Well Control for Completions and Interventions explores the standards that ensure safe and efficient production flow, well integrity and well control for oil rigs, focusing on the post-Macondo environment where tighter regulations and new standards are in place worldwide. Too many training facilities currently focus only on the drilling side of the well's cycle when teaching well control, hence the need for this informative guide on the topic. This long-awaited manual for engineers and manag...
This guide seeks to give inspiration on what to do with ponds as a productive source of interest. It is backed by practical guidance on how to create the right environments for different projects and how to manage a pond to the greatest all-round advantage - not just for commercial gain, but also for ecological reasons or simply for the pleasure of having a garden pond. The topics covered include pond history - monastery stewponds and village duckponds - followed by instructions on how to create...
Industrial Wastewaters (Water Science & Technology)
Industrial development is a necessary element in any nation's economic growth but it is vital that the potential environmental problems are considered at the same time. In East African countries the opportunity exists to learn from the mistakes made by other industrialized countries before embarking on their own programme of industrialization. 127 delegates from 19 countries assembled in Nairobi to discuss the environmental, technical and economic aspects of industrial wastewater management. Top...
M69 Inland Desalination and Concentrate Management
As desalination technologies advance and the availability of conventional freshwater sources decreases, inland water users are increasingly turning to desalination. This manual presents the key issues and challenges of developing inland desalination facilities, including concentrate management and disposal methods. It aims to aid water utilities, industrial facilities, and other users in evaluating and adapting inland desalination for their water supply needs.
Emergency Planning, Response, and Recovery
Sustainable Manufacturing Processes
Sustainable Manufacturing Processes provides best practice advice on sustainable manufacturing methods, with examples from industry as well as important supporting theory. In the current manufacturing industry, processes and materials are developed with close reference to sustainability issues, and with an outward look to optimum production efficiency and reduced environmental impact. Important topics like the use of renewable energy, reducing material waste and recycling, reduction in energy an...
Drinking Water Safety and Contamination (Issues in Toxicology)
For the past 150 years, countries around the World have endeavoured to provide pure and wholesome drinking water for their population. The use of chlorine to disinfect water about 100 years ago led to a marked decrease in deaths from microbiological contamination. However, continual advances in industrial and agricultural processes has led to a continuing need to analyse water for chemicals and microbiologicals and assess their risk to health. This book reviews recent information on potential co...
Part of OECD Water Resources and Sanitation Set - Buy all four reports and save over 30% on buying separately! Agriculture is the major user of water in most countries. It also faces the enormous challenge of producing almost 50% more food by 2030 and doubling production by 2050. This will likely need to be achieved with less water, mainly because of growing pressures from urbanisation, industrialisation and climate change. In this context, it will be important in future for farmers to receiv...
Flood Risk
Flood Risk: Planning, Design and Management of Flood Defence Infrastructure is the definitive practical handbook on design and maintenance of flood defences, providing a coherent and focused reference for best practice. This book is the first port of call for practising engineers working in the areas of flood risk management and drainage and includes contributions from experts in the field and also real life case studies. It covers the design of fluvial, coastal and urban flood defences, as well...
Industrial Waste Treatment Process Engineering is a step-by-step implementation manual in three volumes, detailing the selection and design of industrial liquid and solid waste treatment systems. It consolidates all the process engineering principles required to evaluate a wide range of industrial facilities, starting with pollution prevention and source control and ending with end-of-pipe treatment technologies.Industrial Waste Treatment Process Engineering guides experienced engineers through...
The 2006 Economic and Product Market Databook for Malatya, Turkey
by Philip M. Parker
Contaminants in Soil: Collation of Toxicological Data and Intake Values for Humans
Water resources and services are integrated measures of social systems that range beyond the technical world and the IWRM requires a balance between competing views of social and political issues. This volume focuses on increased awareness of the human dimension, women’s role, environmental protection, sustainability and food security aspects in achieving sustainable water management. Understanding the strategies used by small farmers, as well as how small farming systems work or why they fail,...
Improvements in Reservoir Construction, Operation and Maintenance
This book contains the proceedings of the 14th conference of the British Dam Society held at the University of Durham 6-9 September 2006, and covers critical issues relating to Improvements in Reservoir Construction, Operation and Maintenance. It addresses the recent changes to reservoir legislation in England and Wales relating to the enforcement of the Reservoirs Act 1975 and the requirement to prepare flood plans along with the introduction of the Controlled Activities Regulations in Scotland...
AWWA C206-17 Field Welding of Steel Water Pipe
This standard covers calcium chloride (CaCl2), in the form of powder, pellet, granule, flake, or briquette for use in water supply treatment.
AWWA C200-17 Steel Water Pipe, 6 In. (150 mm) and Larger
Data and analyses of salaries, salary ranges, and compensation practices for water and combined water services utilities across North America. This edition covers utilities serving a population under 10,000.
2019 AWWA Compensation Survey: Small Water and Wastewater Utilities
Data and analyses of salaries, salary ranges, and compensation practices for water and combined water services utilities across North America. This edition covers utilities serving a population under 10,000.
Prochnost' I Treshchinostoykost' Kirpichnykh I Armokirpichnykh Sten
by Tumanov Anton