Sexing the Border: Gender, Art and New Media in Central and Eastern Europe
Karriere -Grundschulleitung-: Uber Den Einfluss Des Geschlechts Beim Beruflichen Aufstieg Ins Schulleitungsamt
by Wiebke Bobeth-Neumann
Traffic in Asian Women (Next Wave: New Directions in Women's Studies)
by Laura Hyun Yi Kang
In Traffic in Asian Women Laura Hyun Yi Kang demonstrates that the figure of "Asian women" functions as an analytic with which to understand the emergence, decline, and permutation of U.S. power/knowledge at the nexus of capitalism, state power, global governance, and knowledge production throughout the twentieth century. Kang analyzes the establishment, suppression, forgetting, and illegibility of the Japanese military "comfort system" (1932-1945) within that broader geohistorical arc. Although...
Kleine Madchen Und High Heels: Uber Die Visuelle Sexualisierung Fruhadoleszenter Madchen
by Sarah Dangendorf
Masculinities in Contemporary Argentine Popular Cinema
by Carolina Rocha
Rocha critically examines contemporary cinematic representations of Argentine masculinities produced after the 1990s when the Argentine state experienced crucial changes that affected both the social construction of gender and the financing of domestic film productions. Theoretically innovative, this study provides detailed analysis of six Argentine blockbusters. Interdisciplinary and written in an engaging style, Masculinities in Contemporary Argentine Popular Cinemais the first scholarly work...
'A restrained tour-de-force, profoundly unsettling, brilliantly executed, and deeply humane' Emily St. John Mandel, on The FollowersWhat kind of man kills his own family?When Tom was eight years old, his father took a shotgun and shot his family: his wife, his son and baby daughter, before turning the gun on himself. Only Tom survived.He left his tiny, shocked community on the island of Litta and the strained silence of his Uncle Malcolm's house while still a young boy. For twenty years he's tri...
Women's Studies Quarterly (99: 3-4) (Women's Studies Quarterly, v. 27)
The Balancing Act (Women in Academe)
* Of interest to all women in faculty ranks* Extensive academic marketingWhy are women not entering academic careers at a rate proportional to their degree attainment? And once they enter academe, why are they are not achieving tenure or gaining promotion at the same rate as men? How can deeper understanding of attitudes toward academic women combined with research on their experiences within the academic environment, in particular those balancing family and academic careers, help us to shape mo...
Parties, Gender Quotas and Candidate Selection in France (French Politics, Society and Culture)
by R. Murray
Gender quotas are a growing worldwide phenomenon, yet their variable implementation remains under-researched. Using the prominent case study of France this book approaches quotas from the perspective of the key actors responsible for them - political parties.
Marriage and Divorce (Barnes & Noble Digital Library) (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by Felix Adler
White Supremacy, Racism and the Coloniality of Anti-Trafficking
Global efforts to combat human trafficking are ubiquitous and reference particular ideas about unfreedoms, suffering, and rescue. The discourse has, however, a distinct racialized legacy that is lodged specifically in fears about "white slavery," women in prostitution and migration, and the defilement of white womanhood by the criminal and racialized Other. White Supremacy, Racism and the Coloniality of Anti-Trafficking centers the legacies of race and racism in contemporary anti-trafficking wor...
Feminismus und Rassismus - Der Mythos vom friedlichen Geschlecht
by Karin Lederer
Queer Lyrics fills a gap in queer studies: the lyric, as poetic genre, has never been directly addressed by queer theory. Vincent uses formal concerns, difficulty and closure, to discuss innovations specific to queer American poets. He traces a genealogy based on these queer techniques from Whitman, through Crane and Moore, to Ashbery and Spicer. Queer Lyrics considers the place of form in queer theory, while opening new vistas on the poetry of these seminal figures.
Political institutions and practices such as the state, parliament, citizenship and nationality, the vote, the military, and the making and implementation of laws have traditionally been treated as if they were un-gendered and guided exclusively by objective reasoning and rationality. Rationality and reason, though, have been habitually ascribed to masculinity, a fact which has often been ignored in favour of the apparent gender-inclusiveness of the realm of politics.In contrast to this view, th...
Routledge Companion to Feminism and Postfeminism (Routledge Companions)
What does Feminism mean in today's society and how does the term Postfeminism affect our understanding of the gender roles? Now in its second edition, thoroughly revised, updated and expanded with new material, The Routledge Companion to Feminism and Postfeminism combines a series of in-depth back-ground chapters with A-Z entries to provide an authoritative yet readable guide to this fascinating area. Taking an historical narrative view point the book charts the people, terms and theories that...
New Perspectives on Gender and Migration: Livelihood, Rights and Entitlements
This well-documented book highlights some of the theories of bisexual and homosexual identities and their conceptual bases in cultural history, moral philosophy, biology, and social psychology. Some of the most respected minds in the field of human sexuality challenge traditional views on homosexuality and question the moral principles implicit in many existing psychiatric and psychological theories.
Unterschiede in der Kommunikation zwischen Mannern und Frauen
by Mathias Kelm
Die empirische Analyse und die theoretische Bearbeitung von geschlechtsspezifischen Machtverhältnissen ist zurückgegangen. Allerdings sind nicht die Gegenstände der Analyse verschwunden, sondern die Benennung in Machtkategorien. Der Band will vor diesem Hintergrund die Machtlage im Geschlechterverhältnis noch einmal grundsätzlich zum Gegenstand machen.
Though they are almost completely absent from the historical record, Palestinian women were extensively involved in the unfolding national struggle in their country during the British mandate period. Led primarily by urban, educated women from the middle and upper classes of Arab society, Palestinian women struggled against British colonialism and against Jewish settlement by holding a national congress, meeting with government officials, smuggling arms, demonstrating, and participating in regio...
The way that we have perceived, described, and understood sexual desire has changed dramatically over time and across cultures. This collection brings together a group of experts from a variety of disciplines to explore the history of sexual desires and the transformation of sexual ideas, attitudes, and practices in premodern Europe. Among the topics considered are the visibility of sexual offenses and the construction of passions; the geographical range extends to Great Britain, with extended a...