In diesem Lehrbuch werden grundlegende methodische Ansatze fur den modellbasierten Systementwurf von mechatronischen Systemen in systematischer und geschlossener Form dargestellt. Der vorgestellte Methodenkanon umfasst domanenneutrale Methoden zur Modellbildung und Verhaltensanalyse: Multidomanenmodellierung (energie-/tor-/signalbasiert), Simulationstechnik (ODE-/DAE-/Hybride-Systeme), robuste Regelungsansatze, stochastische Verhaltensanalyse und quantitative Entwurfsbewertung uber Systembudgets...
Kinematic Analysis in Prehensile Movement: Obstacle Avoidance, Bimanual and Joint Action (Berichte aus der Robotik)
by Jun Li
Plc Logics and Hmi Screens for Advanced Real Time Clock Automation (Automation Recipes, #4)
by Rosario Cirrito
Advanced Mathematical Tools for Automatic Control Engineers
by Alex Poznyak
Dr. Lester A. Gerhardt Professor and Chairman Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York 12180 This book is a collection of papers on the subject of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Most of the papers contained herein were presented as part of the program of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held in June 1983 at Castel vecchio Pascoli, Italy on the same subject. Attendance at this two week Institute was by invitation only, drawing people in...
In dieser Publikation wird ein Bedienungssystem fur Steuerungen vorgestellt, das der Steuerungsanwender, z.B. der Werkzeugmaschinenhersteller, auf seine Anforderungen zuschneiden kann. Durch das schichtorientierte Schnittstellenkonzept ist das Bedienungssystem unabhangig von der verwendeten Hardware und dem Steuerungskern. Eine Aufspaltung in die quasi parallel ablauffahigen Einzelfunktionen Bedienungsablaufsteuerung und Anzeigeversorgung ermoglicht eine effiziente, echtzeitfahige Bearbeitung vo...
Dieses zweibändige Handbuch vermittelt die systemtechnischen Grundlagen und den technischen Entwicklungsstand der Bereiche Materialfluss und Logistik. Der erste Band behandelt zunächst die Bereiche der Entwicklung und Eingrenzung von Fördertechnik, Materialflusstechnik, Intralogistik und technischer Logistik. Diese beinhalten die Beschaffungs-, Produktions-, Distributions- und Entsorgungslogistik. Eingegangen wird ebenfalls auf die wirtschaftliche und volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Logistik...
Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, #149)
by Grigore Gogu
"In other words, the invention of a mechanism will be to the scientific kinematist a synthetic problem, - which he can solve by the use of systematic, if also difficult, methods." Reuleaux, F., Theoretische Kinematik, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1875 Reuleaux, F., The Kinematics of Machinery, London: Macmillan, 1876 and New York: Dover, 1963 (translated by A.B.W. Kennedy) This book represents the third part of a larger work dedicated to the structural synthesis of parallel robots. Part 1 (Gogu 2008a)...
The series Advances in Industrial Control aims to report and encourage technology transfer in control engineering. The rapid development of control technology impacts all areas of the control discipline. New theory, new controllers, actuators, sensors, new industrial processes, computing methods, applications, philosophies, ..., new challenges. Much of this development work resides in industrial reports, feasibility study papers and the reports of advanced collaborative projects. The series offe...
Soccer Robotics (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, #11)
by Jong Hwan Kim, Dong-Han Kim, Yong-Jae Kim, and Kiam Tian Seow
This monograph is a comprehensive introduction to the field of soccer robotics. Soccer robotics has become an important research area integrating mechatronics, computer science and artificial intelligence techniques to create real-world autonomous systems. It also serves as a popular test arena in which to compare the different approaches, in diverse types of competition and with varying levels of distributed perception and collaboration. The focus of this monograph is the FIRA framework of Socc...
Field and Service Robotics (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, #24)
This unique collection is the post-conference proceedings of the 4th "International Conference on Field and Service Robotics" (FSR). This book has authoritative contributors and presents current developments and new directions in field and service robotics. The book represents a cross-section of the current state of robotics research from one particular aspect: field and service applications, and how they reflect on the theoretical basis of subsequent developments.
In this book the author stresses software as the most important topic in modern robotics. In particular the book concentrates on software for mobile robots, and the author demonstrates how inexpensive solutions can be constructed by mounting Raspberry Pi controllers and cameras onto model cars or other simple mechanical drive systems. He introduces EyeSim-VR, a freely available system that can realistically simulate driving, swimming, diving, and walking robots. The emphasis throughout is on alg...
Increasing demands on the output performance, exhaust emissions, and fuel consumption necessitate the development of a new generation of automotive engine functionality. This monograph is written by a long year developmental automotive engineer and offers a wide coverage of automotive engine control and estimation problems and its solutions. It addresses idle speed control, cylinder flow estimation, engine torque and friction estimation, engine misfire and CAM profile switching diagnostics, as w...
It is well established that the sliding mode control strategy provides an effective and robust method of controlling the deterministic system due to its well-known invariance property to a class of bounded disturbance and parameter variations. Advances in microcomputer technologies have made digital control increasingly popular among the researchers worldwide. And that led to the study of discrete-time sliding mode control design and its implementation. This brief presents, a method for multi-ra...
Engineering Databases (Symbolic Computation) (Computer Graphics - Systems and Applications)
Automation is nothing new to industry. It has a long tradition on the factory floor, where its constant objective has been to increase the productivity of manufacturing processes. Only with the advent of computers could the focus of automation widen to include administrative and information-handling tasks. More recently, automation has been extended to the more intellectual tasks of production planning and control, material and resource planning, engineering design, and quality control. New chal...
Dieses Handbuch adressiert haufig anzutreffende Defizite und Probleme bei der Digitalisierung der Automobilindustrie und entwickelt einen methodisch fundierten und praxiserprobten Leitfaden zur agilen Umsetzung. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Wandel vom fahrzeugfokussierten hin zu einem mobilitatsorientierten Geschaftsmodell. Ausgehend von den Treibern des digitalen Wandels werden vier Digitalisierungsfelder definiert und eine Roadmap zu deren Transformation vorgestellt. Der Weg hin zur automatischen...
System-Level Synthesis (Nato Science Series E:, #357)
System-Level Synthesis deals with the concurrent design of electronic applications, including both hardware and software. The issue has become the bottleneck in the design of electronic systems, including both hardware and software, in several major industrial fields, including telecommunications, automotive and aerospace engineering. The major difficulty with the subject is that it demands contributions from several research fields, including system specification, system architecture, ha...
Control and Dynamic Systems. Neural Network Systems Techniques and Applications, Volume 7.