Bulk 2000
This book presents the basic principles of Transportation Engineeering in simple and lucid language, assisted by self-explanatory sketches. The book meets the complete requirements of the syllabus prescribed for diploma students. A number of objective, short answer and essay questions are included at the end of each chapter. The book follows the latest Indian Road Congress (IRC) Codes, which are required to be followed in practice.
Evaluation of the Maccaferri Terramesh System Retaining Wall
by Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center
Prepared by the Highway Innovative Technology Evaluation Center (HITEC), a CERF/IIEC Innovation Center. This report describes a HITEC evaluation designed to determine the basic capabilities and limitations of the Terramesh Retaining Wall System for use as a technically viable, mechanically stabilized earth, retaining wall system. The evaluation was conducted based on material, design, construction, performance, and quality assurance mainformation outlined in the HITEC Protocol. The Terramesh Sys...
The ratio of water to cementitious materials in a concrete mix is recognized as a prime determinant of the strength and ultimate durability of the concrete. In 1994, Troxler Electronic Laboratories introduced the Model 4430 Nuclear Water/Cement Ratio Gauge - a gauge designed to measure the water to cement ratio in fresh concrete sequentially. The HITEC volunteer panel directed this project to evaluate the gauge, and planned it to cover four phases: computer simulations, laboratory testing, preci...
Cold Regions Engineering - Cold Regions Impact on Transportation and Infrastructures
This proceedings is a collection of 92 papers addressing all aspects of cold regions engineering. Topics include transportation design, infrastructure construction, frozen ground issues for all types of facilities, and water resource and water treatment challenges. In recognition of the 25th anniversary of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, eleven papers discuss the lessons learned from this great civil engineering project. These papers were presented at the 11th International Conference on Cold...
Computational Analysis and Design of Bridge Structures
by Chung C. Fu and Shuqing Wang
Gain Confidence in Modeling Techniques Used for Complicated Bridge Structures Bridge structures vary considerably in form, size, complexity, and importance. The methods for their computational analysis and design range from approximate to refined analyses, and rapidly improving computer technology has made the more refined and complex methods of analyses more commonplace. The key methods of analysis and related modeling techniques are set out, mainly for highway bridges, but also with some info...
Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation
The TransNav 2013 Symposium held at the Gdynia Maritime University, Poland in June 2013 has brought together a wide range of participants from all over the world. The program has offered a variety of contributions, allowing to look at many aspects of the navigational safety from various different points of view. Topics presente
Sustainable Approaches to Urban Transport
As cities become increasingly congested, current transport patterns are unsustainable: heavy in energy use, high in economic and environmental cost, and exacerbating inequity between those who can access high-speed travel and those who cannot. Good urban planning develops human-scale cities and encourages modes such as bicycles, increased zones exclusive to pedestrians within cities, and changed fiscal policies to incentivize public over private transport. Equally, it requires good engineering d...
A Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Harbour Engineering
by Brysson Cunningham
Formation Control of Multiple Autonomous Vehicle Systems
by Hugh H. T. Liu and Bo Zhu
This text explores formation control of vehicle systems and introduces three representative systems: space systems, aerial systems and robotic systems Formation Control of Multiple Autonomous Vehicle Systems offers a review of the core concepts of dynamics and control and examines the dynamics and control aspects of formation control in order to study a wide spectrum of dynamic vehicle systems such as spacecraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and robots. The text puts the focus on formation control t...
Minicab! The true story of Michael Gotla and the Welbeck Motors Renault dauphine Minicabs
by Stephen Dine
Through the use of step-by-step photographs, this book shows children how various forms of land transport can be designed and made from cheap and easily obtainable materials. The book contains comprehensive teacher notes which explain the technology principles covered in each project. The book relates to Design and Technology Key Stage 2 and to the 5-14 Scottish guidelines for Technology. Pictures from the real world together with "now try this" boxes give suggestions for further activities.
Urban Transport without the hot air (without the hot air)
by Steve Melia
The UK population will reach 70 million by 2027. How will all these people get around? Is building more, wider roads really the solution? In this book, Steve Melia: dispels long-standing transport myths; looks at the successes of London and other UK and continental cities in providing 21st century transport; and suggests solutions for a sustainable future. By drawing on the experience of London, Bristol, Cambridge and other European towns, we can have cleaner and more pleasant places...
Вертолет Ми-4
by В.А. Кузнецов
Guide to Food Transport
Vehicle System Dynamics