Case Studies in Participatory Irrigation Management
'Water is a vital element for agricultural production and for economic development in general. However, the spatial and temporal distribution of water in Mexico restrains its use. Because of this distribution, it has been necessary to build a large infrastructure to capture, store, and allot this element among water users.' Around the world, countries that once promoted more government involvement in irrigation management are adopting new policies that do just the opposite, creating incentives f...
This new volume addresses the global water crisis by presenting new ways to use irrigation water judiciously through innovative fertigation management. It looks at the research and review work done throughout the world on micro irrigation and the techno-economic feasibility of various fertigation irrigation water management systems. Taking a multidisciplinary perspective, the chapters look atusing fertigation to increase the effectiveness of irrigation systemscrop performance evaluation of vari...
Irrigation Training in the Public Sector (EDI Technical Materials S.)
The 2006 Thailand Economic and Product Market Databook
by Philip M. Parker
Wells and Well Sinking - With Information on Obtaining a Small Water Supply
by F Noel Taylor
Irrigation in Southern and Eastern Asia in Figures
The AQUASTAT Programme was initiated with a view to presenting a comprehensive picture of water resources and irrigation in the countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean and providing systematic, up-to-date and reliable information on water for agriculture and rural development. This report presents the results of the most recent survey carried out in the 22 countries of the Southern and Eastern Asia region, and it analyses the changes that have occurred in the ten years since t...
Sustainable Micro Irrigation (Research Advances in Sustainable Micro Irrigation, #1)
This new book, Principles and Practices of Sustainable Micro Irrigation, is the first in the new series on micro irrigation, which offers a vast amount of knowledge and techniques necessary to develop and manage a drip/trickle or micro irrigation system. Written by experienced scientists from various parts of the world, the chapters in this book offer basic principles, knowledge, and techniques of micro irrigation management, which are essential in designing, developing, and evaluating an agricu...
The Bio-Integrated Farm is a twenty-first-century manual for managing nature’s resources. This groundbreaking book brings “system farming” and permaculture to a whole new level. Author Shawn Jadrnicek presents new insights into permaculture, moving beyond the philosophical foundation to practical advanced designs based on a functional analysis. Holding his designs to a higher standard, Jadrnicek’s components serve at least seven functions (classical permaculture theory only seeks at least two fu...
Design and Operation of Irrigation Systems for Smallholder Agriculture in South Asia
In many countries irrigated agriculture consumes a large proportion of the available water resources, often over 70% of the total. There is considerable pressure to release water for other uses, and as a sector irrigated agriculture will have to increase its efficiency and productivity of water use. Drawing on the author's 30 years of experience in some 28 countries, this paperback reprint of a successful book offers knowledge for the management of irrigation and drainage systems, including trad...
Bases Tecnicas Para El Riego Presurizado
by Jose Ignacio Loor Ponce, Cesar Alfredo Jarre Cedeno, and Emil Cristhian Vega Ponce
Drip Irrigation for Agriculture (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management)
Initially associated with hi-tech irrigated agriculture, drip irrigation is now being used by a much wider range of farmers in emerging and developing countries. This book documents the enthusiasm, spread and use of drip irrigation systems by smallholders but also some disappointments and disillusion faced in the global South. It explores and explains under which conditions it works, for whom and with what effects. The book deals with drip irrigation 'behind the scenes', showcasing what largely...
Qanat is a gently sloping subterranean canal, which taps a water-bearing zone at a higher elevation than cultivated lands. A qanat consist of a series of vertical shafts in sloping ground, interconnected at the bottom by a tunnel with a gradient flatter than that of the ground. From the air, this system looks like a line of anthills leading from the foothills across the desert to the greenery of an irrigated settlement. Qanat engages a variety of knowledge and its studying entails an interdiscip...
Agricultural Drainage Water Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas