This book examines the development of Welsh devolution in the context of great economic and political uncertainty. Drawing on research carried out over more than a decade, it explores whether Welsh devolution has developed the capacity to resist internal and external pressures and to continue to pursue a distinctive political and policy agenda.
The Social Metabolism (Environmental History, #3)
by Manuel Gonzalez de Molina and Victor M Toledo
Over this last decade, the concept of Social Metabolism has gained prestige as a theoretical instrument for the required analysis, to such an extent that there are now dozens of researchers, hundreds of articles and several books that have adopted and use this concept. However, there is a great deal of variety in terms of definitions and interpretations, as well as different methodologies around this concept, which prevents the consolidation of a unified field of new knowledge. The fundamental a...
Mobilisierung Von Umweltengagement (Zukunftsstudien, #32)
by Edgar Goell and Christine Henseling
In weiten Kreisen der Bevoelkerung sind vielfaltige Potenziale fur umweltpolitisches Engagement in verschiedenen Formen vorhanden (z.B. fur ehrenamtliches Engagement, Beteiligung an Umweltprojekten oder zur finanziellen Unterstutzung). Wie Umweltorganisationen in die Lage versetzt und dabei unterstutzt werden koennen, diese in der Gesellschaft feststellbaren Bereitschaften fur ihre alltagliche Arbeit zu erkennen und zu mobilisieren, wird hier anschaulich beschrieben. Die Studie basiert auf einer...
Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies
This volume confronts the idea of universal science from the perspective of area studies, offering fruitful debate between Southeast Asian Studies and variegated disciplinary vantage points. It provides a platform for dialogue and constructive friction between divergent approaches to knowledge generation, while taking into consideration the area-specific contexts of research practice and bringing to attention cross-cutting methodological issues. The contributors investigate issues such as the te...
The book provides an argument why realism is a viable metatheoretical framework for psychological science. By looking at some variations of realism such as scientific realism, critical realism, situational realism and Ferraris' new realism, a realist view of science is outlined that can feature as a metatheory for psychological science. Realism is a necessary correction for the mythical image of science responsible for and maintained by a number of dichotomies and polarities in psychology. Thus...
By Ted Wagenaar and Earl Babbie. Each chapter of the Study Guide for Babbie's The Basics of Social Research 5e will contain chapter objectives, a chapter outline, a chapter summary, key terms with page numbers, matching exercises, true-false and multiple choice questions, discussion questions, and 4-6 exercises designed to reinforce the material learned in the text with examples from everyday life. Also included are the answers to the matching and multiple choice review questions, as well as a G...
HOW'S YOUR CLASSROOM? A Guidebook on Navigating Action Research Process
by Bernardo Lunar
Befragungen Des Politischen (Edition Theorie Und Kritik)
by Oliver Flugel-Martinsen
Best Practices in Teaching Statistics and Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences
This book provides a showcase for "best practices" in teaching statistics and research methods in two- and four-year colleges and universities. A helpful resource for teaching introductory, intermediate, and advanced statistics and/or methods, the book features coverage of: ways to integrate these courses; how to promote ethical conduct; how to create writing intensive programs; novel tools and activities to get students involved; strategies for teaching online courses and computer applications;...
In a compelling exploration of an oft-hidden aspect of qualitative field research, Women Fielding Danger shows how identity performances can facilitate or block field research outcomes. The book asks questions that are crucial for all women engaged in field research. Do researchers enter their field site with a totally neutral identity? Can a researcher's own identity be at odds with how interviewees see her? Could a researcher be of the "wrong" gender, sexuality, nationality, or religion for th...
Multilevel Modeling of Social Problems
by Professor of Geology and Geophysics Robert B Smith
Quantitative Tour Social Sciences
by Professor in the Department of Statistics Andrew Gelman
Sexual Life-Style in the Twentieth Century
by E. Haavio-Mannila, O. Kontula, and A. Rotkirch
This study presents us with an insightful sociological exploration of sexual practice, within five different types of relationship and from varying perspectives of gender and age: lifelong love; serial loves; searching; devitalized relations, and parallel relations. Based on the accounts of almost two hundred adults in Finland, these real-life experiences reflect the way in which sexuality has evolved both within the lifetime of the individual, and over generations. Also examined is the impact o...
"Das Interview erscheint als einfache Methode, nicht zuletzt aufgrund seiner Nahe zum Alltagsgesprach. Fragen zu stellen liegt nahe und erscheint so leicht. Darin liegt etwas Verfuhrerisches..." (Friedrichs 1990) Taglich werden auf der Erde vielmillionenfach Informationen ausgetauscht. Die Tendenzen der letzten Jahre zeigen, dass der Begriff der "Informationsgese- schaft" sehr zu Recht besteht. Gerade aber unter den Aspekten des Einsatzes von Computern zum schnellen Verarbeiten von Informationen...
Heaven Upon Earth: Joseph Mede (1586-1638) and the Legacy of Millenarianism (International Archives of the History of Ideas)
by Jeffrey K Jue
Islam, Christianity and Tradition: A Comparative Exploration
by Professor Ian Richard Netton
Indirect Questioning in Sample Surveys
by Arijit Chaudhuri and Tasos C. Christofides
Indirect questioning is a crucial topic in surveys of human populations. When the issue is about a stigmatizing characteristic (for example about illegal drug use), standard survey methodologies are destined to fail because, as expected, people are not willing to reveal incriminating information or information violating their privacy. Indirect questioning techniques have been devised so that the privacy of participants in a sample survey is protected and at the same time good estimates of certa...