Nourished by fears of global warming and climate change, water has become an issue of international concern. In "Journey in the Future of Water" leading water expert, TerjeTvedt, travels to 25 countries and all continents to find out more about the ways in which different nations are seeking to respond. From Project Moses, where gigantic underwater gates will rise to prevent the inundation of Venice, to India's River Link Plan, connecting 37 Himalayan rivers to major rivers in the south, the aut...
Aerospace Robotics III (GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences)
This book includes extended versions of original works on aerospace robotics presented at the Conference on Aerospace Robotics (CARO) in Warsaw. It presents recent advances in aerospace robotics, such as manipulators, which are widely used in space for orbital operations, for example, the Mobile Servicing System on the International Space Station and the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System. Such manipulators are operated by astronauts and mounted on large platforms, making the influence of manipul...
Um Fliessgewasser den Nutzungsanspruchen des Menschen anzupassen, sind unzahlige Baumassnahmen erforderlich. Um die Auswirkungen wasserbaulicher Aktivitaten auf die in Fliessgewassern lebenden Tiere zu untersuchen, wurde die Ethohydraulik entwickelt. Sie beruht auf der Ethologie (Erforschung des Verhaltens von Tieren) und der Hydraulik (Lehre von den bewegten Flussigkeiten). Die Autoren stellen die Grundlagen dieser Wissenschaftsdisziplin dar und liefern Regeln sowie Grenz- und Bemessungswerte f...
This soothing book is the perfect invitation to a relaxed afternoon of cloud gazing. It starts by encouraging young readers to observe what clouds look like, from thin wisps to puffy air castles to giant faces. Then the story raises natural questions: Where do clouds get water? Why does it rain? When rain makes puddles and puddles dry up, what happens to the water? The answers give children an easy-to-grasp picture of the water cycle while instilling the kind of curiosity that can lead to a life...
The 2007-2012 World Outlook for Industrial Machinery and Equipment
by Philip M. Parker
A Geochemical Atlas of the Portuguese Mineral Waters
by J M Marques, O Neves, and H Gm Eggenkamp
This book considers an array of state-of-the-art coupling and modelling concepts. First the relevant Earth system cycles are presented, followed by a discussion on scale issues and multiple equilibria. Inter- and intra-compartmental coupling is addressed, along with a debate on non-linearities and questions of parameterisation. Several applications are presented, where a focus is on cases where the hydrological cycle plays a central role.
This book presents and discusses the construction of mathematical models that describe phenomena of flow and transport in porous media as encountered in civil and environmental engineering, petroleum and agricultural engineering, as well as chemical and geothermal engineering. The phenomena of transport of extensive quantities, like mass of fluid phases, mass of chemical species dissolved in fluid phases, momentum and energy of the solid matrix and of fluid phases occupying the void space of por...
Risk Science and Sustainability (NATO Science Series II, #112)
1 AUK ISMAIL-ZADEH ,2, TOM BEER3 1 International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Warshavskoye shosse 79-2, Moscow 113556, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Geophysikalisches Institut, Universittit Karlsruhe, Hertzstr. 16, Karlsruhe 76187, Germany; e-mail: [email protected] 3 CSIRO Environmental Risk Network, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, Aspendale, Vic. 3195 Australia; e-mail: [email protected] The world faces...
Urban Stormwater Hydrology (Water Resources Monograph)
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Water Resources Monograph Series, Volume 7. This monograph has been written over the last 2 years by eight members of the AGU Urban Hydrology Committee as a means of conveying state-of-the-art practices in the expanding field of urban hydrology and stormwater management. Although numerous references to on-going research are cited, the monograph is intended to serve primarily as a practical guide to methods and models currently in use to...
Hydrogeophysics (Water Science and Technology Library, #50)
This ground-breaking work is the first to cover the fundamentals of hydrogeophysics from both the hydrogeological and geophysical perspectives. Authored by leading experts and expert groups, the book starts out by explaining the fundamentals of hydrological characterization, with focus on hydrological data acquisition and measurement analysis as well as geostatistical approaches. The fundamentals of geophysical characterization are then at length, including the geophysical techniques that are of...
