Frasmaschinen und Frasen. Entwicklung und Potenziale dieser Technik
by Heimo Schicker
A Method of Determining the Clean Weights of Individual Fleeces of Wool; B447
by James French 1892-1975 Wilson
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, #149)
by Grigore Gogu
"In other words, the invention of a mechanism will be to the scientific kinematist a synthetic problem, - which he can solve by the use of systematic, if also difficult, methods." Reuleaux, F., Theoretische Kinematik, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1875 Reuleaux, F., The Kinematics of Machinery, London: Macmillan, 1876 and New York: Dover, 1963 (translated by A.B.W. Kennedy) This book represents the third part of a larger work dedicated to the structural synthesis of parallel robots. Part 1 (Gogu 2008a)...
Maintenance Engineering and Maintainability
by Francisco Mata Cabrera, Angeles Carrasco Garcia, and Issam Hanafi
Vacuum Evaporation of Some Metals for Fabry Perot Interferometer Mirrors
Engineering applications offer benefits and opportunities across a range of different industries and fields. By developing effective methods of analysis, results and solutions are produced with higher accuracy. Numerical and Analytical Solutions for Solving Nonlinear Equations in Heat Transfer is an innovative source of academic research on the optimized techniques for analyzing heat transfer equations and the application of these methods across various fields. Highlighting pertinent topics suc...
Termersetzungssysteme sind ein machtiges Werkzeug mit Einsatzmoglichkeiten in vielen Bereichen der Informatik wie z. B. automatisches Beweisen, algebraische Spezifikationen, funktionales Programmieren, Computeralgebra und Verifikation von Soft- und Hardware. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches, das sich vor allem an Informatiker und Mathematiker richtet, steht die universelle Datenstruktur Term. Mit Termen, Termgleichungen und Termregeln lassen sich sehr elegant Sachverhalte aus den unterschiedlichsten An...
This book highlights new trends and challenges in agent systems, and new digital and knowledge economy research, and includes 34 papers on areas such as intelligent agent interaction and collaboration, modeling, simulation and mobile agents, agent communication and social networks, business Informatics, design and implementation of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems. These papers were presented at the 12th International KES Conference on Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and A...
This book gathers selected papers presented at the conference "Advances in 3D Image and Graphics Representation, Analysis, Computing and Information Technology," one of the first initiatives devoted to the problems of 3D imaging in all contemporary scientific and application areas. The aim of the conference was to establish a platform for experts to combine their efforts and share their ideas in the related areas in order to promote and accelerate future development. This second volume discusses...
Laminar-Turbulent Transition (IUTAM Symposia)
The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) decided in 1992 to sponsor the fourth Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Sendai/Japan, 1994. The objectives of the present Symposium were to deepen the fundamental knowledge of stability and laminar- turbulent transition in three-dimensional and compressible flows and to contribute to recent developing technologies in the field. This Symposium followed the three previous IUTAM-Symposia (Stuttgart 1979, Novosibirsk 1984...
Conception Et tude d'Un Silo M tallique (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Bouslema-N
This book focuses on the emerging advances in distributed communication systems, big data, intelligent computing and Internet of Things, presenting state-of-the-art research in frameworks, algorithms, methodologies, techniques and applications associated with data engineering and wireless distributed communication technologies. In addition, it discusses potential topics like performance analysis, wireless communication networks, data security and privacy, human computer interaction, 5G Networks,...
Friction Stir Welding of Al-TiB2 Metal Matrix Composite
by Santhiyagu Joseph Vijay and Natarajan Murugan
Performance of SI Engine Using Gasoline, LPG and Their Mixture Fuel
by Nagendra Sharma