This book critically analyses the important role of radio in public life in post-apartheid South Africa. As the most widespread and popular form of communication in the country, radio occupies an essential space in the deliberation and the construction of public opinion in South Africa. From just a few state-controlled stations during the apartheid era, there are now more than 100 radio stations, reaching vast swathes of the population and providing an important space for citizens to air their...
Study Guide for the US Citizenship Test in English and Korean (Study Guide for the Us Citizenship Test)
by Mike Swedenberg
In clear and simple language, this test-prep guide explains all the eligibility requirements for citizenship; how and where to apply; how to gain the confidence and knowledge needed to pass the interview and oral exam; offers essential practice with the sample INS questions and a U.S. civics review; and presents true-life stories of people who have recently become citizens. U.S. Citizenship: A Step-by-Step Guide also contains advice on special situations, lists of resources that will help candid...
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (February 2015) makes it compulsory for schools to implement anti-radicalisation measures to help prevent young people from being drawn into terrorism. As the increasingly frequent press stories of school children being radicalised show, teachers urgently need a resource that enables them to recognise, debate and disrupt extremist narratives within the context of the classroom. This practical handbook provides a reliable and objective resource to enable low...
The 2016 edition of the bestselling Handbook series includes the complete testable materials from Life in the United Kingdom: A guide for new residents, the official Home Office materials. Passing the Life in the UK test is a compulsory requirement for anyone wanting to live permanently in Britain or become a British citizen. This practical study guide makes preparing for the test a lot easier. The new edition includes: Updated advice on specific question formats and clear advice on how to a...
Pass the New Life in the UK Test: The Complete Study Guide for 2013
by Celine Castelino
Citizenship (Polity Key Concepts in the Social Sciences)
by Raymond Plant and Selina Siong-Li Chen
Between 2000 and 2011, eight million immigrants became American citizens. In naturalization ceremonies large and small these new Americans pledged an oath of allegiance to the United States, gaining the right to vote, serve on juries, and hold political office; access to certain jobs; and the legal rights of full citizens. The Road to Citizenship, Sofya Aptekar analyses what the process of becoming a citizen means for these newly minted Americans and what it means for the United States as a who...
The 2018 edition of the bestselling Handbook series includes the complete testable materials from Life in the United Kingdom: A guide for new residents, the official Home Office materials. Passing the Life in the UK test is a compulsory requirement for anyone wanting to live permanently in Britain or become a British citizen. This practical study guide makes preparing for the test a lot easier. The new edition includes: A new foreword from poet and journalist, Chimene SuleymanUp-to-date advi...
United States Citizenship Study Guide and Workbook - Persian
by Jeffrey B Harris
Study Guide for the Us Citizenship Test in English (Study Guides for the Us Citizenship Test, #3)
by Mike Swedenberg