Ultrahigh-Speed Optical Transmission Technology (Optical and Fiber Communications Reports, #3)
This book is a detailed description of all the aspects of ultrahigh speed optical transmission technology. Ultrahigh-speed optical transmission technology is a key technology for increasing communication capacity. The devices developed for ultrahigh-speed optical transmission are not limited to communication applications only. They are key devices for high-speed optical signal processing, i.e. monitoring, measurement and control, and will thus give a wide technological basis for innovative scien...
Deep Learning to See (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
by Marco Gori, Alessandro Betti, and Stefano Melacci
The remarkable progress in computer vision over the last few years is, by and large, attributed to deep learning, fueled by the availability of huge sets of labeled data, and paired with the explosive growth of the GPU paradigm. While subscribing to this view, this work criticizes the supposed scientific progress in the field, and proposes the investigation of vision within the framework of information-based laws of nature. This work poses fundamental questions about vision that remain far from...
Image Processing of Edge and Surface Defects (Springer Series in Materials Science, #123)
by Roman Louban
The human ability to recognize objects on various backgrounds is amazing. Many times, industrial image processing tried to imitate this ability by its own techniques. This book discusses the recognition of defects on free-form edges and - homogeneous surfaces. My many years of experience has shown that such a task can be solved e?ciently only under particular conditions. Inevitably, the following questions must be answered: How did the defect come about? How and why is a person able to recognize...
Collective Plasmon-Modes in Gain Media (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by V a G Rivera, O B Silva, and Y Ledemi
This book represents the first detailed description, including both theoretical aspects and experimental methods, of the interaction of rare-earth ions with surface plasmon polariton from the point of view of collective plasmon-photon interactions via resonance modes (metal nanoparticles or nanostructure arrays) with quantum emitters (rare-earth ions). These interactions are of particular interest for applications to optical telecommunications, optical displays, and laser solid state technologie...
This Vaxjo conference was devoted to the reconsideration of quantum foundations. Due to increasing research in quantum information theory, especially on quantum computing and cryptography, many questions regarding the foundations of quantum mechanics, which have long been considered to be exclusively of philosophical interest, nowadays play an important role in theoretical and experimental quantum physics.
Fundamentals of Optical Engineering
by Francis T S Yu and Ching-Cheng Sun
Optical Engineering is the study and practice of using, detecting, transmitting, and manipulating light to engineer products and systems. Optical engineering impacts modern devices and systems involved in communication, display, data storage, illumination and remote sensing. This book covers such topics as Basic optical principles, including geometrical optics, optical aberration, diffraction theory, optical interference, and crystal optics; Light source, detectors, radiometry, photometry and co...
Porous Semiconductors (Engineering Materials and Processes)
by Vladimir Kochergin and Helmut Foell
Porous Semiconductors: Optical Properties and Applications provides an examination of porous semiconductor materials. Beginning with a description of the basic electrochemistry of porous semiconductors and the different kinds of porous semiconductor materials that can be fabricated, the book moves on to describe the fabrication processes used in the production of porous semiconductor optical components. Concluding the text, a number of optical components based on porous semiconductor materials a...
Light and Dark (Young Explorers, #2) (Science Starters Level 1)
by Jim Pipe
This new text offers experienced students a comprehensive review of available techniques for the remote sensing of aerosols. These small particles influence both atmospheric visibility and the thermodynamics of the atmosphere. They are also of great importance in any consideration of climate change problems. Aerosols may also be responsible for the loss of harvests, human health problems and ecological disasters. Thus, this detailed study of aerosol properties on a global scale could not be more...
Semiconductor Materials and Devices
This volume has been divided into four parts. Part 1 deals with material for optoelectronics, part 2 covers semiconductor processing and characterization, part 3 describes IR devices and systems while part 4 describes other devices. The volume is an overview of recent advances in semiconductor-based optoelectronic devices, and systems both for civil and defence applications. Evolution of photocathodes for image intensifiers and advancement in IR detector technology leading to development of comp...
Powering Autonomous Sensors
by Maria Teresa Penella-Lopez and Manuel Gasulla-Forner
Autonomous sensors transmit data and power their electronics without using cables. They can be found in e.g. wireless sensor networks (WSNs) or remote acquisition systems. Although primary batteries provide a simple design for powering autonomous sensors, they present several limitations such as limited capacity and power density, and difficulty in predicting their condition and state of charge. An alternative is to extract energy from the ambient (energy harvesting). However, the reduced dimens...
