Developed with the cooperation of a science consultant, this book in the Primary Physical Science series is a tool to teach the physical sciences to young children. Move It! follows science curricula and is loaded with surprising facts and hands-on activities designed to hold young readers' interest and tap into their fascination with the everyday world. Move It! explores the physics of why and how things move.
Fundamentals of Physics
For advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in atmospheric, oceanic, and climate science, Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Dynamics is an introductory textbook on the circulations of the atmosphere and ocean and their interaction, with an emphasis on global scales. It will give students a good grasp of what the atmosphere and oceans look like on the large-scale and why they look that way. The role of the oceans in climate and paleoclimate is also discussed. The combination of observa...
The Monte Carlo Methods
Electrostatics (Conference series (Institute of Physics), No 66)
Electrodynamics Tutorials with Python Simulations
by Taejoon Kouh and Minjoon Kouh
This book provides an accessible introduction to intermediate-level electrodynamics with computa- tional approaches to complement a traditional mathematical treatment of the subject. It covers key topics in electrodynamics, such as electromagnetic fields, forces, potentials, and waves as well as Special Theory of Relativity. Through intuition-building examples and visualizations in the Python programming language, it helps readers to develop technical computing skills in numerical and symbolic...
For the past forty years Beer and Johnston have been the uncontested leaders in the teaching of undergraduate engineering mechanics. Over the years their textbooks have introduced significant theoretical and pedagogical innovations in statics, dynamics, and mechanics of materials education. At the same time, their careful presentation of content, unmatched levels of accuracy, and attention to detail have made their texts the standard for excellence. The new Seventh Edition of Vector Mechanics fo...
This book provides a broad introduction to integrable systems with many degrees of freedom. Within a much larger orbit, discussed are models such as the classical Toda lattice, Calogero fluid, and Ablowitz-Ladik discretized nonlinear Schrödinger equation. On the quantum mechanical side, featured are the Lieb-Liniger delta-Bose gas and the quantum Toda lattice. As a genuinely novel twist, the study deals with random initial data described by generalized Gibbs ensembles with parameters of slow spa...
Jong and Rogers have written an in depth text covering various topics of the first courses in statics and dynamics offered in the sophmore or junior year in engineering colleges. Students are assumed to have a background in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and basic differential and integral calculus. Students with prior knowledge of college level physics will have an added advantage for learning statics and dynamics. Mechanics has long been recognized as a deductive science. However, the lear...
Wiley Plus Stand-alone to accompany Statics (Wiley Plus Products)
by Sheri D. Sheppard and Benson H. Tongue
Package: Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics with 1 Semester Connect Access Card
by Ferdinand P Beer, E Russell Johnston, David Mazurek, and Phillip J Cornwell
Engineering Mechanics: Statics Wileyplus Registration Card + Loose-Leaf Print Companion
by Sheri D. Sheppard, Thalia Anagnos, and Sarah L. Billington
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
by Braja Das, Aslam Kassimali, and Sedat Sami
The rigorous development process used to create Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics by Das, Kassimali & Sami insures that it's accessible and accurate. Each draft was scrutinized by a panel of your peers to suggest improvements and flush out any flaws. These carefully selected reviewers offered valuable suggestions on content, approach, accessibility, realism, and homework problems. The author team then incorporated their comments to insure that Mechanics for Engineers: Statics reflect...
Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics with Connect Access Card
by Ferdinand Beer, E Russell Johnston Jr, and David Mazurek
Relativistic Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)
by Martin Land and Lawrence P. Horwitz
This book presents classical relativistic mechanics and electrodynamics in the Feynman-Stueckelberg event-oriented framework formalized by Horwitz and Piron. The full apparatus of classical analytical mechanics is generalized to relativistic form by replacing Galilean covariance with manifest Lorentz covariance and introducing a coordinate-independent parameter 𝜏 to play the role of Newton's universal and monotonically advancing time. Fundamental physics is described by the 𝜏-evolution of a sys...