Green Photocatalysts (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, #34)
This book presents advanced photocatalytic technologies for wastewater treatment. The fabrication, surface modification, roles and mechanisms of green catalysts are detailed. The catalysts include nanostructured catalysts, semiconductors, metal and non-metal doped catalysts, surface plasmon materials, graphene oxide-based materials, polymer-based composite materials, heterogenous type I and type II catalysts.
Seismic assessment of buried tunnels under near-fault earthquakes
by Nima Farasat, Iraj Rasoolan, and Mohsen Mazhari
The Evaluation of Residential Solid Waste Management Policies
by Yen-Lien Kuo
Biofuels (Methods in Molecular Biology, #581)
This editor believes the public finally understands that bioenergy should be a critical new 39 component of our world's future energy supply. While this new enlightenment might have 40 come from bioenergy's environmentally friendly attributes and its renewable and sustain- 41 able nature, the reality is that the primary driver has been both the high cost of energy, 42 led recently by petroleum products, and the unique climatic changes such as local weather 43 events and reports of melting of anc...
Conflict and Cooperation in Participating Natural Resource Management (Global Issues)
Over the past one hundred years in particular, there has been a steady process by which natural resources (such as ground-water, forests, fishing grounds and grazing land) have been increasingly managed by centralised institutions. Governments and other national agencies have argued that this promotes efficiency, equity, and other wide national goals. Recently this orthodoxy has been challenged by rising numbers of experiments that show how centralised management tends to fail. Global, national...
With growing concerns over environmental issues and global energy consumption, there is increasing interest in nuclear power generation, despite its diminished role in the West over the last few decades. Many of those involved with nuclear power and environmental agencies see controlled expansion of nuclear plants as the most environmentally friendly way of meeting growing energy demands. Nuclear Renaissance: Technologies and Policies for the Future of Nuclear Power examines the future of nuclea...
Environmental History of Water
The World Water Development Report 2003 pointed out the extensive problem that: 'Sadly, the tragedy of the water crisis is not simply a result of lack of water but is, essentially, one of poor water governance.' Cross-sectional and historical intra-national and international comparisons have been recognized as a valuable method of study in different sectors of human life, including technologies and governance. Environmental History of Water fills this gap, with its main focus being on water a...
Ideally, every tract of land has a description on paper and a physical survey on the ground. When boundary disputes arise, all parties concerned must quickly learn the vocabulary and processes involved with real estate. Written for anyone dealing in real estate transactions, Subdividing the Land: Metes and Bounds and Rectangular Survey Systems provides this background. It defines key legal terms, examines key concepts of Metes and Bounds, the structure of the U.S. Land Survey System and offers m...
Beim Abbruch von Betriebseinrichtungen sowie bei Baumassnahmen im Bereich ehemaliger Industriestandorte fallen in der Regel Abbruch- und Aushubmaterialien verschiedenster Verunreinigungsgrade an, die einer geeigneten Entsorgung oder Verwertung zuzufuhren sind. Unter Berucksichtigung der bislang weitverbreiteten Entsorgungspraktiken und den damit meist verbundenen Kosten, ist eine Wiedernutzbarmachung von Industriebrachen bzw. Altstandorten haufig wirtschaftlich nicht mehr durchfuhrbar. Hier werd...
This Manual provides learning tools for carrying out gender analysis, mobilizing communities, identifying prioritized needs and solutions, and designing and using gender sensitive participatory action planning in water and energy and other related fields. It draws from a recent project on 'Incorporating the Needs and Roles of Women in Water and Energy Management in Rural Areas in South Asia.'
Deposito de Particulas En Aire Con Electrodos Tipo Opalos Inversos
by Mar a Auxilio Aguayo S Nchez
Acidic Precipitation (Acidic Precipitation, #2) (Advances in Environmental Science, #2)
by Domy C. Adriano and M. Havas
"awareness" of the world's citizens and encourage governments to devote more attention and resources to address this issue. The series editors thank the international panel of contributors for bringing this timely series into completion. We also wish to acknowledge the very insightful input of the following colleagues: Prof. A.L. Page of the University of California, Prof. T.C. Hutchinson of the University of Toronto, and Dr. Steve Lindberg of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We also wish to t...
Sustainable Water for the Future
by Isabel C. Escobar and Andrea Schaefer
This book is part of a series on sustainability. Specifically, it deals with the issue of sustainable water use. Fresh sources of potable water are being depleted across the world. Pure water is the goal of water utilities as well as several industries. Well past the experimental stage, membrane processes are now a proven and reliable method of providing high-quality, cost-effective water. Membrane technologies have immediate applications to treatment of fresh, brackish and sea waters, as well a...
Contaminacao de Pocos Artesianos Por Gasolina-Riscos e Prevencao
by Miranda Silva Elson
This user-friendly handbook is a working guide to the status of named and experimental grasses available for use in the United States. It provides physical descriptions and status profiles of grass varieties, including turf grass varieties. The handbook also contains maps and descriptions of Land Resources Regions and Plant Hardiness Zones that assist in the understanding of plant adaptation areas. Whenever available, the information in the handbook includes:
Wastewater Treatment
Providing reliable wastewater services and safe drinking water is a highly energy-intensive activity in the United States. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) estimated, that the energy demand for the water and wastewater industry would be approximately 75 billion kilowatt hours per year, or about 3 percent of the electricity consumed in the United States. The Consortium for Energy Efficiency now estimates the annual energy usage at approximately 100 billion kWh per year. This book expl...
Lipids in Freshwater Ecosystems
The fundamental purpose of this book is to synthesise the divergent literature on aquatic lipids into a co-ordinated, digestible form. A large part of the book addresses lipid composition and production in freshwater organisms, with chapters on phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic invertebrates. A common theme throughout the book is the function of lipids in aquatic food webs, with a chapter devoted exclusively to lipids as indicators of health in fish populations. A complementary chapter high...
This book deals with recent developments and applications of environmental monitoring technologies, with emphasis on rapidly progressing optical and biological methods. Written by worldwide experts, this book will be of interest to environmental scientists in academia, research institutes, industry and the government.