DayWater (European Water Research)
The European DayWater project has developed a prototype of an Adaptive Decision Support System (ADSS) related to urban stormwater pollution source control. The DayWater ADSS greatly facilitates decision-making for stormwater source control, which is currently impeded by the large number of stakeholders involved and by the necessary multidisciplinary knowledge. This book presents the results of this project, providing new insights into both technical and management issues. The main objectives of...
Water - Energy Interactions in Water Reuse
The focus of Water-Energy Interactions in Water Reuse is to collect original contributions and some relevant publications from recent conference proceedings in order to provide state-of-art information on the use of energy in wastewater treatment and reuse systems. Special focus is given to innovative technologies, such as membrane bioreactors, high pressure membrane filtration systems, and novel water reuse processes. A comparison of energy consumption in water reuse systems and desalination wi...
Hazardous Waste Treatment Processes Including Environmental Audits and Waste Reduction (Manual of Practice, #18)
Tapping the Market: The Challenge of Institutional Reform in the Urban Water Sector
by Andrew Nickson and Richard Franceys
Insigne des sols (YUNGA Learning and Action Series - Challenge Badges)
L'Insigne des Sols est concu pour aider a eduquer les enfants et les jeunes sur le role vital que les sols jouent pour soutenir la vie sur Terre. L'insigne examine comment les sols sont crees, les utilisations des sols et comment les sols sont affectes par les pressions humaines et climatiques. Il comprend un large eventail d'activites et d'idees pour stimuler l'apprentissage sur les sols et la facon dont nous pouvons mieux gerer les ressources des sols pour assurer un avenir durable. La serie Y...
Bioremediation of Soil Contaminated with Used Motor Oil
by Surajudeen Abdulsalam
Landfill cover systems modelling for Tropical climate
by Agamuthu Pariatamby
Territorial Water Cooperation in the Central Plateau of Iran
by Majid Labbaf Khaneiki
This book tries to answer the question how different communities in such an arid area as the Iranian central plateau could have shared their limited water resources in a perfect harmony and peace over the course of history. They invented some indigenous technologies as well as cooperative socio-economic systems in order to better adapt themselves to their harsh environment where the scarce water resources had to be rationed among the different communities as sustainably as possible. Those stor...
Oceanography Challenges to Future Earth
This book documents the effects of natural hazards on coastal ecosystems in detail. The sea is an indispensable component of the Earth system, and human societies obtain many goods and services from the marine environment. Global warming threatens marine ecosystems through seawater temperature rise, acidification, sea-level rise and the increased frequency of severe storms. The repeated effects of tsunamis also have major impacts on coastal ecosystems. Increases in population and industry activi...
Guidance for the Textile Sector (IPPC Sector Guidance Note.Series 6, No. 6. 05)
A Compendium of Best Practices in Asset Management (GWRC Report)
Available as eBook only. The increased scientific knowledge of the management of water infrastructure, is forcing the application of radical and innovative techniques, that goes beyond seen pipes, tanks and pumps as infrastructure in the ground, but as assets which have an operational life and effective and efficient use of these component impacts on our ability as water providers and utilities to continue to provide high quality, high assurance water and sanitation services at reliably and a...
Volatile Organic Compounds in the Environment
A Practitioner's Guide to Economic Decision Making in Asset Management (WERF Research Report)
by David Marlow
For many water service providers (WSPs), meeting the financial demands of maintaining, extending and upgrading infrastructure systems is increasingly challenging. Furthermore, the remit of WSPs is broader than just financial considerations, so there is also a need to take societal impacts and values into account in the way investments are justified. These challenges mean that there is an increasing need for asset managers to embrace new approaches to decision support. With this in mind, wor...
La Photod gradation Des Pesticides Irradi s Sur Les Argiles (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Tajeddine-L
Available as eBook only. The research team field-tested a draft 5-step protocol over the length of the project from May 2009 until October 2010 on XX number of complaints (20 from May 2009 to September 2010). The protocol includes three questionnaires administered to: neighbors of land application sites alleging health effects or nuisance odors; biosolids generators; and biosolids appliers; and two additional investigation reports locating and describing the land application site(s) of conce...
Improving the Efficacy of Wastewater-Polishing Reed Beds (WERF Research Report)
by Thaddeus K. Graczyk
Available as an eBook only. Microbiological Contaminants in Treated Wastewater Demand for high quality drinking and recreational waters rises exponentially due to global demographic growth in the human population, reinforcing an urgent need for microbiologically safe reclaimed waters (Graczyk and Lucy, 2007). Wastewater discharges are worldwide risk factors for the introduction of human pathogens into surface waters used as drinking and recreational resources. Cryptosporidium parvum, Giard...
Water Resources Perspectives: Evaluation (Developments in Water Science)
by W W Wood and A S Alsharhan