Figurines Et Reliefs En Terre Cuite de la Mesopotamie Antique (Bibliotheque Archeologique Et Historique, #85)
by Marie-Therese Barrelet
Chateau Gaillard. Etudes de Castellogie Medievale 17 (Chteau Gaillard Etudes de Castellogie M'Di'vale, #17)
The societies of ancient Europe underwent a continual process of militarisation, and this would come to be a defining characteristic of the early Middle Ages. The process was neither linear nor mono-causal, but it affected society as a whole, encompassing features like the lack of demarcation between the military and civil spheres of the population, the significance attributed to weapons beyond their military function and the wide recognition of martial values. Early medieval militarisation asse...
Athar-E Iran (Athar-E Iran, #1.2)
by Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner
Til-Barsib (Bibliotheque Archeologique Et Historique, #23)
by Maurice Dunand and F Thureau-Dangin
Notes on Sites of Huron Villages in the Township of Oro (Simcoe County)
by Andrew Frederick Hunter
The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 1903-1904, Vol. 33 (Classic Reprint)
by Edward Hungerford Goddard
Travels & Discoveries in the Levant, Volume 2 (Cambridge Library Collection - Archaeology)
by Charles Thomas Newton and Dominic Ellis Colnaghi
C. T. Newton (1816-1894) was a British archaeologist whose great interest was in Greek and Roman artefacts. He studied at Christ Church, Oxford, before joining the British Museum as an assistant in the Antiquities Department. Newton left the Museum in 1852 to explore the coasts and islands of Asia Minor, returning in 1861 as Keeper of the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities. First published in 1865, these volumes contain an account of his travels and archaeological investigations around th...
Archeologia Classica 2016 Volume 67, N.S. II, 6 (Archeologia Classica, #67)
by L'Erma Di Bretschneider
Journey through the Afterlife: Ancient Egyptian Book of theDead
by John H Taylor
Pottery, Pavements, and Paradise (Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements, #122) (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae)
by Annewies Van Hoek and John Joseph Herrmann
These essays on late antiquity traverse a territory in which Christian and pagan imagery and practices compete, coexist, and intermingle. The iconography of the most significant late antique ceramic, African Red Slip Ware, is an important and relatively unexploited vehicle for documenting the diversity and interpenetration of late antique cultures. Literary texts and art in other media, particularly mosaics, provide imagery that complement and enhance the messages of the ceramics. Popular entert...
Antiquités Et Monuments du Département de l'Hérault (Classic Reprint)
by Emile Bonnet
The Holy Land has been an enduring magnet for visitors seeking to retrace the footsteps of biblical prophets, kings and saints and to glimpse the setting of events recorded in the Scriptures. This book offers a selection of over 350 early photographs, paintings, and drawings of the length and breadth of the Holy Land from the rich repository of images in the archives of the Palestine Exploration Fund. As these images were produced before modern development impacted on these landscapes they are a...
Journey to the City
The Penn Museum has a long and storied history of research and archaeological exploration in the ancient Middle East. This book highlights this rich depth of knowledge while also serving as a companion volume to the Museum's signature Middle East Galleries opening in April 2018. This edited volume includes chapters and integrated short, focused pieces from Museum curators and staff actively involved in the detailed planning of the new galleries. In addition to highlighting the most remarkable an...
Charles Ortloff provides a new perspective on archaeological studies of the urban and agricultural water supply and distribution systems of the major ancient civilizations of South America, the Middle East, and South-East Asia, by using modern computer analysis methods to extract the true hydraulic/hydrological knowledge base available to these peoples. His many new revelations about the capabilities and innovations of ancient water engineers force us to re-evaluate what was known and practised...