Integrating UV Disinfection Into Existing Water Treatment Plants
by Christine Cotton, Laurel Passantino, and Douglas Owen
System-Theoretical Modelling in Surface Water Hydrology (Springer Series in Physical Environment, #6)
by Alexander Lattermann
Modelling of hydrological rainfall-runoff processes is facilitated by the application of the systemtheoretical approach to linear, nonlinear and stochastic models. To this purpose, the variables involved in methods for determinating areal precipitation and baseflow separation are discussed. The convolution theorem in the theory of linear systems and the mathematical transform technique (Laplace-, Z-transformation) are used to identify characteristics of the watershed, and simulate hydrological p...
Global Warming and Human - Nature Dimension in Northern Eurasia (Global Environmental Studies)
This book describes the current environmental changes due to global warming in northern Eurasia, especially focusing on eastern Siberia. Spring flooding, ice-jam movements, and monitoring using remote sensing are included. Additionally, current reindeer herding of indigenous peoples in Siberia and related environmental changes such as waterlogging, rising temperatures, and vegetation changes are addressed. As a summary, the book also introduces readers to adaptation strategies at several governm...
Il testo fornisce le conoscenze necessarie per affrontare, con un approccio quantitativo, i molteplici aspetti connessi al flusso delle risorse idriche sotterranee (acque di falda) e alla propagazione e bonifica di contaminanti nei sistemi acquiferi. Vengono illustrate le proprieta fondamentali che definiscono la capacita di immagazzinamento, trasporto e rilascio dell'acqua negli acquiferi, e successivamente, descritte le metodiche per la determinazione di tali parametri tramite l'esecuzione e...
Advances in Water Resources & Hydraulic Engineering
by Changkuan Zhang and Hongwu Tang
"Advances in Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering - Proceedings of 16th IAHR-APD Congress and 3rd Symposium of IAHR-ISHS" discusses some serious problems of sustainable development of human society related to water resources, disaster caused by flooding or draught, environment and ecology, and introduces latest research in river engineering and fluvial processes, estuarine and coastal hydraulics, hydraulic structures and hydropower hydraulics, etc. The proceedings covers new research achiev...
Riverbank filtration is widely used in Europe and to some extent in the United States for the public water supply. It is a cost-effective and realisable treatment technology in which horizontal and vertical wells pump a mixture of ground water and induced surface water from a river. This book describes the biogeochemical issues involved in contaminant removal from surface water and the mechanisms of pathogen removal. Specifically, the following three points are considered: *The role of hydrogeo...
Sustainable Water Management in Buildings (Water Science and Technology Library, #90)
by Agnieszka Stec
This book expands the body of scientific knowledge on research and solutions for alternative water systems. It addresses a wide variety of water management issues in buildings, ranging from the technical possibilities, hydraulic and financial efficiency, and public acceptance of decentralized water systems, to their impact on sewage systems. Climate changes, population growth, and progressive urbanization are the main causes of the growing interest in alternative sources of water around the worl...
Water Sustainability (Water Sustainability)
This newly updated Water Sustainability volume of the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (ESST) takes a holistic view of full water cycle and integrates the water themes into sustainability science and technology. With the increasing pressures of population growth, water scarcity, flooding, water pollution, climate impacts and competition of water uses among municipal, agricultural, industrial sectors and ecosystem, there is a growing trend in promoting Integrated Water Manage...
Water Resources in Arid Areas: The Way Forward (Springer Water)
This book presents the most recent innovations, trends, concerns and practical challenges, and solutions in the field of water resources for arid areas. It gathers outstanding contributions presented at the International Water Conference on Water Resources in Arid Areas (IWC 2016), which was held in Muscat, Oman in March 2016. The individual papers discuss challenges and solutions to alleviate water resource scarcity in arid areas, including water resources management, the introduction of mode...