Many Ways to Move (Lightning Bolt Books: Exploring Physical Science (Library)) (Lightning Bolt Books N Exploring Physical Science)
by Jennifer Boothroyd
Rolling (First Step Nonfiction -- Balance and Motion)
by Sara E Hoffmann
Introduction To Quantum Mechanics: Schrodinger Equation And Path Integral
by Harald J W Muller-kirsten
After a consideration of basic quantum mechanics, this introduction aims at a side by side treatment of fundamental applications of the Schrödinger equation on the one hand and the applications of the path integral on the other. Different from traditional texts and using a systematic perturbation method, the solution of Schrödinger equations includes also those with anharmonic oscillator potentials, periodic potentials, screened Coulomb potentials and a typical singular potential, as well as the...
Acorn books provide carefully levelled non-fiction to introduce key curriculum concepts. This series introduces the core science topic of forces and motion. Includes notes for parents and teachers.
Topographic Effects in Stratified Flows (Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics)
by Peter G. Baines
Covering both theory and experiment, this text describes the behaviour of homogeneous and density-stratified fluids over and around topography. Its presentation is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in fluid mechanics, as well as for practising scientists, engineers, and researchers. Using laboratory experiments and illustrations to further understanding, the author explores topics ranging from the classical hydraulics of single-layer flow to more complex situations involv...
Chaotic Vibrations – An Introduction for Applied Scientists and Engineers
by Francis C. Moon
This work translates new mathematical ideas in nonlinear dynamics and chaos into a language that engineers and scientists can understand, and gives specific examples and applications of chaotic dynamics in the physical world. Also describes how to perform both computer and physical experiments in chaotic dynamics. The topics cover Poincare maps, Fractal dimensions, and Lyapunov exponents, illustrating their use in specific physical examples. It includes an extensive guide to the literature, espe...
This volume of the Handbook of Surface Science covers all aspects of the dynamics of surface processes. Two dozen world leading experts in this field address the subjects of energy exchange in gas atoms, surface collisions, the rules governing dissociative adsorption on surfaces, the formation of nanostructures on surfaces by self-assembly, and the study of surface phenomena using ultra-fast lasers. The chapters are written for both newcomers to the field as well as researchers.
Scientists are in the business of trying to understand the world. Exploring commonplace phenomena, they have uncovered some of nature's deepest laws. We can in turn apply these laws to our own lives, to better grasp and enhance our performance in daily activities as varied as cooking, home improvement, sports--even dunking a doughnut! This book makes the science of the familiar a key to opening the door for those who want to know what scientists do, why they do it, and how they go about it. Fol...
Dissipative Solitons in Reaction Diffusion Systems (Springer Series in Synergetics, #70)
by Andreas Liehr
Why writing a book about a specialized task of the large topic of complex systems? And who will read it? The answer is simple: The fascination for a didactically valuable point of view, the elegance of a closed concept and the lack of a comprehensive disquisition. The fascinating part is that field equations can have localized solutions exhibiting the typical characteristics of particles. Regarding the field equations this book focuses on, the field phenomenon of localized solutions can be desc...
Acorn books provide carefully levelled non-fiction to introduce key curriculum concepts. This series introduces the core science topic of forces and motion. Includes notes for parents and teachers.
Covered from the vantage point of a user of a commercial flow package, Essentials of Computational Fluid Dynamics provides the information needed to competently operate a commercial flow solver. This book provides a physical description of fluid flow, outlines the strengths and weaknesses of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), presents the basics of the discretization of the equations, focuses on the understanding of how the flow physics interact with a typical finite-volume discretization, and...
This textbook provides a comprehensive review of Newtonian dynamics at a level suitable for undergraduate physics students. It demonstrates that Newton’s three laws of motion, combined with a few simple force laws, not only can describe the motions of everyday objects observed on the surface of the Earth, but can also account for the motions of celestial objects seen in the sky. It helps bridge the problematic transition between elementary physics courses and upper-division physics courses. The...
An updated demonstration of the application of motion and time study to the design and measurement of work and industrial problem-solving. Illustrations and practical examples show how motion and time study can increase productivity, improve equipment utilization, conserve materials and energy, reduce human effort, and advance organizational goals. Includes discussions on computer-aided time study, human factors, and wage incentives.