A former nun examines how contact with the larger society has affected American religious orders, with particular focus on the relationship between organizational change and membership loss.
The Western World is becoming atheist. In the space of three generations churchgoing and religious belief have become alien to millions. We are in the midst of one of humankind’s great cultural changes. How has this happened? Becoming Atheist explores how people of the sixties’ generation have come to live their lives as if there is no God. It tells the life narratives of those from Britain, Western Europe, the United States and Canada who came from Christian, Jewish and other backgrounds to b...
This book explores the world of religion, spirituality and secularity among the Millennial generation in the U.S. and Canada, with a focus on the ways Millennials are doing (non-)religion differently in their social lives compared with their parents and grandparents. It considers the influences exercised on the (non-)religious and spiritual landscapes of young adults in North America by the digital age, precarious work, growing pluralism, extreme individualism, environmental crisis, advanced urb...
This timely and authoritative resource combines both topical and country-by-country coverage to help readers understand the coexistence of church and state in nations around the world today. At a time when faith-based groups have become more politically active in the United States, and with religious conflicts at the epicenter of many of the world's most dangerous hotspots, Religion and the State: An International Analysis of Roles and Relationships could not be more welcomed or timely. Country...
Despite the command from Christ to love your neighbour, Western Christianity has continued to be afflicted by the evil of racism and the acts of violence that accompany it. Through a systems theoretical and deconstructive account of religion and the political theology of St. Paul, this book traces how the racism and violence of modern Western Christianity is a symptom of its failure to secure its own myth of sovereignty within a complex world of plurality. Divided into three sections, the book...
New Wineskins (Studies in the Intercultural History of Christianity, v. 30)
by Joyce V. Thurman
Faith, Hope, and Sustainability (SUNY series on Religion and the Environment)
by Cybelle T Shattuck
Историческое описание Московского Новод&
by И. Ф. Токмаков
Building Noah S Ark for Migrants, Refugees, and Religious Communities (Contemporary Anthropology of Religion (Hardcover))
The European Football Championship (Football Research in an Enlarged Europe)
The UEFA European football championship was the first European mega-event to take place in post-socialist Europe. Taking this as a departure point, this volume focuses on football as a realm of constructing and negotiating identities using rich ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth media analysis.
The Early Fathers on War and Military Service (Message of the Fathers of the Church S., No 19)
Основы средневековой религиозности в XII-XIII вk
by Л.П. Карсавин
Hebraisches Und Aramaisches Handwoerterbuch UEber Das Alte Testament
by Wilhelm Gesenius
Der "Gesenius" ist zu einem Begriff geworden. Es handelt sich um die 18. Auflage des zuerst 1810/12 und 1815 von dem Hallenser Alttestamentler und Orientalisten Wilhelm Gesenius (1786-1842) herausgegebenen, seitdem immer wieder bearbeiteten Handwoerterbuchs fur die hebraische und aramaische Sprache des Alten Testaments: eines Standardwerkes fur Generationen von Studenten, Pfarrern und Lehrern. Der Unterschied der 18. gegenuber der 17. Auflage besteht hauptsachlich darin, dass das Woerterbuch auf...
Though clergy are clearly important religious leaders within American society, their significance extends far beyond the church doors. Clergy are also important figures within American public life. They are so, in part, because houses of worship stand at the center of American civic life. Gathering to worship is a religious activity, but it is also an important public activity in that, beyond its religious qualities, congregational life brings together relatively diverse individuals for sustaine...
Evangelicals in Mexico (Dieux, Hommes et Religions / Gods, Humans and Religions, #14)
by Dinorah Mendez
This empirically grounded work explores the emerging aspects of cultural politics in the world's most populous Muslim nation. It engages with complex issues of cultural translation, localization and globalization from various perspectives through analyzing a diverse range of cultural forms, including government or palace-based celebrations, ceremonies and rituals, modern student theatre, and Islamic revival sessions. With its discussion of both old and new Islamic movements, alongside the contes...
Catholic Missionaries and Their Work with the Poor (Studies in World Christianity and Interreligious Relations)
by Albino Barrera
This book explores the vital role of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in compensating for the market’s and government’s inability to provide vital services. Its key theoretical contribution is the notion that poverty is the result of a triadic failure—when markets, government, and civil society become dysfunctional at the same time. Using data on Catholic missionaries’ development work, this study presents the various ways by which FBOs mitigate market and government failures in healthcare, educ...
We live in a multicultural society. But Christians often do not know how to engage those of other faiths. As a result, many Christians hesitate to talk about Christianity with others in any kind of evangelistic way. Jay Moon and Bud Simon unpack the intercultural dynamics that Christians need to understand when encountering people from different communities and cultural backgrounds. Regarding evangelism from the perspective of four major worldviews (guilt/justice, shame/honor, fear/power, and in...