Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequences (Core Workshop Notes S.)
by A.J. Lomando and P. M. Harris
Physiographic Divisions of the Area Covered by the Illinoian Drift-sheet in Southern Illinois
by Paul 1891- MacClintock
Quaternary of South America and Antarctic Peninsula 1985
A Biostratigraphical Atlas of British Ostracods (British Micropalaeontological Society S.)
Ostracods are important stratigraphical and environmental indices in sedimentary rocks from the Cambrian to the present day. Their principal commercial use is in determining the relative ages of strata for hydrocarbon and mineral exploration, in civil engineering and in geological mapping. This book brings together the results of important advances made over the last 15 years in ostracod biostratigraphy in and around the British Isles. Each chapter covers a different part of the stratigraphic co...
On several occasions I have been asked wh ether topics of earth science could be explained in more or less conventional prose. Of course this can be done. I ho pe chapter I meets with the most extreme wishes in this respect. I even venture to believe that chapters II, IV, VI and VII can also be digested without special strain. Though chapter V, and parts of chapter III may require a special effort of concentration on the part of the reader, there should be nothing in this book that cannot be und...
The 7th edition of this introductory text on sedimentary petrology has been revised, and new illustrations have been added since the last edition. The main classifications and textural and structural features of sedimentary rocks are described and illustrated. New chapters on soils, phosphatic and volcaniclastic sediments have been included and each chapter contains a list of references updated for this edition. The emphasis of this book remains on the fundamentals of the subject, so that the id...
Fossil Nonmarine Ostracoda of the United States (Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, v. 16)
by F M Swain Jr
The geographic and stratigraphic distribution of fossil nonmarine Ostracoda in the United States are summarized in this book, followed by diagnoses of the subject species, references to literature and 34 plates of illustrations.This work shows the great diversity and usefulness of this interesting class of organisms which are small bivalved aquatic crustaceans that occupy both marine and nonmarine environments. Many are characteristic of estuarine and other tidal habitats, but only a few occupy...
The History and Sedimentology of Ancient Reef Systems (Topics in Geobiology, #17)
From the Preface: The chapters of this book contain contributions from an international group of specialists. They address some important themes in both modern and ancient reef systems. Some chapters contain `snapshots' of reefs of particular intervals, while others touch on relevant themes of both modern and ancient reefs - themes that weave their way through reefs of all ages. This book opens and sets the stage with an introduction to both modern and ancient reefs and reef ecosystems....
British Lower Jurassic Stratigraphy (Geological Conservation Review Series (Closed), v. 30)
by M. J. Simms, N. Chidlaw, K.N. Page, and N. Morton
Britain has some of the finest, most extensive and fossilferous exposures of marine Lower Jurassic rocks seen anywhere in the world. They include remarkably complete stratigraphical successions and a great diversity of facies, forming the basis for many detailed investigations. Knowledge accrued at many of these sites has contributed enormously to enhancing our understanding of the factors that influenced these Early Jurassic sediments, such as relative sea level, basin subsidence, climate and d...
Microbial Mats (Nato ASI Subseries G:, #35) (NATO ASI, v. 35)
Microbial mats are benthic communities of a variety of microorganisms Their investigation requires multidisciplinary studies and close cooperation between microbiologists, biogeochemists, and geologists. Reported here are recent advances in the study of structure, development and ecological relationships. The methodology described includes microsensors as well as new molecular techniques for the detection and identification of microorganisms. Increasing interest exists for applied aspects, e.g....
Basin Analysis in Petroleum Exploration
This volume summarizes, in 16 chapters, the petroleum geology of the Bekes Basin with respect to its geological setting in the Pannonian Basin. The work was accomplished by a joint effort of the Hungarian Oil and Gas Co. and US Geological Survey. In contrast with other books that discuss the geology of Hungary, this volume identifies, in detail, potential source rocks and reservoir rocks, and evaluates the maturation, generation, migration and entrapment of hydrocarbons. The main points are: its...
Permo-Triassic Events in the Eastern Tethys (World and Regional Geology)
Permian and Triassic rocks in the eastern Tethyan region form continuous marine sequences that record the waning phases of the Paleozoic and the early stages of the Mesozoic eras. This book describes and interprets these rocks, summarizing the distribution of major fossil groups in a way that will allow detailed comparison with strata of comparable age in the western Tethys and other parts of the world. The sixteen contributions by forty authors are the culmination of the five-year long Internat...
Benthic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the South Caribbean Region
by Hans M. Bolli, J. P. Beckmann, and J. B. Saunders
Benthic foraminifera from the classic southern Caribbean region are presented in this book, to provide valuable information on ranges for biostratigraphers working in the region and beyond. Around 1000 of the more important species are assembled - from the Barremian (early Cretaceous) to the middle Miocene, approximately 120 to 10 million years before the present. The deeper water benthic species are tied in to the zonal scheme used in Plankton Stratigraphy, published by Cambridge University Pre...
The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain (Geological Conservation Review Series (Closed), v. 31)
by W.J. Barclay, M.A.E. Browne, A.A. McMillan, E.A. Picket, P Stone, and P.R. Wilby
Over 70 GCR sites have been selected to represent the geological highlights of these British rocks. They are described in this volume in detailed accounts, which also provides contextual discussions of the geological history. The book presents an audit of the best current Old Red Sandstone sites in Britain and will be a valuable reference work for stratigraphers, sedimentologists and palaeontologists.
The Biomarker Guide: Volume 1, Biomarkers and Isotopes in the Environment and Human History
by K. E. Peters, C. C. Walters, and J. M. Moldowan
The second edition of The Biomarker Guide is a fully updated and expanded version of this essential reference. Now in two volumes, it provides a comprehensive account of the role that biomarker technology plays both in petroleum exploration and in understanding Earth history and processes. Biomarkers and Isotopes in the Environment and Human History details the origins of biomarkers and introduces basic chemical principles relevant to their study. It discusses analytical techniques, and applicat...
Sedimentology has neither been adequately popularized nor This book begins with a consideration of the complex end commonly taught as an interdisciplinary subject, and many product of processes and materials, the sedimentary environ workers in the areas of modem environment studies have very ment. It then proceeds to discuss the processes and materials limited knowledge of sedimentology. Practical Sedimentol themselves. The emphasis is on geological interpretations of ogy (henceforth PS) is de...
Elements of Geology (Cambridge Library Collection - Earth Science)
by Charles Lyell
Between 1830 and 1833, Charles Lyell (1797-1875) published his three-volume Principles of Geology, which has also been reissued in this series. The work's renown stems partly from the fact that the young Charles Darwin, on his voyage around the world aboard the Beagle, became influenced by Lyell's ideas relating to gradual change across large spans of time. Shaping the development of scientific enquiry in Britain and beyond, Lyell was determined to disconnect geology from religion. He originally...
Tendenzen Der Bodenentwicklung Im Küstenbezirk Mecklenburgs (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, #49)
by Gerhard Reuter