Near Field Optics (Nato Science Series E:, #242) (NATO ASI, v. 242)
Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM, also known as NSOM) is a new local probe technique with a resolving power of 10--50 nm. Not being limited by diffraction, near-field optics (NFO) opens new perspectives for optical characterization and the understanding of optical phenomena, in particular in biology, microelectronics and materials science. SNOM, after first demonstrations in '83/'84, has undergone a rapid development in the past two to four years. The increased interest has...
Statistische Versuchsplanung (VDI-Buch) (VDI)
by Karl Siebertz, David Van Bebber, and Thomas Hochkirchen
Die statistische Versuchsplanung (Design of Experiment, DoE) ist ein Verfahren zur Analyse von (technischen) Systemen. Dieses Verfahren ist universell einsetzbar und eignet sich sowohl zur Produkt- als auch zur Prozessoptimierung. Planung und Durchfuhrung von systematischen Versuchsreihen, zur Optimierung von Produkten oder Fertigungsprozessen mit engem Praxisbezug, sind das Hauptanliegen. Simulationsmodelle koennen durch statistische Versuchsplanung ressourcensparend eingesetzt werden, und Erge...
Transmittierender Faraday-Effekt-Stromsensor (Essentials)
by Reiner Thiele
I E E E Standard Requirements for Load Tap Changes
Sciences of Geodesy - I
This series of reference books describes sciences of different elds in and around geodesy with independent chapters. Each chapter covers an individual eld and describes the history, theory, objective, technology, development, highlights of research and applications. In addition, problems as well as future directions are discussed. The subjects of this reference book include Absolute and Relative Gravimetry, Adaptively Robust Kalman Filters with Applications in Navigation, Airborne Gravity Field...
Frontiers of Particle Beams; Observation, Diagnosis and Correction (Lecture Notes in Physics, #343)
This volume presents the latest ideas and developments in the world of beam diagnostics in particle accelerators and storage rings. It brings together papers by internationally recognized experts and by the younger scientists in the field. The lectures treat three main themes: - Phenomena used in beam observation - Single particle parameters - Collective parameters Each theme is introduced by one or more general lectures followed by detailed lectures on specific topics such as Schottky noise, cl...
In today's industrial companies, sensory evaluation is widely used in quality inspection of products, in marketing study and in many other fields such as risk evaluation, investment evaluation and safety evaluation. This book collects a number of representative methods on sensory evaluation. The book reports recent research results and provides a state of the art on intelligent techniques-based sensory evaluation in industrial applications. The focus is especially on theoretical/analytical solut...
Reiner Thiele fuhrt in die polarisationsoptischen Grundlagen der Sensortechnik ein. Er zeigt dazu, ausgehend von einer Faraday-Effekt-Applikation zur Messung hoher elektrischer Stroeme, das Verfahren zum Test optischer und elektronischer Sensorkomponenten auf. Seine Testergebnisse erlauben die Erkennung von Schwachstellen im Sensor und fuhren auf Moeglichkeiten zu deren Kompensation. Daraus resultieren effiziente Methoden zur Elimination der stoerenden Doppelbrechung in optischen Kopplern.
The Large Hadron Collider
This comprehensive volume summarizes and structures the multitude of results obtained at the LHC in its first running period and draws the grand picture of today’s physics at a hadron collider. Topics covered are Standard Model measurements, Higgs and top-quark physics, flavour physics, heavy-ion physics, and searches for supersymmetry and other extensions of the Standard Model. Emphasis is placed on overview and presentation of the lessons learned. Chapters on detectors and the LHC machine and...
In this thesis, the author develops new high-power millimeter wave techniques for measuring the hyperfine structure of positronium (Ps-HFS) directly for the first time in the world. Indirect measurement of Ps-HFS in the literature might have systematic uncertainties related to the use of a static magnetic field. Development of the millimeter wave devices supports the precise determination of Ps-HFS by directly measuring the Breit-Wigner resonant transition from o-Ps to p-Ps without the magnetic...
Probing Cosmic Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Weak Gravitational Lensing Statistics (Springer Theses)
by Masato Shirasaki
In this book the applicability and the utility of two statistical approaches for understanding dark energy and dark matter with gravitational lensing measurement are introduced.For cosmological constraints on the nature of dark energy, morphological statistics called Minkowski functionals (MFs) to extract the non-Gaussian information of gravitational lensing are studied. Measuring lensing MFs from the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Lensing survey (CFHTLenS), the author clearly shows that MFs can...
Eigenspannungsmessungen an Kreisseagebleattern Mit Elektromagnetischen Verfahren
by Helmut Huber
Kreissageblatter mussen einen bestimmten Eigenspannungszu- stand besitzen, wenn ihre Arbeitseigenschaften den Anfor- derungen des praktischen Einsatzes genugen sollen. Der Eigenspannungszustand des Sageblattes wird wahrend seiner Herstellung im Arbeitsgang "Spannen" durch das Walzen ringfoermiger Zonen erzeugt. Ziel des Arbeitsganges "Spannen" ist es in jedem Fall, in der Zahn zone des Kreissageblattes im Ruhezustand tangentiale Zugspannungen zu erzeugen, die spater die beim Schneiden infolge Er...
Die GraBenlehre ist die Basis fUr die Beschreibung naturgesetzlicher und ingenieur- wissenschaftlicher Erscheinungen. Sie liefert die Grundlage fiir die gemeinsame Sprache, deren Vorhandensein die Voraussetzung fur eine eindeutige Darlegung der Erkenntnisse und fur die gegenseitige Verstandigung ist. Die letzten hundert Jahre sind aber leider gepragt von der Vielfalt der verwendeten Einheitensysteme und Dimensionssysteme und von mancherlei MiBverstandnissen iiber deren Bedeutung. I n den letzten...
The Higgs Boson Discovery at the Large Hadron Collider (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, #264)
by Roger Wolf
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the field of Higgs boson physics. It offers the first in-depth review of the complete results in connection with the discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider and based on the full dataset for the years 2011 to 2012. The fundamental concepts and principles of Higgs physics are introduced and the important searches prior to the advent of the Large Hadron Collider are briefly summarized. Lastly, the discovery and first mensurati...
Stem Cells and Good Manufacturing Practices (Methods in Molecular Biology, #1283)
This volume collects a series of protocols describing the kinds of infrastructures, training, and standard operating procedures currently available to actualize the potential of stem cells for regenerative therapies. Stem Cells and Good Manufacturing Practices: Methods, Protocols, and Regulations pulls together key GMP techniques from laboratories around the world. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topi...
Calorimetry In High Energy Physics - Proceedings Of The International Conference
Calorimetry is rapidly gaining recognition as a primary detection technique for high energy, high luminosity machines. Calorimetry is fast developing; old techniques, like scintillator plates or liquid argon, are defined to achieve their ultimate performance. New techniques, like warm liquids or scintillating fibers, are tested in several setups. The conference is intended to review the advancement of calorimetry and plans for new R&D.
The new millennium opened a new epoch of physical paradigms in science. The old ones came to contradict the new experimental data and proved of little value. The physics of the general theory of relativity and that of Niels Bohr, as well as physical and cosmological myths based on those theories have collapsed despite the powerful support of the pillars of official science. This book presents a new mathematical-physical paradigm, being at the same time a continuation of research in space structu...