Regents Algebra I Power Pack 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Gary M. Rubinstein
Regents Exams and Answers: Algebra II 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Gary Michael Rubinstein
Let's Review Algebra 2/Trigonometry (Barron's Regents NY) (Barron's Review Course)
by Bruce Waldner
Barron's Regents Power Pack Biology Set (Regents Power Packs)
by Gregory Scott Hunter
Regents Exams and Answers Physics Physical Setting Revised Edition (Barron's Regents NY)
by Miriam Lazar
Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: Physics provides essential review for students taking the Physics Regents, including actual exams administered for the course, thorough answer explanations, and comprehensive review of all topics. This edition features: Seven actual, administered Regents exams so students can get familiar with the testComprehensive review questions grouped by topic, to help refresh skills learned in classThorough explanations for all answersScore analysis charts to help iden...
Regents Exams and Answers: U.S. History and Government Revised Edition (Barron's Regents NY)
by Eugene V. Resnick and John McGeehan
Barron's Regents Exams and Answers: U.S. History and Government provides essential review for students taking the U.S. History Regents, including actual exams administered for the course, thorough answer explanations, and comprehensive review of all topics. This edition features: Five actual, administered Regents exams so students can get familiar with the testComprehensive review questions grouped by topic, to help refresh skills learned in class Thorough explanations for all answersScore ana...
CliffsTestPrep Regents Living Environment Workbook
Designed with New York State high school students in mind. CliffsTestPrep is the only hands-on workbook that lets you study, review, and answer practice Regents exam questions on the topics you're learning as you go. Then, you can use it again as a refresher to prepare for the Regents exam by taking a full-length practicetest. Concise answer explanations immediately follow each question--so everything you need is right there at your fingertips. You'll get comfortable with the structure of the...
Barron's Regents Exams and Answers (course II)
by Lester W Schlumpf and Leff
Regents Exams and Answers: Physics--Physical Setting 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Miriam Lazar, M.S. Ed.
Regents Algebra II Power Pack (Barron's Regents NY)
by Gary M. Rubinstein
Barron's two-book Algebra II Power Pack provides comprehensive review, actual administered exams, and practice questions to help students prepare for the Algebra II Regents exam. This edition includes: Regents Exams and Answers: Algebra IIFour actual, administered Regents exams so students can get familiar with the testComprehensive review questions grouped by topic, to help refresh skills learned in classThorough explanations for all answersScore analysis charts to help identify strengths and...
Let's Review Regents: Chemistry--Physical Setting 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Albert S Tarendash
Regents Exams and Answers Physics Physical Setting Revised Edition (Barron's Regents NY)
by Miriam Lazar, M.S. Ed.
Let's Review Regents: Physics--Physical Setting 2020 (Barron's Regents NY)
by Miriam A Lazar and Albert Tarendash