Alive and Kicking at All Ages: Cultural Constructions of Health and Life Course Identity
Colmater les Breches (Strategies pour l'Espoir, #10)
by A. Blibolo and D. Kerouedan
Case Studies and the Dissemination of Knowledge
by Professor of History Joy Damousi
Chronic Mentally Ill
Every Life Has Value Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Awareness
by MD Eyasin Ali
Migrant Health and Resilience
by Peter H Koehn, Phyllis Bo-Yuen Ngai, Diana M. Diaków, and Juha I Uitto
In an era of escalating conflict- and climate-induced migration and cross-border interaction, transnational-competency (TC) preparation for displaced persons, members of their host communities, humanitarian responders, and health-care professionals is increasingly critical. Building on insights from those engaged with a range of humanitarian crises and global-justice contexts along with multidisciplinary-research findings, this cutting-edge volume provides practical guidelines for preparing stak...
In the summer of 1964 medical professionals, mostly white and northern, organized the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR) to provide care and support for civil rights activists organizing black voters in Mississippi. They left their lives and lucrative private practices to march beside and tend the wounds of demonstrators from Freedom Summer, the March on Selma, and the Chicago Democratic Convention of 1968. Galvanized and sometimes radicalized by their firsthand view of disenfranchised co...
Undani Wa Mtoto (Tumeitwa Kuhudumia (Called to Care), #6) (Tumeitwa Kuhudumia, #6)
by Judy Rankin, Renate Cochrane, and Khulakahle Child CCTF
Kimetayarishwa Afrika ya Kusini Jimbo la Mashariki, kitabu hiki kinafafanua misingi mipya ya kuimarisha uthabiti kwa watoto ambao wamepitia huzuni na kufiwa. Kinawasaidia watu wazima ambao wanawahudumia watoto kuweza kugundua kwa upya na kuthamini 'undani wa mtoto' wa kwao wenyewe. Kitini cha TUMEITWA KUHUDUMIA kinajumuisha matendo, vijitabu vyenye kuhusisha matendo na miongozo midogo kuhusu mambo yanayohusu VVU na UKIMWI, vilivyoandaliwa kwa matumizi ya viongozi wa kanisa, hasa kwa nchi zilizo...
Evaluation of the "Know the Score" Drugs Campaign
by Doug MacLean, Joanna Gilliatt, Jenny Brogden, and Scottish Executive,Social Research
Sasa Tuzungumze (Tumeitwa Kuhudumia (Called to Care), #3)
by Anne Bayley and James Tengatenga
Will open people's eyes to the bizarre and shocking history that begain with use in religious ceremonies, then raised high hopes as a cure for many ills in Victorian times and was regarded as an embodiment of the romantic East, leading to its horrific consequences today.
Evaluation of the Leeds Personality Disorder Clinical Network
by Marie O'Connor, Vanessa Watt, Elaine Hogard, and Roger Ellis
The Search for an Abortionist (Forbidden Bookshelf, #2)
by Nancy Howell Lee