10 Practice Tests for the SAT, 2021 Edition (College Test Preparation) (College Test Prep)
Make sure you’re studying with the most up-to-date prep materials! Look for the newest edition of this title, 10 Practice Tests for the SAT, 2022 (ISBN: 9780525570431, on-sale May 2021). Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality or authenticity, and may not include access to online tests or materials included with the original product.
This revised and updated test prep manual prepares high school students for the PSAT -- the preliminary version of the SAT college entrance exam -- with features that include: A diagnostic test with answers to help test takers pinpoint areas that need extra studyFour full-length model tests with answers and explanationsStudy advice and test-taking tips and strategiesSubject reviews covering critical reading, math, and writing skillsHundreds of additional practice questions with answers in all su...
Strategies and Practice for the New PSAT/NMSQT
by Brian W. Stewart, M.Ed.
This completely new test prep manual introduces high school students to the newly redesigned PSAT/NMSQT test and prepares them to get the best score possible. This book features: 2 practice tests reflective of the NEW PSATTips and strategies specific to each section of the test, including Critical Reading, Writing Skills, and MathAdvice for students aiming for National Merit ScholarshipsMuch more Students will learn strategies that can take them from a good score to a great score, and find every...
5 Full Length PSAT / NMSQT Math Practice Tests
by Reza Nazari and Ava Ross
Pass Key to the PSAT/NMSQT (Barron's Pass Key to the PSAT/NMSQT) (Pass Key)
by Sharon Weiner Green and Ira K. Wolf
This shorter version of the full-size Barron's PSAT/NMSQT prepares high school students for the preliminary version of the SAT college entrance test. This preliminary test also serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Barron's "Pass Key to the PSAT/NMSQT" presents two full-length practice tests with answers and explanations for all questions. It also includes subject reviews with additional questions and answers in the three sections of the test - Critical Reading, Math, and Wri...
Princeton Review PSAT/NMSQT Prep 2020 (College Test Prep) (College Test Preparation)
THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS. Get all the prep you need to ace the PSAT/NMSQT with 2 full-length practice tests, thorough PSAT topic reviews, and everything you need to know about National Merit Scholarships. Techniques That Actually Work. • Time-saving tips to help you effectively tackle the exam • Problem-solving tactics demonstrated on the trickiest test questions • Point-earning strategies for multiple-choice questions Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score. • Up-to-...
PSAT Prep 2019 & 2020 - PSAT Secrets Study Guide, Full-Length Practice Test with Detailed Answer Explanations