The Container Tree Nursery Manual Volume 7
by Thomas D Landis, Forest Service, and United States Department of Agriculture
Legumes and Oilseed Crops I (Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, #10)
by Professor Dr. Y. P. S. Bajaj
Legumes and oilseed crops are a rich source of protein and energy. The major objectives in grain-legume breeding are to increase grain yield, protein quantity and quality and digestibility, and to decrease toxic fac- tors, seed hardness and cooking time. Similarly, oilseed crops such as brassicas and peanut share somewhat similar genetic improvement goals, but suffer from susceptibility to a number of pathogens and diseases. In spite of the best efforts through conventional breeding, their yield...
Field and Laboratory Guide to Tree Pathology
by Robert O. Blanchard and Terry A Tattar
This work presents field and laboratory techniques as well as basic information for students, foresters, plant scientists and arboriculturalists on tree disease pathology. It includes historical documentation, taxonomy and terminology for pests and diseases and chapters on tree biology, control strategies and diagnostic techniques. Colour plates are designed to help the reader identify tree pathogens.
Genetic considerations for provenenance choice of native trees under climate change in England
by Richard Whittet
Non-wood Forest Products in Asia
Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) have been vitally important to forest-dwellers and rural communities for centuries. This publication is a product of the Food and Agriculture Organization's attention to this long-neglected area of forestry. It contains reports describing the status, management and importance of NWFPs in 11 Asian countries. This evaluation should be useful in supporting the efforts of foresters, conservationists and rural development workers in helping local communities increase...
Soil Ecology in Northern Forests: A Belowground View of a Changing World
by Martin Lukac and Douglas L. Godbold
Mountain Ash
by David Lindenmayer, David Blair, Lachlan McBurney, and Sam Banks
Mountain Ash draws together exciting new findings on the effects of fire and on post-fire ecological dynamics following the 2009 wildfires in the Mountain Ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria. The book integrates data on forests, carbon, fire dynamics and other factors, building on 6 years of high-quality, multi-faceted research coupled with 25 years of pre-fire insights. Topics include: the unexpected effects of fires of varying severity on populations of large old trees and their...
Forests and Surface Water Acidification (Bulletin S., #86)
Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands (FAO forestry paper, #175)
by Nora Berrahmouni and Pedro Regato
Drylands cover nearly half of the earth's land surface and are home to one-third of the global population. They face extraordinary challenges, including those posed by desertification, biodiversity loss, poverty, food insecurity and climate change. Up to 20 percent of the world's drylands are degraded, and people living there are often locked into a vicious circle of poverty, unsustainable practices and environmental degradation. It is clear that serious efforts are needed to arrest dryland degr...
The Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI) is a forest survey on national level which started in 1982 and has already reached its 5th survey cycle (NFI5). It can be characterized as a multisource and multipurpose inventory where information is mainly collected from terrestrial field surveys using permanent sample plots. In addition, data from aerial photography, GIS and forest service questionnaires are also included. The NFI's main objective is to provide statistically reliable and sound figure...
Timberland Investments
by F.Christian Zinkhan, etc., William R. Sizemore, George H. Mason, and Thomas J. Ebner
Changing Economy in Indonesia (Changing Economy in Indonesia)
Bamboo (Tropical Forestry)
This book presents the state-of-the-art knowledge on bamboo. It starts with an introduction to the plant's biology, its taxonomy, habitat, morphology and growth. The cultivation of bamboo is discussed in terms of silviculture, pests and diseases, and harvesting techniques. The book is completed by a comprehensive presentation of the properties of bamboo, its utilization and its preservation. Bamboo is the fastest-growing and most versatile plant on Earth. For centuries it has played an indispe...
Forests (Environmental Issues, Global Perspectives)
by James Fargo Balliett
Forests are considered the lungs of the planet, as they consume and store carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. These biomes, defined as ecological communities dominated by long-lived woody vegetation, historically have provided an economic foundation for growing nations, supplying wood for buildings, firewood for fuel, and land for expanding cities and farms. For centuries, industrial nations in Europe and the United States have relied on large tracts of forestland for economic prosperity. The res...
Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences
A combination of broad disciplinary coverage and scientific excellence, the Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences will be an indispensable addition to the library of anyone interested in forests, forestry and forest sciences. Packed with valuable insights from experts all over the world, this remarkable set not only summarizes recent advances in forest science techniques, but also thoroughly covers the basic information vital to comprehensive understanding of the important elements of forestry. The...
This conference represents the first time in my life when I felt it was a misfor tune, rather than a major cause of my happiness, that I do conservation work in New Guinea. Yes, it is true that New Guinea is a fascinating microcosm, it has fascinating birds and people, and it has large expanses of undisturbed rainforest. In the course of my work there, helping the Indonesian government and World Wildlife Fund set up a comprehensive national park system, I have been able to study animals in areas...
More Tree Talk is an insightful and compelling look at the human dimension of the challenges facing forestry. First published in 1981, Tree Talk was widely hailed as the most even-handed and well-written introduction to forestry issues available. More Tree Talk is an entirely revised edition of that classic volume that brings the book up-to-date with the current situation.Like the original, More Tree Talk features a running narrative punctuated by individual portraits that personalize the issues...
Sustainable agriculture embodies many concepts in its attempt to integrate all the aspects of farming systems into a holistic system. This book explores the processes that occur within the components of a sustainable system and shows where we can build upon our existing knowledge to develop the concepts of sustainable agriculture into the new conventional agriculture. Well-known researchers examine a variety of aspects, including production goals, environmental considerations, and economics, to...
Toward Agroforestry Design (Advances in Agroforestry, #4)
This is an important reference for anyone interested in exploring or managing the physiological and ecological processes which underlie resource allocation and plant growth in agroforestry systems. The book highlights how recent developments in agroforestry research can contribute to understanding agroforestry system function, and discusses the potential application of agroforestry in addressing a range of land use challenges in both tropical and temperate regions of the world.
Biofertilizers for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment (Soil Biology, #55)
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of biofertilizers as an alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Agricultural production has increased massively over the last century due to increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but these gains have come at a price. The chemicals are not only expensive; they also reduce microbial activity in agricultural soils and accumulate in the food chain, with potentially harmful effects for humans. Accordingly, it is...
Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada
Aboriginal people in Canada have long struggled to regain control over their traditional forest lands. Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada brings together the diverse perspectives of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal scholars to address the political, cultural, environmental, and economic implications of forest use. This book discusses the need for professionals working in forestry and conservation to understand the context of Aboriginal participation in resource management. It also addres...