Superlattices and Other Heterostructures (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, #110)
by Eougenious L. Ivchenko and Grigory Pikus
Superlattices and Other Heterostructures deals with optical properties of superlattices and quantum-well structures with emphasis on phenomena governed by crystal symmetries. After a brief introduction to group theory and symmetries, methods to calculate spectra of electrons, excitions and phonons in heterostructures are discussed. Further chapters cover absorption and reflection of light under interband transitions, cyclotron and electron spin-resoncance, light scattering by free and bound carr...
Femtosecond-Scale Optics
Introduction to Solid-State Theory (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, #2)
Introduction to Solid-State Theory is a textbook for graduate students of physics and materials science. It also provides the theoretical background needed by physicists doing research in pure solid-state physics and its applications to electrical engineering. The fundamentals of solid-state theory are based on a description by delocalized and localized states and - within the concept of delocalized states - by elementary excitations. The development of solid-state theory within the last ten yea...
Optical Effects of Ion Implantation (Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics, v. 13)
by P.D. Townsend, P.J. Chandler, and L Zhang
This book is the first to give a detailed description of the factors and processes which govern the optical properties of ion implanted materials, as well as an overview of the variety of devices which can be produced in this way. Beginning with an overview of the basic physics and practical methods involved in ion implantation, the topics of optical absorption and luminescence are then discussed. A chapter on waveguide analysis then provides the background for a description of particular optica...
Semiconductor Laser Fundamentals (Optical Science and Engineering, #89)
by Toshiaki Suhara
Ranging from fundamental theoretical concepts to advanced device technologies, this reference/text explores the engineering, characteristics, and performance of specific semiconductor lasers. It defines key principles in electromagnetics, optoelectronics, and laser implementation for novel applications in optical communications, storage, processing
ULIS 2009 was mainly devoted to provide a common forum for three communities of scientists, all of them studying theoretically and experimentally processes induced by the interaction of laser light at extreme intensity and matter, but finalized to three distinct objectives, namely: generation of high energy particle and radiation, thermonuclear fusion for energy production and basic knowledge of atoms and molecules.
Ultrafast Phenomena (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, v. 66)
This book presents the latest advances in ultrafast science, including ultrafast laser and measurement technology as well as studies of ultrafast phenomena. Pico- and femtosecond processes relevant in physics, chemistry, biology and engineering are presented. Ultrafast technology has had a profound impact in a wide range of applications, among them imaging, material diagnostics and transformation and high-speed optoelectronics. This book summarizes the results presented at the 12th Ultrafast Phe...
Novel Optical Technologies for Nanofabrication (Nanostructure Science and Technology)
by Qian Liu, Xuanming Duan, and Changsi Peng
Novel Optical Technologies for Nanofabrication describes recent advances made in micro/nanofabrication with super-resolution laser technologies, which are based on the latest research findings in the authors' groups. It focuses on new techniques and methods as well as applications and development trends in laser nanofabrication, including super-resolution laser direct writing, surface structures composed of laser path-guided wrinkle, three-dimensional laser nanofabrication based on two-photo...
Interaction of Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses with Matter (SpringerBriefs in Physics)
by Valeriy Astapenko
The book is devoted to the theory describing the interaction of ultra-short electromagnetic pulses (USP) with matter, including both classical and quantum cases. This theme is a hot topic in modern physics because of the great achievements in generating USP. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of UPS-matter interaction. One of the important items of this book is the derivation and applications of a new formula which describes the total photo-process probability under the action of U...
Nano-Optics of Surface Polaritons (Thin Films and Nanostructures)
by Anatoly V Zayats, Igor I Smolyaninov, and Alexei A. Maradudin
During the last decade, the progress in nano-fabrication and nano-optical characterization has allowed researchers to design and test various plasmonic devices, first to make direct comparisons to theoretical models, and then to develope new models and concepts. Nano-Optics of Surface Polaritons, presents an overview of the theory, experimental studies and modern applications of surface plasmon waves on smooth and nanostructured surfaces.