The American Cities and Technology Reader (Cities and Technology)
Designed to be used on its own or as a companion volume to the American Cities and Technology textbook. Chronologically, this volume ranges from the earliest technological dimensions of Amerindian settlements to the 'wired city' concept of the 1960s and internet communications of the 1990s.Its focus extends beyond the US to include telecommunications in Asian cities in the late 20th century. The topics covered: * the rise of the skyscraper * the coming of the automobile age * relations between p...
L Optimisation En G ographie Pour Une G ographie Du Mieux (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Maignant-G
Navigating Environmental Attitudes
by Professor Emeritus Department of Community and Environmental Sociology Thomas A Heberlein
This text combines both systematic and regional geography to reflect the dramatic events of the 1990s. Systematic studies of Europe's complex physical, cultural and economic landscape are given, followed by regional and national summaries. The reader is presented with the broad concepts of geography as applied to Europe as a whole, and are also shown how each of the many European nations fits into its larger context.
Foodways and Folklore: A Handbook (Greenwood Folklore Handbooks)
by Jacqueline S Thursby
Radical Ecology (Revolutionary Thought and Radical Movements) (Revolutionary Thought/Radical Movements S.)
by Carolyn Merchant
Responding to the profound awareness of environmental crisis which prevails in this closing decade of the 20th century. Carolyn Merchant examines the major philosophical, ethical, scientific and economic roots of environmental problems and identifies the ways in which radical ecologists can transform science and society in order to sustain life. Laws, regulations and scientific research alone cannot reverse the spread of pollution or restore our dwindling resources. The author argues that in ord...
Shortlisted, 2020 ASAP Book Prize How do literature and other cultural forms shape how we imagine the planet, for better or worse? In this rich, original, and long awaited book, Jennifer Wenzel tackles the formal innovations, rhetorical appeals, and sociological imbrications of world literature that might help us confront unevenly distributed environmental crises, including global warming. The Disposition of Nature argues that assumptions about what nature is are at stake in conflicts over how i...
Du Quartier D grad Au Quartier R nov Regards d'Habitants (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Desponds-D
Originally published in 1993, this book traces how governments in France, Germany, Britain, Denmark and Ireland became involved in replacing industrial revolution urban slums with mass high-rise, high-density concrete estates. As the book considers each country’s housing history and traditions, and analyses the contrasting structures and systems, it finds convergence of problems in the growing tensions of their most disadvantaged communities. The book underlines the continuing drift towards deep...
International Planning: (RTPI Library)
This challenging introductory text explains how different countries worldwide go about planning and regulating land and development, outlining structures and practice of planning across the countries from Europe, North American, Asia and Australasia. International Planning concentrates on two complementary aspects of planning: an introductory overview for students and practitioners of spatial planning of the planning systems and institutional arrangements found in each country covered a critiqu...
Contemporary Approaches to Geography
by Charles Rawding, Vanessa Holden, and Ann Worsley
Benefits The Contemporary Approaches to Geography series is designed to: *take the best new geographical thinking from higher education and bring it to secondary classrooms, thereby reinvigorating content and approach *emphasise the links in geographical thinking between the three titles, presenting a holistic view *make links between geography and students' lives, thereby ensuring the subject is interesting and engaging *allow students to use a higher level of thinking to create concepts and s...
Space, Planning and Everyday Contestations in Delhi (Exploring Urban Change in South Asia)
This insightful volume examines the politics and contestations around urban space in India's national capital, Delhi. Moving beyond spectacular megaprojects and sites of consumption, this book engages with ordinary space and everyday life. Sites and communities analysed in this volume reveal the processes, relations, and logics through which the city's grand plans are executed. The contributors argue that urbanization is negotiated and muddled, particularly in the spaces occupied by informal lab...
Das vorliegende Handbuch bietet einen umfassenden systematischen UEberblick uber das Themenfeld Lokale OEkonomie in Bezug auf Konzepte, Quartierskontexte und Interventionen. In pragnanten Kurzkapiteln diskutieren Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen (Humangeographie, Soziologie, Wirtschaftswissenschaften etc.) sowie Akteure aus der Stadtentwicklungspraxis grundlegende Konzepte der lokalen OEkonomie und verwandte Ansatze, Dynamiken und Prozesse in unterschiedlichen Quartieren sowie G...
In the nineteenth century the Scottish herring fisheries achieved a position of world leadership, and fishing continued to make a significant contribution to the country's economy until the second half of the twentieth century. Now, as this important and scholarly survey is re-released, the future of the Scottish fishing industry is very uncertain. The author builds on previous study of the subject and also brings his own original and extensive research to bear in tracing the development of the...
The Design of Frontier Spaces (Design and the Built Environment)
by Prof. Carolyn Loeb and Andreas Luescher
In a globalizing world, frontiers may be in flux but they remain as significant as ever. New borders are established even as old borders are erased. Beyond lines on maps, however, borders are spatial zones in which distinctive architectural, graphic, and other design elements are deployed to signal the nature of the space and to guide, if not actually control, behaviour and social relations within it. This volume unpacks how manipulations of space and design in frontier zones, historically as w...
Future Challenges of Cities in Asia (Asian Cities, #11)
The ten essays in Future Challenges of Cities in Asia engage with some of the most critical urban questions of the near future across Asia. These comprise socio-economic and cultural transitions as a result of urbanization; environmental challenges, especially questions of climate change, natural disasters, and environmental justice; and the challenges of urban infrastructure, built form, and new emerging types of urban settlements. The essays demonstrate that it is increasingly difficult to con...
? Covers all key shiphandling topics for nautical (merchant marine) students and more experienced mariners seeking trusted guidance? Author David House is one of the best known marine authors; he has a wealth of experience, with over 30 years experience at sea and is author of 11 successful marine operations books? Covers STCW requirements; is written for professional mariners, rather then amateur sailors; offers a highly practical professional development based approach to enhancing the reader'...
La Ruralit Urbanis e Au Mexique (Omn.Univ.Europ.)
by Torresmazuera-G