Schools Environmental Assessment Method (SEAM) (Building Bulletin, #83)
Electricity (Goodheart-Willcox's Build-A-Course)
by Howard H Gerrish, Kenneth P Delucca, and William E Dugger, Jr.
Project Scheduling and Management for Construction (RSMeans, #89)
by David R Pierce
First published in 1988 by RS Means, the new edition of Project Scheduling and Management for Construction has been substantially revised for students enrolled in construction management and civil engineering programs. While retaining its emphasis on developing practical, professional-level scheduling skills, the new edition is a relatable, real-world case study that can be used over the course of a semester. The book also includes classroom elements like exercises, quizzes, skill-building exerc...
Means Interior Cost Data
Unternehmerhandbuch Bau
Das zunehmend schwierige Branchenumfeld am Bau fordert von mittelstandischen Unternehmern vermehrt Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Recht, Betriebswirtschaft, Finanzierung, Unternehmensfuhrung in der Krise, Beschaftigung auslandischer Arbeitnehmer usw. Hat ein Unternehmer hier Wissensdefizite, kann dies schnell zu existenzgefahrdenden Schaden fur das Unternehmen fuhren. Das praxiserfahrene Autorenteam - drei Baujuristen, eine Wirtschaftsstrafrechtlerin, ein Unternehmensfuhrer eines grossen mittelstan...
Beispielrechnungen zur Statik der Stabtragwerke
by A Pfluger and H Spitzer
Im Herbst 1978 wurde vom erstgenannten Verfasser das Buch "Statik der Stab- tragwerke" veroeffentlicht. Beispiele wurden dort nur gebracht, wenn dies fur die anschauliche Darstellung der theoretischen Zusammenhange erforderlich schien. Im vorliegenden Buch werden Beispiele dargestellt, die mehr auf die Proble- me der praktischen Rechnung eingehen sollen. Jedes dieser Beispiele wird bis zur endgultigen numerischen Loesung vorgerechnet, um anhand dieser Berech- nung die auftretenden Schwierigkeite...
Reliability of Randomly Excited Hysteretic Structures (Lecture Notes in Engineering, #21)
by B. F. Spencer
A. GENERAL REMARKS During the last century, probabilistic methods for design and analysis of engineering systems have assumed a prominent place as an engineering tool. No longer do engineers naively believe that all problems can be analyzed with deterministic methods; but rather, it has been recognized that, due to unc- tainties in the model and the excitation, it may only be possible to describe the state of a system in terms of some random measure. Thus, with the need to address safety and des...
Green Building (Nano and Energy)
Provides information on renewable energy sources and the technologies used to create green buildings and sustainable designsOffers insight into the new green building technologies and materialsCovers energy demand and energy storageDiscusses federal, state, and local standards for green buildingExplains the environmental impact of green design
From single-family homes to large commercial buildings, this carefully designed second edition has been expanded to include a range of construction types. You won't find a better source for detailed, thorough coverage of construction drawings anywhere else!
Renforcement/R paration Avec Des Prfc (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Khadraoui-F
"Brings together current thinking on defining and measuring sustainability Sets out the key issues in the large and complex area of sustainability Outlines a representative sample of the major tools and other initiatives that encourage improved performance in sustainability"
Constructive Change: Managing International Technology Transfer (International Construction Management S., No 5)
by Derek Miles
Conservation of Historic Stone Buildings and Monuments
Spon's Estimating Costs Guide to Minor Landscaping, Gardening and External Works
by Bryan Spain
Black & Decker the Complete Guide to Garden Walls & Fences
by Phil Schmidt
Indoor Air Quality Engineering Environmental Health and Control of Indoor Pollutants
by Heinsohn/Cimbal
Offers practical strategies to construct, test, modify, and renovate industrial structures and processes to minimize and inhibit contaminant formation, distribution, and accumulation. Provides applications in Microsoft Excelr, Mathcadr, and Fluentr for analysis of contaminant concentration in various flow fields and air pollution control devices.