Die Lüge nach Erving Goffman und ihre Auswirkungen auf das zwischenmenschliche Vertrauen
by Sandra Herfellner
Nelson's victory at Trafalgar on 21 October 1805 was a pivotal event in European history. But Trafalgar was not simply an isolated battle fought and won in an afternoon - the naval campaign had in fact begun more than four years before. This extraordinary period, following Napoleon's threat to invade England in 1801, came to be known as The Great Terror, and Britain was on the alert. As the Grande Armee faced a Dad's army of English volunteers across the Channel, a secret war of espionage and su...
La Catastrophe Du Bazar de la Charite (4 Mai 1897): (Ed.1897) (Histoire)
by Jules Huret
Intermediales Spiel Im Film: Asthetische Erfahrung Zwischen Schrift, Bild Und Musik
by Annette Simonis
In 1887 in Washington, DC, 33 gentlemen met to consider "the advisability of organizing a society for the increase and diffusion of geographical knowledge". From that meeting grew "The National Geographic Society", an institution that is recognized by almost every American. In this volume, celebrating the centennial of this amazing Society, award-winning author C.D.B. Bryan covers the entire history of the Geographic, focusing on the personalities behind it - from Gardiner Greene Hubbard and Ale...
Articles on General Electric Subsidiaries, Including
by Hephaestus Books
Everything You Need to Know about Peer Mediation (The Need to know library)
by Nancy N. Rue
Explains the principles of peer mediation and offers advice on how to participate in or start such a program as a way to manage conflict and resolve problems.
Articles on Federal Emergency Management Agency Critics, Including
by Hephaestus Books