Have you ever looked at your career, your relationships, or your role in life and wondered, "Is this why I'm really here?" If so, then you are ready for your "midlife crisis"-the pivotal time when you have the opportunity to become the person your soul seeks to be. "When the illusions of our youth begin to crumble," explains James Hollis, "we reach a turning point that the poet Dante called the `dark wood.'" With Through the Dark Wood, this author and Jungian analyst reveals the steps we all m...
101 Secrets for a Great Retirement
by Mary Helen and Shuford Smith
More than 5,000 people retire every day - yet there have been no retirement books that are both informative and motivational until now. "101 Secrets for a Great Retirement" encourages and inspires retirees to simplify their lives and pursue their dreams. The authors cover all the essential topics, including health, social life, relationships, financial matters, legal issues, and more.
In preparation for retirement, we are often urged to build up our financial portfolio or perhaps downsize our home or move closer to family. Often neglected in this process, however, are the psychological ramifications that come with the transition into retirement. It is important for retirees to make a plan for their retirement financially, but also to take stock of their psychological portfolio at the same time. This means taking an honest look at how your sense of identity will change with re...
60 days Challenge Transformation Exercise & Diet Journal
by Som Smaew
Guia Pr ctica Para Un Envejecimiento Saludable (Primera Edici n, #1)
by Nuria Aubach Fuertes
Absolute Beauty: A Renowned Plastic Surgeon's Guide to Looking Young Forever
by Gerald Imber
A new generation is evolving together through the passage of eldership. In Audacious Aging, we collect their voices, full of wisdom, fierceness, compassion and gentleness. They are the graceful and eloquent transformative agents our communities and our planet are now seeking. This book brings together voices from medicine, psychology, business, government, the media, and entertainment, to articulate a brilliant new vision of the possibilities of the second half of life. Some are in their ninetie...
"The incredibly effective, anti-aging bible from world-renowned plastic surgeon Anthony Youn, MD. You don't have to spend a lot of money or undergo painful or risky procedures to turn back the clock and fight aging. This is good news for readers who want to look younger and enjoy firmer, wrinkle-free skin. World-renowned plastic surgeon and media darling Anthony Youn has spent the past 16 years researching the secrets of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, makeup artists, and dietitians, and he's...
Your Mind at Its Best
by David B. Biebel, James E. Dill, and Bobbie Dill
Everyone wants a healthy brain-one that continues to function at high levels throughout life. Your Mind at Its Best helps readers achieve that by collecting the most important information and most current research on gaining and maintaining optimal brain health. In 40 easy-to-understand chapters, readers will discover a wide variety of tips and tricks to keep their minds sharp. Synthesizing science and self-help, Your Mind at Its Best makes fascinating neurological discoveries understandable and...
Aarp: America's Largest Interest Group and Its Impact (American Interest Group Politics)
by Christine L. Day
Provides advice for women, based on the author's experiences and knowledge of Mexican women, about balancing relationships, work, family life, health, and personal development.