A radical approach to the philosophy of mind, in which states of mind are identified with dispositions to behave in certain ways. The approach taken by Rowland Stout is a thoroughly up-to-date version of behaviourism, although not a form of behaviourism that denies the existence of consciousness, free will, rationality, etc., nor aims to reduce these to other sorts of things. Properly understood, the idea of being disposed to behave in a certain way is seen to be exactly as rich and interesting...
!Animo! Ayuda instantanea para el estres, los disgustos y otros bajones / Cheer Up!
by Claudia Croos-Muller
El estrés es uno de los males más comunes de la sociedad moderna, pero reducirlo es tan fácil como levantar la cabeza, sonreír y tararear. Descubre la conexión entre tu cuerpo y tus emociones de forma amena y divertida, y mejora tu bienestar con doce ejercicios súper sencillos, con bases científicas explicadas para todos los públicos. Cuando estás estresado, de mal humor o alicaído, puedes mejorar fácilmente tu estado de ánimo a través de pequeños cambios en la postura corporal: - No hace fa...
Mindful Thoughts for Students is an astute collection of 25 expert insights into how practicing awareness whilst studying can transform learning into a positive experience every day. Studying can be a stressful and anxious process, with deadlines and a focus on results taking away from the pleasure of learning. However, Mindful Thoughts for Students seeks to teach us how to thrive in education despite these pressures, by teaching positive mindful habits which will bring out the best in our stud...
History of Modern Experimental Psychology: From James and Wundt to Cognitive Science
by Professor of Psychology George Mandler
Bring your home out of the mess it's in-and learn how to keep it under control.Do you experience heart palpitations at the sound of an unexpected doorbell? Do you stare in bewilderment at your messy home, wondering how in the world it go this way again? You're not alone. But there is hope for you and your home.In How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind, Dana K. White explains, clearly and without delusions, what it takes to get-and keep-your home under control.With understanding, honest...
Förderung der Stressbewältigung in der Schule. Die Selbstwirksamkeit in der Grundschule und ihr Einfluss auf die Resilienz
by Mats Tuttas