During the 1950s and 60s in the Congo city of Kinshasa, there emerged young urban male gangs known as "Bills" or "Yankees." Modeling themselves on the images of the iconic American cowboy from Hollywood film, the "Bills" sought to negotiate lives lived under oppressive economic, social, and political conditions. They developed their own style, subculture, and slang and as Ch. Didier Gondola shows, engaged in a quest for manhood through bodybuilding, marijuana, violent sexual behavior, and other...
The Lost Generation of the First World War were boys who had barely left school before they found themselves living in trenches, drowning in mud and living in constant fear of death. This unique collection of letters from a group of schoolboys who attended Bournemouth Grammar pays tribute to these boys who barely had the chance to become men. Bournemouth’s grammar school was founded in 1901. Tragically, all boys who were pupils there in its first decade grew up to be of fighting age in the blood...
Men and Masculinities in Contemporary Japan: Dislocating the Salaryman Doxa
Along the Road to Manhood (Collected Wisdom for the Journey)
by Stu Weber
Counterfeit Gentlemen (New Perspectives on the History of the South)
by John Mayfield
Counterfeit Gentlemen is a stunning reappraisal of Southern manhood and identity that uses humor and humorists to carry the reader into the very heart of antebellum culture. What does it mean to be a man in the pre-Civil War South? And how can we answer the question from the perspective of the early twenty-first century? John Mayfield does so by revealing how early nineteenth-century Southern humorists addressed the anxieties felt by men seeking to chart a new path between the old honor culture...
African American Males Matriculating through Higher Education and Society
by Clarice Ford, Yolanda Beamon, and Justin Rose
African-American Males: Matriculating Through Higher Education and Society helps readers understand the historical evolution of the relationship between Black Males, Black Females, and the Black Community. Most of all, it helps understand how these relationships have affected raising academically successful African-American Males in our society. This text discusses the value and purpose of education for African American males and managing life plans through a holistic approach. African-American...
Sentimental Men
The essays in this volume analyze a wide variety of cultural forms to demonstrate the centrality of masculine sentiment in American literary and cultural history from the early republic to the progressive era. Challenging the association of sentimentality exclusively with femininity in studies of American culture, the contributors analyze sentimentalism not just as a literary game but as a structure of feeling manifested in many areas: temperance testimonials, begging letters, historiography, ph...
Sex, Violence and Power in Sports
by Michael Alan Messner and Donald F. Sabo
The Jagged Word Field Guide to Being a Man
by Scott Keith and Paul Koch
Чего хочет ваш малыш?
by Трейси Хогг, Tracy Hogg, and Наталья Кияченко
Masculinity in Contemporary Popular Cinema: Gender as Genre (Routledge Advances in Film Studies)
by John Alberti
Changing circumstances in Western and global societies have introduced new constraints and opportunities for men and the formation of male identities. Meanwhile, the emerging diversity of 'atypical' identities ('atypical' when compared with traditional conceptions of middle-class, white, heterosexual men) poses new challenges for the production and use of spaces. Spaces of Masculinities provides a comprehensive introduction to the innovative and diverse research on spaces of masculinity. Drawing...
Finally, a man with the answers to the questions women ask about men! Following two decades of research into the brains and behaviour of men, Michael Gurian answers the questions every woman is longing to have answered and gives them the knowledge they need to have good relations with the opposite sex. Michael Gurian presents a new vision of the male psyche that will satisfy the tremendous curiosity women have about male behaviour, answering questions such as: / Why are men obsessed with elect...
Working with Violent Men (Routledge Studies in Criminal Behaviour)
by Will Hughes
Working with Violent Men gives a detailed insight into working with men who have been violent towards intimate partners. As such this monograph aims to contribute to a gap in knowledge and understanding within an important social and criminal justice topic. The book is underpinned by research based on participant observation at domestic abuse groups, allowing for direct observation of behaviours and interactions, including gestures and emotional responses, as well as semi-structured interviews...