Unsteady Viscous Flows (Springer Series in Computational Physics) (Scientific Computation)
by Demetri P. Telionis
Most of the fundamental concepts of unsteady viscous flows have been known since the early part of the century. However, the past decade has seen an unprecedented number of publications in this area. In this monograph I try to connect materials of earlier contributions and synthesize them into a comprehensive entity. One of the main purposes of a monograph, in my opinion, is to fit together in a comprehensive way scattered contributions that provide fragmented information to the readers. The col...
Heat Conduction, Fifth Edition
by Sadik Kakac, Yaman Yener, and Carolina P. Naveira-Cotta
Heat Conduction, Fifth Edition, upholds its reputation as the leading text in the field for graduate students, and as a resource for practicing engineers. The text begins with fundamental concepts, introducing the governing equation of heat conduction, and progresses through solutions for one-dimensional conduction, orthogonal functions, Fourier series and transforms, and multi-dimensional problems. Integral equations, Laplace transforms, finite difference numerical methods, and variational form...
Fahrzeugakustik (Der Fahrzeugantrieb)
by Martin Pfluger, Franz Brandl, Ulrich Bernhard, and Karl Feitzelmayer
Die Fahrzeugakustik hat sich wahrend der beiden letzten Jahrzehnte nicht nur in der wissenschaftlichen und messtechnischen Vorgehensweise deutlich weiterentwickelt, sondern sie ist auch bei Entscheidungsprozessen wahrend des Fahrzeugentwicklungsprozesses zu einem wichtigen Kriterium fur das Management geworden, da es den Kaufentscheid des Kunden deutlich mit beeinflusst. Das Buch wendet sich an Einsteiger in die Fahrzeugakustik in der Ausbildung und Praxis sowie Personen, die in ihren Entscheidu...
Coabsorbent and Thermal Recovery Compression Heat Pumping Technologies (Heat and Mass Transfer)
by Mihail-Dan Staicovici
This book introduces two of the most exciting heat pumping technologies, the coabsorbent and the thermal recovery (mechanical vapor) compression, characterized by a high potential in primary energy savings and environmental protection. New cycles with potential applications of nontruncated, truncated, hybrid truncated, and multi-effect coabsorbent types are introduced in this work. Thermal-to-work recovery compression (TWRC) is the first of two particular methods explored here, including how su...
Thermal Physics Tutorials with Python Simulations (Series in Computational Physics)
by Minjoon Kouh and Taejoon Kouh
This book provides an accessible introduction to thermal physics with computational approaches that complement the traditional mathematical treatments of classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. It guides readers through visualizations and simulations in the Python programming language, helping them to develop their own technical computing skills (including numerical and symbolic calculations, optimizations, recursive operations, and visualizations). Python is a highly readable and pr...
Thermal and Statistical Physics Simulations
by H. Gould, etc., L. Spornick, and J. Tobochnik
Other CUPS Projects Astrophysics Simulations Classical Mechanics Simulations Electricity and Magnetism Simulations Modern Physics Simulations Nuclear and Particle Physics Simulations Quantum Mechanics Simulations Solid State Physics Simulations Waves and Optics Simulations Thermal and Statistical Physics Simulations is one volume in a series of nine Book/Software packages developed by the Consortium for Upper-Level Physics Software. CUPS is an international group of 27 physicists, all with exte...
Statistical Physics I discusses the fundamentals of equilibrium statistical mechanics, focussing on basic physical aspects. No previous knowledge of thermodynamics or the molecular theory of gases is assumed. Illustrative examples based on simple materials and photon systems elucidate the central ideas and methods.
Phase Diagrams and Heterogeneous Equilibria (Engineering Materials and Processes)
by Bruno Predel, Michael Hoch, and Monte J. Pool
Since J.W. Gibbs in 1878 succeeded comprehensively in establishing the basic principles for an understanding of equilibria in heterogeneous systems, numer ous books concerning constitution diagrams have been written, some of them providing a formal treatment of phase equilibria down to the small detail. The purpose of the present book is to provide an introduction to the practical ap plications of phase diagrams. In the first instance it is intended for students of chemistry, metallurgy, miner...
Thermal Properties of Green Polymers and Biocomposites (Hot Topics in Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, #4)
by Tatsuko Hatakeyama and Hyoe Hatakeyama
Environmentally compatible polymers (green polymers) are the key to sustainable developments for our rich and convenient life. In order to develop green polymers, it is essential to understand that nature constructs a variety of materials that can be used. Plant materials such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are the largest organic resources. Thermal Properties of Green Polymers and Biocomposites is unique in that it introduces thermal analysis applicable to green polymers and provides fu...
At the present moment, after the success of the renormalization group in providing a conceptual framework for studying second-order phase tran- sitions, we have a nearly satisfactory understanding of the statistical me- chanics of classical systems with a non-random Hamiltonian. The situation is completely different if we consider the theory of systems with a random Hamiltonian or of chaotic dynamical systems. The two fields are connected; in fact, in the latter the effects of deterministic chao...
Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
by K. Muralidhar and T. Sundararajan
Cogeneration - Combined Heat and Power
This text provides an introduction to all aspects of combined heat and power (CHP) thermodynamics, design, economics and utilization. Emphasis is placed on the performance of CHP plants compared to conventional plants, and the economic considerations in combined heat and power utilization. There are many CHP installations in commission and, where applicable, the text describes practical examples of CHP use.
Manynationshavebecomevictimsofterrorism. Bombshaveexplodedinand around buildings and other structures. Such events have generated cons- erable concern over the ability of countries and governments to protect - stallations and their occupants against a potential threat of terrorism. Many countries have established defence agencies and research councils who are currently examining the structural integrity of existing buildings and other vital installations. In some countries codi?ed methods have b...
This volume of proceedings of the XXII Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics provides an overview of the subjects of current interest in statistical physics. Topics discussed include analytical as well as computer studies of the equilibrium properties of fluids, electrolytes, dense polymer systems and colloidal mixtures, proton transfer dynamics, chaos in cellular automata, sandpile physics and avalanches, ballistic aggregation and the electric microfield in a plasma.
Metody issledovaniya i vidy otkrytykh sostoyaniy DNK
by Shigaev Aleksey Sergeevich, Ponomaryev Oleg Aleksandrovich, and Lakhno Viktor Dmitrievich
Relativistic Dissipative Hydrodynamic Description of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (Springer Theses)
by Akihiko Monnai
This thesis presents theoretical and numerical studies on phenomenological description of the quark–gluon plasma (QGP), a many-body system of elementary particles. The author formulates a causal theory of hydrodynamics for systems with net charges from the law of increasing entropy and a momentum expansion method. The derived equation results can be applied not only to collider physics, but also to the early universe and ultra-cold atoms. The author also develops novel off-equilibrium hydrodyn...
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 9e Instant Access to the Wileyplus Course + Epub
by Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Daisie D. Boettner, and Margaret B. Bailey
Kelvin, Thermodynamics and the Natural World (Design and Nature, #10)
This volume looks afresh at the life and works of Lord Kelvin including his standing and relationships with Charles Darwin, T. S Huxley and the X-club, thereby throwing new light on the nineteenth-century conflict between the British energy and biology specialists. It focuses on two principal issues. Firstly, there is the contribution made by Kelvin to the formulation of the Laws of Thermodynamics, both personal and in the content of the scientific communications exchanged with other workers, su...