Proceedings of the First Symposium on Structural Durability in Darmstadt.
For more than half a century, Darmstadt has been a center of essential expertise in structural durability. The institutions involved in both research and design, cover areas ranging from material science and mechanics of materials, to application in mechanical and civil engineering. Test and measurement equipment, computational methods and design philosophies have been developed. To illustrate the continuity of activities in this field several institutes and companies have grouped together to in...
Assessing the Risks to Infrastructure from Coastal Storms in a Changing Climate (Published Project Report, #800)
by F D Milne (University of Dundee), M G Winter (TRL), S J Reeves (TRL), J K Knappett (University of Dundee), S Dawson (University of Dundee), A Dawson (University of Dundee), D Peeling (TRL), J Peeling (TRL), and M J Brown (University of Dundee)
Nanotechnology in Functional Foods
The “Handbook on Nanotechnology in Functional Foods” investigates the current state of knowledge on all aspects of nanoscale packaging, carrying, and delivery mechanisms of bioactive ingredients to functional foods. The book discusses different delivery systems (such as nano-emulsions, solid lipid nanoparticles, and polymeric nanoparticles), their properties and interactions with other food components, and their impact on the human body. The importance of consumers' attitudes toward nano-deliver...
The study of the functioning of musical instruments requires knowledge of various branches of mechanics, such as linear and nonlinear vibrations and radiation of strings, plates, bars, membranes, air columns, including the self-sustained oscillations of such systems and fluid mechanics. The aim of this book is to give a systematic account of these phenomena in the context of musical instruments, insisting more on the physical and mathematical methods used to obtain simplified models than on deta...
Recognizing and Responding to Normalization of Deviance
by CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
An essential guide for recognizing and responding to normalization of deviance to help organizations improve their process safety performance This book provides an introduction and offers approaches for finding and addressing normalization of deviation both in operational and organizational activities. It addresses the initial and long-term effects of normalization of deviations as seen in reduced efficiencies, reduced product quality, extended batch run time, and near miss process safety incid...
The authors expound on non-traditional phenomena for transfer theory, which are nevertheless of considerable interest in wave measurements, and bring the advances of transfer theory as close as possible to the practical needs of those working in all areas of wave physics. The book opens with a historical overview of the topic, then moves on to examine the phenomenological theory of radiative transport, blending traditional theory with original ideas. The transport equation is derived from first...
Orthobaric Densities and Molar Volumes of Liquids
Iterative Learning Control (Wiley Series in Dynamics and Control of Electromechanical Systems)
by Zhonglun Cai and Bing Chu
The book will introduce the fundamentals of iterative learning control theories and applications. It will introduce the fundamentals of iterative learning control including the motivation, its historical development, the general design framework and many practical applications. The book will focus on a number of widely used ILC algorithms and the key considerations in practical implementation. The power of ILC will be demonstrated through three carefully selected case studies in manufacturing, h...
Fundamentals of Hvacr & Lab Manual
by Carter Stanfield, David Skaves, and . AHRI
Railroad Electrification and the Electric Locomotive; Outline of Principles Involved in Railroad Electrification. A Comparison of Steam and Electric Locomotives. History of Electrification in United States. Data on Electrification in America, Europe...
by Arthur James 1882- Manson
Wind Tunnel Balances (Experimental Fluid Mechanics)
This Handbook helps to design and build any kind of force measurement equipment for the use in a wind tunnel. It is of interest to those who want to build multi-component force measurement sensors for other applications as well. The book describes the basic relations for the design and presents handbook formulas that can be used to perform a primary determination of main dimensions of a specified multi-component force sensor. This Handbook describes material and manufacturing particularities, in...
An Introduction to Materials for Hyperbaric Pressure Vessels
by J Paul Guyer
Angewandte (Technische) Statik (Sammlung G Schen, #179)
by Wilhelm Hauber
The fields of mechatronics and robotics are closely related. Mechatronics now applied in systems such as CD players, cameras, and advanced automotive engines is a design methodology characterized by the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. Robotics, the design and construction of reprogrammable, multi-functional machines is also multidisciplinary, involving mechanical, electrical, and computing elements."Mechatronics and Robotics: Desig...
Effect of Blade Cooling on Performance of a Gas Turbine Power Plant.
by Bernard L Buteau
Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems presents a model-based algebraic approach to online parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systems. This approach evades the mathematical intricacies of the traditional stochastic approach, proposing a direct model-based scheme with several easy-to-implement computational advantages. The approach can be used with continuous and discrete, linear and nonlinear, mono-variable and multi-variable...
Industrial Motor Control (Trade, Technology & Industry)
by S.L. Herman and Walter N. Alerich
This book should be of interest to students in higher education/FE colleges taking courses in industrial motor control.
Architectural and Building Acoustics for Architects and Engineers
by Eddy Gerretsen and S. Kandaswamy
This text, comprising of six chapters, deals with the basics, and practical prediction models for the design of building and functional spaces for acoustics. The book is primarily addressed to practicing architects, civil engineers and undergraduate students of architecture and engineering. Skill and proficiency are achieved by working through examples of the consultancy and research work. To this end, the text includes examples drawn from a wide range of practical acoustical problems.
This book discusses linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming and stochastic programming. Examples taken from actual engineering designs demonstrate each method and showing how to maximize the desired benefit and minimize the negative aspects of project design. Computer programs are included for solving both linear and nonlinear problems.
Print Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (FEDSM2017): Volume 1B