Nearly unchecked numbers of refugees and immigrants entering North America have placed a burgeoning need on social services programs. This comprehensive book is an important source of current information regarding delivery of services to these new populations. Social Work With Immigrants and Refugees promotes needed understanding of the realities of these groups’experiences--the pain and confusion, the struggles to adjust, and the rewards of life in a new land. Enlightening chapters guide human...
Building on Diversity
by Richard Clarke, Diane Diacon, and Hannah Kriteman
Hope, Solidarity and Death at the Australian Border
by Michelle Jasmin Dimasi
Forced displacement affects millions annually, as they search for safety, yet how many of us take the time to truly understand the asylum seeker experience? Not only confronted with the risks of irregular migration, asylum seekers must navigate border politics imposed by countries seeking to deter and punish those in need. Nameless bodies who wash up on the shores globally have become a contemporary norm. As humans are all deeply connected, a moral responsibility exists to comprehend why asylum...
Where do you come from? (ARABIC) (Therapeutic Stories)
by Helen Patuck
A tireless advocate for the victims of war, Sadako Ogata tells the story at the scene of four crises in which she directed relief: Iraq, the Balkans, the African Great Lakes region and Afghanistan. She explores issues of refugee protection and humanitarian assistance; coordination between humanitarian organisations, NATO and other military forces; and the global political and strategic climate in which these crises occurred. She asks the world community to assess the limits of humanitarian actio...
A family's sacrifice - A nation's struggle In the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese families set out on perilous journeys in rickety boats to escape communist rule and seek out a better life. Kim Huynh's family was one of them. In this unique memoir, Kim traces his parents' precarious lives, from their poor villages in central and south Vietnam, through relative affluence in Saigon, to their harrowing experiences after the American withdrawal and the fall of Saigon in 1975. A...
Virtud de Nadie, Es La Verdad de Todos (Política Filosófica Por Martín Nguema Onguene, #1)
by Martín Nguema Onguene
In April this year, Michael Gordon was the first journalist to gain unrestricted access to the refugee detention center on Nauru. There he interviewed more than half of the 54 asylum seekers then on the island. His article, based on these interviews, for +ó--The Good Weekend+ó-- magazine drew an enormous response from readers. +ó--Freeing Ali+ó-- expands beyond that article to tell the story of Ali Mullaie, an Afghan asylum seeker, since granted refugee status in Australia, who spent three and h...
This timely volume brings together prominent sociologists from across the world to unravel the role played by contemporary "narrations" of the economic and refugee crisis as they have mobilized every aspect of social storytelling over the course of the last decade throughout Europe. Because the different (mass and social) media reflect the dominant ideas and representations, it becomes essential to analyze the meaning of their narratives to even begin to understand the relationship (or "inexiste...
African Refugees is a comprehensive overview of the context, causes, and consequences of refugee's lives, discussing issues, policies, and solutions for African refugees around the world. It covers overarching topics such as human rights, policy frameworks, refugee protection, and durable solutions, as well as less-studied topics such as refugee youths, refugee camps, LGBTQ refugees, urban refugees, and refugee women. It also takes on rare but emergent topics such as citizenship and the creativi...
This revised and updated 2nd edition of Freedman's hard-hitting study aims to remedy the current lack of gender-specific analyses of asylum and refugee issues. It provides a comprehensive account of the situation of women in global forced migration, and explains the ways in which women's experiences are shaped by gendered relations and structures.
The Exclusion of Immigrants from Welfare Programs
In light of the increase in cross-border mobility and the recent political climate surrounding immigration-related issues, understanding the politics and policies of immigrants’ access to welfare programs is more relevant than ever. Systematic analysis of this subject has been held back, however, by the lack of a cross-national index of immigrant exclusion from social benefits over time. The Exclusion of Immigrants from Welfare Programs fills this gap by taking advantage of a novel and original...
In June 1944, when 14-year-old Stefan Wisniewski stood by his mother's dusty Tehran grave, he knew his world was about to change again, forever. Give Us This Day: A Memoir of Family and Exile explores the story of one of the 732 Polish child survivors of wartime Soviet deportation offered unlikely refuge in New Zealand. Seventy years later, and no closer to a longed-for Polish homecoming, Stefan's New Zealand-born daughter revisits his past. What is the burden her father has carried all these ye...
Tibetans in Nepal (Forced Migration, #11) (Studies in Forced Migration, v. 11)
by Ann Frechette
Based on eighteen months of field research conducted in exile carpet factories, settlement camps, monasteries, and schools in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal, as well as in Dharamsala, India and Lhasa, Tibet, this book offers an important contribution to the debate on the impact of international assistance on migrant communities. The author explores the ways in which Tibetan exiles in Nepal negotiate their norms and values as they interact with the many international organizations that assist th...