This combination how-to and trail guide covers virtually all of Northern California's groomed cross-country ski areas. Photos demonstrate ski techniques and reveal the beauty of the 22 areas covered.
This little book breaks down the basics of teaching kids to ski into hilarious, eye-catching cartoons that will have your little one laughing out loud and looking forward to the next adventure on the hill. Any parent who has taught kids to ski knows how tricky it is to communicate concepts of balance and movement to an undeveloped mind, but expert ski instructors have, over the years, developed a range of tricks and tips that appeal to kids from ages 4 and up. This book covers the gamut of exper...
Der Ultimative Ernahrungsratgeber Fur Skifahrer
by Correa (Zertifizierter Sport-Ernahrungsb
Hotdogging and Snowboarding (Action Sports (Capstone))
by Robert Guthrie
Learn More About Sport Of Cross-Country Skiing
by Carmelina Waterfield
If You Don't Like Hedgehogs Then You Probably Won't Like Me and I'm OK With That
by Maryanne a Parks
Skifahren - Wie Man Eigene Skitechnik Verbessern Und Den Korper Auf Kommende Saison Vorbereiten Kann
by Andreas Pesheck
To Do List Snow Boarding Blank Lined Journal Notebook
by Neaterstuff Publishing