document
Der Einsatz neuer Technologien bringt nicht nur hohes Wirtschaftswachstum, sondern auch neue Arten von Arbeitsbelastungen fur die Beschaftigten in Ost und West. Wie die DDR-Fuhrung, die fur sich beansprucht, eine sozialistische und somit humane Entwicklungsperspektive zu verfolgen, das Probleme zu losen versucht, wird anhand der Rationalisierungspolitik, unter Einbeziehung der Wirtschaftsbedingungen der DDR, dargestellt. Ob eine faktische Interessenvertretung der Betroffenen durch den FDGB statt...
Emergency Preparedness: A Safety Guide to Planning for People, Property, and Business Continuity provides step-by-step instructions for developing prevention and response plans for all types of emergencies and disasters. It helps the reader to create an organization-wide emergency management plan that ensures that all procedures are in place and all equipment and personnel needs are addressed so that you and/or your organization can respond to an emergency situation quickly and instinctively. Yo...
Beach Cleaner Drive Safety Check & Maintenance Log (Unique Logbooks/Record Books)
by Unique Logbooks
The Workplace Walk-Through is the first volume in a series dedicated to providing physicians with more advanced tools for performing not only the routine tasks involved in occupational medicine, but also the most unusual and challenging assignments.
Gardner's Commercially Important Chemicals
This is an exhaustive resource for the industrial chemical community. Through eleven editions, "Gardner's Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names" has become the best-known and most widely used source of information on chemicals in commerce. This companion book reflects the continuing research underlying Gardner's and presents a major expansion of the information provided for individual chemical compounds. "Gardner's Commercially Important Chemicals: Synonyms, Trade Names, and Properties": contains 4,...
Fire and Blast Engineering, Offshore Installations
The Brightside Lane Warehouse Fire