Machinery Component Maintenance and Repair
Avionics (Electrical Engineering Handbook Series Digital Avionics Hand) (The Avionics Handbook, Second Edition)
by Cary R Spitzer
Renamed to reflect the increased role of digital electronics in modern flight control systems, Cary Spitzer's industry-standard Digital Avionics Handbook, Second Edition is available in two comprehensive volumes designed to provide focused coverage for specialists working in different areas of avionics development. The first installment, Avionics: Elements, Software, and Functions covers the building blocks and enabling technologies behind modern avionics systems. It discusses data buses, displa...
An Introduction to Domestic Water Systems for Hospitals and Medical Clinics
by J Paul Guyer
Printed collection on 74 full-length, peer-reviewed technical papers. Topics include: 21st Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference (DFMLC); 10th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems (MNS).
Non Destructive Testing and Non Destructive Evaluation using Ultrasounds covers an important field of applications and requires a wide range of fundamental theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations. In the present volume, the reader will find some relevant research results on wave propagation in complex materials and structures which are concerned with today's problems on composites, bonding, guided waves, contact or damage, imaging and structural noise. The fifth meeting of the Ang...
Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Learning System, 4e Wileyplus Registration Card + Loose-Leaf Print Companion
by Timothy A Philpot
Profile Drag of Smooth Aerofoils with Straight Trailing-edges at Low Speeds (Aerodynamics, v. W.02.04.03)
Design Workbook Using SOLIDWORKS 2020
by Ronald Barr, Davor Juretic, Thomas Krueger, and Alejandro Reyes
This unique book presents an analytical uniform design methodology of continuous-time or discrete-time nonlinear control system design which guarantees desired transient performances in the presence of plant parameter variations and unknown external disturbances. All results are illustrated with numerical simulations, their practical importance is highlighted, and they may be used for real-time control system design in robotics, mechatronics, chemical reactors, electrical and electro-mechanical...
Printed collection on 65 full-length, peer-reviewed technical papers. Topics include: 28th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB).
Heat Conduction, Fifth Edition
by Sadik Kakac, Yaman Yener, and Carolina P. Naveira-Cotta
Heat Conduction, Fifth Edition, upholds its reputation as the leading text in the field for graduate students, and as a resource for practicing engineers. The text begins with fundamental concepts, introducing the governing equation of heat conduction, and progresses through solutions for one-dimensional conduction, orthogonal functions, Fourier series and transforms, and multi-dimensional problems. Integral equations, Laplace transforms, finite difference numerical methods, and variational form...
Die grossen Fortschritte, die auf allen Gebieten der Elektrotechnik in den letzten Jahren erzielt wurden, sind in nicht unbetrachtlichem Masse durch die Entwicklungen auf dem Isolierstoffsektor im gleichen Zeitraum bedingt. Dieser Zusammenhang wurde mir wahrend meiner langjahrigen Tatigkeit in der Elektroindustrie immer wieder vor Augen gefuhrt. Auch bei meinen Arbeiten als beratender Ingenieur sind mir wiederholt in das Gebiet der elektrischen Isolierung fallende Fragen gestellt worden. Diese b...
Fahrzeugakustik (Der Fahrzeugantrieb)
by Martin Pfluger, Franz Brandl, Ulrich Bernhard, and Karl Feitzelmayer
Die Fahrzeugakustik hat sich wahrend der beiden letzten Jahrzehnte nicht nur in der wissenschaftlichen und messtechnischen Vorgehensweise deutlich weiterentwickelt, sondern sie ist auch bei Entscheidungsprozessen wahrend des Fahrzeugentwicklungsprozesses zu einem wichtigen Kriterium fur das Management geworden, da es den Kaufentscheid des Kunden deutlich mit beeinflusst. Das Buch wendet sich an Einsteiger in die Fahrzeugakustik in der Ausbildung und Praxis sowie Personen, die in ihren Entscheidu...
Coabsorbent and Thermal Recovery Compression Heat Pumping Technologies (Heat and Mass Transfer)
by Mihail-Dan Staicovici
This book introduces two of the most exciting heat pumping technologies, the coabsorbent and the thermal recovery (mechanical vapor) compression, characterized by a high potential in primary energy savings and environmental protection. New cycles with potential applications of nontruncated, truncated, hybrid truncated, and multi-effect coabsorbent types are introduced in this work. Thermal-to-work recovery compression (TWRC) is the first of two particular methods explored here, including how su...
Developments in Rubber Technology—2 (Polymer Science and Technology, #37)
This book is intended for those people who have a knowledge or understanding of rubber materials and processes but who wish to update their knowledge. It should be read in conjunction with Developments in Rubber Technology-l as that volume discussed developments in natural rubber and selected special purpose synthetic rubbers as well as additives. The authors have been selected for their expertise in each particular field and we, as editors, would like to express our appreciation to the individu...
Metal Nano Supracrystals – Synthesis, Property and Application
by Marie-Paule Pileni
Unique view on producing metal nano supracrystals by differing their morphologies, crystalline structures, chemical, and physical properties After presenting an overview on the various factors involved in producing metal supracrystals by differing their morphologies, crystalline structures, chemical, and physical properties, Metal Nano Supracrystals reveals the limitations faced by the system and the potential research required to improve the system. Readers will gain insight into the various...
Mechatronic Systems and Materials VII (Solid State Phenomena, Volume 251)
The current volume contains some new results in mechatronic systems, mechanics and materials, as well as in aspects of automatics and robotics in relevant technological applications, which were presented in the 11th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials (MSM 2015). The book contains the latest theoretical and practical experiences of scientists and researchers from universities and research centers. The main objective of this volume is the dissemination of the scientific kno...
High Temperature Coatings demonstrates how to counteract the thermal effects of the rapid corrosion and degradation of exposed materials and equipment that can occur under high operating temperatures. This is the first true practical guide on the use of thermally-protective coatings for high-temperature applications, including the latest developments in materials used for protective coatings. It covers the make-up and behavior of such materials under thermal stress and the methods used for apply...
This book is dedicated to readers who want to learn fluid dynamics from the beginning. It assumes a basic level of mathematics knowledge that would correspond to that of most second-year undergraduate physics students and examines fluid dynamics from a physicist's perspective. As such, the examples used primarily come from our environment on Earth and, where possible, from astrophysics. The text is arranged in a progressive and educational format, aimed at leading readers from the simplest bas...
In many respects, this book is an ideal text book for beginners. It combines a clear approach and well-rounded explanations with plenty of practice. It makes an ideal companion for those students beginning a course in applied and numerical methods, differential equations and mechanics at school, or for undergraduate courses in mathematics, engineering or physics. The study of differential equations is an extensive subject in pure and applied mathematics, physics, and engineering. All of these d...
Energy Harvesting for Low-Power Autonomous Devices and Systems (Tutorial Texts)
by Jahangir Rastegar and Harbans S. Dhadwal
This book is an introductory text describing methods of harvesting electrical energy from mechanical potential and kinetic energy. The book focuses on the methods of transferring mechanical energy to energy conversion transducers of various types, including piezoelectric, electromagnetic, electrostatic, and magnetostrictive transducers. Methods that have been developed for collecting, conditioning, and delivering the generated electrical energy to a load, as well as their potential use as self-p...