In Counseling Addicted Families, Gerald A. Juhnke and William Bryce Hagedorn recognize that even those treatment providers who understand the importance of the familial context of addiction are often stymied by the variety of family treatment theories and their often imperfect fit for cases of addiction. In this book, Juhnke and Hagedorn provide a truly integrated model for assessment and treatment. Based upon the authors' combined twenty-three years of experience in clinical and treatment super...
A Disease of Society
The impact of AIDS cannot be adequately measured by epidemiology alone. As the editors of this volume argue, AIDS must be understood as a 'disease of society', which is challenging and changing society profoundly. Numerous books on AIDS have looked at the ways in which our social institutions, norms and values have determined how the disease has been dealt with, but this book, first published in 1991, examines the ways in which AIDS is, in turn, changing our social institutions, norms and values...
Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book
by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.
In a powerful testimony to two men's struggle with AIDS, Weiss writes of caring for his dying lover in a posthumous publication that coincides with the 20th anniversary of the emergence of AIDS. Written in the form of a short novel in which the names are changed (but presumably the events and the emotions are from life), the book charts the decline of Weiss's lover (dubbed Alexander in the memoir) from the first signs of the syndrome to his death in 1984 and the scattering of his ashes. Weiss, w...
Parental Alcohol Misuse and the Common Assessment Framework
In a remarkable and broad-ranging narrative, Yangwen Zheng's book explores the history of opium consumption in China from 1483 to the late twentieth century. The story begins in the mid-Ming dynasty, when opium was sent as a gift by vassal states and used as an aphrodisiac in court. Over time, the Chinese people from different classes and regions began to use it for recreational purposes, so beginning a complex culture of opium consumption. The book traces this transformation over a period of fi...
Introducing the sensitive subject of alcohol and describing what it is, how it makes a person feel and the consequences of its consumption, this book gives the basic facts which will enable the reader to make their own choices. Alcohol is so prevalent and part of many people's lives. Children are bombarded with images of alcohol which lead to confusion. The book intends to give the reader a new insight into the subject, but the underlying message is that alcohol can ruin lives if taken in excess...
The Secret
For many women around the world, their greatest risk of HIV infection comes from having sex with the very person with whom they are supposed to have sex: their spouse. ""The Secret"" situates marital HIV risk within a broader exploration of marital and extramarital sexuality in five diverse settings: Mexico, Nigeria, Uganda, Vietnam, and Papua New Guinea. In these settings, the authors write, extramarital sex is an officially secret but actually widespread (and widely acknowledged) social practi...
Noncommunicable Diseases: a Compendium introduces readers to NCDs – what they are, their frequency, their determinants, and how they can be prevented and controlled. Focusing on cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory disease, and their five shared main risk factors (tobacco use, harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and air pollution) as defined by the United Nations, this book provides a synopsis of one of the world’s biggest challenges of the...
Diet books contribute to a $60-billion industry as they speak to the 45 million Americans who diet every year. Yet these books don’t just tell readers what to eat: they offer complete philosophies about who Americans are and how we should live. Diet and the Disease of Civilization interrupts the predictable debate about eating right to ask a hard question: what if it’s not calories—but concepts—that should be counted? Cultural critic Adrienne Rose Bitar reveals how four popular diets retell the...
Children and young people (NHS Health Advisory Service S.)
The Lived Body takes a fresh look at the notion of human embodiment and provides an ideal textbook for undergraduates on the growing number of courses on the sociology of the body.The authors propose a new approach - an 'Embodied Sociology' - one which makes embodiment central rather than peripheral. They critically examine the dualist legacies of the past, assessing the ideas of a range of key thinkers, from Marx to Freud, Foucault to Giddens, Deleuze to Guattari and Irigary to Grosz, in terms...
Pediatricians and other health care professionals will find this text to be an invaluable resource for all health care professionals. While some progress has been made in recent years, substance abuse among children, adolescents, and expectant mothers continues to be a major problem in the United States. Pediatricians and other health care professionals will find this newly updated text to be an invaluable resource for identifying, assessing, treating, referring, and helping prevent substance ab...
A Letter to the Justices of the Peace for the County of Surrey,: on the Cases in the House of Correction at Guildford