Micropropagation of Woody Plants (Forestry Sciences, #41)
References 343 20. J. Zel: Micropropagation of Pinus sylvestris 347 1. Introduction 347 2. Micropropagation from embryos 347 3. Micropropagation from seedling explants 350 4. Conclusions 362 5. Summary 362 References 362 21. M. J. Hutzell and D. J. Durzan: Improved aseptic germination and controlled growth for micropropagation of Douglas fir 367 l. Introduction 367 2. Material and methods 367 3. Results and observations 369 4. Discussion 370 5. Summary 372 References 372 22. D. F. Karnosky, Y Hu...
Atlas of Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
by Mauro Cresti, Department of Botany Stephen Blackmore, and Jacobus L Van Went
Comprising about one hundred plates this atlas documents anddescribes the processes concerning the sexual reproductionin higher plants. It is dividedinto three parts:- Anther Development- Pistil Development- Progamic Phase and Fertilization.The scanning, transmission electron and light micrographsare all of immaculate quality and - for the viewer'sorientation - almost each plate is complemented by a schemeshowing a larger area of the plant indicating the site ofthe section.Together with instruct...
Planted Forests: Contributions to the Quest for Sustainable Societies (Forestry Sciences, #56)
Planted forests, from irrigated eucalypts in Brazil to Douglas-fir seedlings in the mountains of Oregon, are described and discussed by international experts. The varieties, purposes, forms, and ecological, economic and social aspects of planted forests are considered in technical details and in case studies from temperate and tropical regions of the world.
The 2006 Jordan Economic and Product Market Databook
by Philip M. Parker
Forests in a Market Economy (Forestry Sciences, #72)
This book draws together contributions from forest economists in the Research Triangle of North Carolina, with co-authors from institutions around the world. It represents our common belief that rigorous empirical analysis in an economic framework can inform forest policy. We intend the book as a guide to the empirical methods that we have found most useful for addressing both traditional and modem areas of concern in forest policy, including timber production and markets, multiple use forestry,...
The Potato Crop (World Crop)
Research and publications on the potato crop have burgeoned since the first edition of this book was published in 1978. However, the warm reception of the first edition suggested that it had a useful part to play in promoting the scientific basis for understanding and improving the yield and quality of the crop. Since the first edition was out of print and a second reprint would not have taken into account the contributions made by research over the intervening years, it became obvious that a co...
Scientific Basis for Soil Protection in the European Community
PH. BOURDEAU Directorate-General Science. Research and Development. Commission of the European Communities. Brussels. Belgium We are living on a unique planet, the only one in the solar system where life exists. The very existence of life has modified the physical and chemical environment of the earth, its atmosphere and oceans, in a way that makes life sustainable. This system with its complex cybernetic mechanisms has been named GAIA by Lovelock. Man has always interfered with it on a more or...
The Jarrah Forest (Geobotany, #13)
The Western Australian jarrah forest is unique, contammg some of the most beautiful flora in the world, more than 100 species of birds and some 50 mammals indigenous to this State. This book "The Jarrah Forest - A Complex Mediterranean Ecosystem" is a collection of scholarly essays on every known aspect of the northern part of the jarrah forest extending from south of Collie to the Avon River. All of the work has been researched by members of tertiary institutions, the private sector and governm...
Techniques for Pollinating Eucalypts (ACIAR technical reports, No 34)
by M.W. Moncur
This text defines and describes different methods and treatments that comprise modern silviculture, characterizing the kinds of conditions and responses that can be created by silviculturists. It presents examples of available analytic methods and management guidelines that foresters can utilize.
Mechanisms and Effects of Pollutant-Transfer into Forests
In November 1988 the "'Third Oberursel Symposium" devoted to the problems of input of pollutions into forest-ecosystems and their effects on plants or soil convened. After several years of intensive research on the effects of pollutions on forest ecosystems it is obvious that not a single specific pollutant can be made responsible but a mixture of several components act together or interact with each other. The contributions of the workshop _ reflect to a large extend the results of research p...
Institutionalisation of forest data
Over the past ten years, REDD+ countries have made substantial advances in developing and operationalizing their National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS), to comply with measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) commitments for REDD+ under UNFCCC, as well as to provide better forest data to effectively support decision-making and domestic policies. In order to support developing countries in moving towards a more solid institutional setting, this paper provides a basis for understanding the i...
Acuicultura En Jaulas
Este documento contiene nueve trabajos sobre la acuicultura en jaulas e incluye una vision global, un estudio sobre China y siete estudios regionales de Asia (excluyendo China), Europa septentrional, El Mediterraneo, El Africa subsahariana, America Latina y el Caribe, America del Norte y Oceania. Cada revision, por region geografica, brinda informacion sobre la historia y origen de la acuicultura en jaulas; provee un reporte detallado sobre la situacion actual; delineas las principales cuestione...
State of the World's Forests 2011
The ninth biennial issue of State of the World's Forests, published at the outset of 2011, the International Year of Forests, considers the theme 'Changing pathways, changing lives: forests as multiple pathways to sustainable development'. It takes a holistic view of the multiple ways in which forests support livelihoods. The chapters assembled for this year's State of the World's Forests highlight four key areas that warrant greater attention: regional trends on forest resources; the developmen...
Situacion de Los Bosques del Mundo 2009 (State of the World's Forests) (Estado Bosques Del Mundo)
Que repercusiones tendran el futuro desarrollo economico, el comercio globalizado y el aumento de la poblacion mundial en los bosques? La edicion de 2009 del informe bienal Situacion de los bosques del mundo mira hacia el futuro, con el tema "Sociedad, bosques y actividad forestal: adaptarse al futuro." En la Parte 1 se resumen las perspectivas de futuro de los bosques y la actividad forestal en cada region, tomando como base los estudios periodicos regionales de la FAO sobre las perspectivas de...
Economic use of native eucalypt forests must be achieved through silvicultural practices that ensure neither community patterns and ecosystem processes, nor the health and productivity of the forest, are jeopardized by harvesting. Modern silvicultural practice must be based on fundamental appreciation of the biology of forests, and embrace their biological, structural and aesthetic diversity. This text explores the ecological background to silviculture, the regeneration and development of the fo...