Asynchronous Sequential Machine Design and Analysis (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)
by Richard Tinder
Asynchronous Sequential Machine Design and Analysis provides a lucid, in-depth treatment of asynchronous state machine design and analysis presented in two parts: Part I on the background fundamentals related to asynchronous sequential logic circuits generally, and Part II on self-timed systems, high-performance asynchronous programmable sequencers, and arbiters. Part I provides a detailed review of the background fundamentals for the design and analysis of asynchronous finite state machines (F...
The mBot robotics platform is a hugely popular kit because of the quality of components and price. With hundreds of thousands of these kits out there in homes, schools and makerspaces, there is much untapped potential. Getting Started with mBots is for non-technical parents, kids and teachers who want to start with a robust robotics platform and then take it to the next level. The heart of the mBot, the mCore is a powerful Arduino based microcontroller that can do many things without soldering o...
An introduction programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It avoids detailed programming instructions and presents the subject in a way that is not device-specific. The book aims to enable the reader to: identify the main design characteristics and internal architecture of PLCs; describe and identify the characteristics of commonly-used input and output devices; explain the processing of inputs and outputs by PLCs; describe communication links involved with control systems; develop ladder programs...
Progammable Logic Controller (PLC) Tutorial Allen-Bradley Micro800
by Stephen Philip Tubbs
Digital Electronic Circuits - The Comprehensive View
by Alexander Axelevitch
This book deals with key aspects of design of digital electronic circuits for different families of elementary electronic devices. Implementation of both simple and complex logic circuits are considered in detail, with special attention paid to the design of digital systems based on complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) and Pass-Transistor Logic (PTL) technologies acceptable for use in planar microelectronics technology. It is written for students in electronics and microelectronics, wi...
This outstanding text for the first course in programmable logic controllers (PLCs) focuses on how PLCs work and gives students practical information about installing, programming, and maintaining PLC systems. It's not intended to replace manufacturer's or user's manuals, but rather complements and expands on the information contained in these materials. All topics are covered in small segments. Students systematically carry out a wide range of generic programming exercises and assignments.
This treatment of the fundamentals of modern logic circuits aims to strike a balance between theory and practice and uses examples to clarify the general theory and to introduce useful devices. The text introduces fault detection, metastability and computer aided design, emphasizes VLSI and LSI implementations, and explains the use of Karnaugh maps for manual design and for visualizing problems. It also covers iterative circuits both in linear and tree forms, presents devices such as D-latches,...
Electronic Circuit Analysis using LTSpice XVII Simulator
by Pooja Mohindru and Pankaj Mohindru
This text discusses simulation process for circuits including clamper, voltage and current divider, transformer modeling, transistor as an amplifier, transistor as a switch, MOSFET modeling, RC and LC filters, step and impulse response to RL and RC circuits, amplitude modulator in a step-by-step manner for more clarity and understanding to the readers. It covers electronic circuits like rectifiers, RC filters, transistor as an amplifier, operational amplifiers, pulse response to a series RC cir...
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Incorporate embedded computing technology in projects and devices of all sizes This comprehensive engineering textbook lays out foundational computer architecture principles and teaches, step by step, how to apply those concepts in cutting-edge embedded applications. The book includes everything you...
The Crypto Coloring Book (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, Digital Currency Coloring Books, #1)
by Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin
Handbook of Laboratory Experiments in Electronics Engineering Vol. 1
by J M Chuma, H U Ezea, and M Mangwala