The overwhelming focus of this 2nd volume of “Physics of Lakes” is adequately expressed by its subtitle “Lakes as Oscillators”. It deals with barotropic and baroclinic waves in homogeneous and stratified lakes on the rotating Earth and comprises 12 chapters, starting with rotating shallow-water waves, demonstrating their classification into gravity and Rossby waves for homogeneous and stratified water bodies. This leads to gravity waves in bounded domains of constant depth, Kelvin, Poincaré and...
Nonlinear Internal Waves in Lakes (Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and Mathematics)
Internal wave dynamics in lakes (and oceans) is an important physical component of geophysical fluid mechanics of ‘quiescent’ water bodies of the Globe. The formation of internal waves requires seasonal stratification of the water bodies and generation by (primarily) wind forces. Because they propagate in basins of variable depth, a generated wave field often experiences transformation from large basin-wide scales to smaller scales. As long as this fission is hydrodynamically stable, nothing dra...
Assessing Requirements for Sustained Ocean Color Research and Operations
Die Ostsee als groesstes Brackwassermeer der Welt ist zunehmend gefahrdet; die Verschmutzung durch Abwasser und Abfalle nimmt standig zu, ein Durchmischen und Abfliessen aber findet kaum statt. Um dieses noch junge Meer als Lebensraum zu erhalten, ist eine umfassende Analyse und ein standiges UEberwachen der oekologischen Parameter noetig. Renommierte Forscher der grossen Ostseeinstitute beschreiben in der Meereskunde der Ostsee alle wesentlichen Aspekte, die das OEkosystem Ostsee ausmachen, wie...
Oceanography (Themes of The Times, 2000, issue 1)
The ocean evokes the most romantic images of nature. It is the eternally hostile element that has taken a heavy toll for every act of discovery, sometimes in human lives. No wonder there has always been a romantic aura about those who take to the sea, be they pirates, fishermen, sailors, the ocean itself, have or even oceanographers. Their exploits, and provided ample food for thought and poetic inspiration. Clearly, man kind owes much to the ocean for the progress of civilization. There is more...
The Blue Economy
This volume defines and analyzes the Blue Economy, a system that encompasses all the economic activities which are happening in and around the ocean within a sustainable development framework, with focus on countries in Asia. This work is timely, as Blue Economy activities account for a significant share of GDPs in the island and coastal economies in the Asia region, sustaining the livelihoods of one of the largest sections of the world's population. This book, therefore, assesses how the Blue E...
Earth's Land and Water (Social Studies) (Yellow Umbrella Early Level)
by Bonnie Beers
The Mesh Blue Book
Maps showing the distribution of animal and plant communities on the seabed - known as habitat maps, are essential for the wise marine management of human activities to deliver sustainable development. The Mapping European Seabed Habitats (MESH) project tackled the challenge to produce a comprehensive framework to ensure future mapping work could operate in a consistent, quality assured manner to create maps that are fit for purpose. This "Blue Book" summarizes the key achievements of the MESH p...
The mind behind the infamous Ig Nobel Prizes presents an addictive collection of improbable research all about us – and you Marc Abrahams collects the odd, the imaginative and the brilliantly improbable. Here he turns to research on the ins and outs of the very improbable evolutionary innovation that is the human body (brain included): • What’s the best way to get a monkey to floss regularly? • How much dandruff do Pakistani soldiers have? • If you add an extra henchman to your bank-robbing...
This book brings together, for the first time, a series of experts in various aspects of the eutrophication of shallow estuaries. It provides a comprehensive picture of our current state of knowledge of these systems. The first half of the book contains case studies from Asia, Australia, Europe, and South Africa and covers both temperate and tropical waters. The second half contains chapters on water exchange, the role of the sediments, the response of both plants and fisheries to eutrophication...
The third edition of this highly successful textbook has now been considerably expanded and updated. Ideal for undergraduate students studying oceanography , it comprises a selection of articles, all written by internationaly renowned ocean scientists. Chapters cover all aspects of the subject including ocean resources, the law of the sea, migration of specific marine creatures, global warming, the consequences of oil spills, and other environmental management issues.
Coasts, Estuaries and Lakes
This volume discusses geological, biological and sustainability aspects of coastal, estuary and lake environments. It offers a comprehensive understanding of biotic, physico-chemical, sedimentological and socio-environmental factors associated with the sustainable development of these environments in areas vulnerable to climate change and other anthropogenic activities. The book is divided into several main sections, covering the geological and biological processes and dynamics of these environm...
Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes
The Ocean-Atmosphere-Cryosphere s- tem of the Arctic is of unique importance to the World, its climate and its peoples and is changing rapidly; it is no accident that the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) was the first comprehensive regional assessment of climate-impact to be conducted. Reporting in 2005, ACIA concluded that changes in climate and in ozone and UV radiation levels were likely to affect every aspect of life in the Arctic. In effect, the ACIA process was essentially one of pr...
Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin (Regional Climate Studies)
by BACC Author Team
This book offers an up-to-date overview of the latest scientific findings in regional climate research on the Baltic Sea basin. This includes climate changes in the recent past, climate projections up until 2100 using the most sophisticated regional climate models available, and an assessment of climate change impacts on terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems. The authors demonstrate that the regional climate has already started to change, and will continue to do so.
The stratified ocean mixes episodically in small patches where energy is dissipated and density smoothed over scales of centimeters. The net effect of these countless events effects the shape of the ocean's thermocline, how heat is transported from the sea surface to the interior, and how dense bottom water is lifted into the global overturning circulation. This book explores the primary factors affecting mixing, beginning with the thermodynamics of seawater, how they vary in the ocean and how t...
Brazilian Beach Systems (Coastal Research Library, #17)
This book is about the more than 4,000 beach systems that form most of the 9000 km long Brazilian coast. It focuses on the beaches of each of the seventeen coastal states and three oceanic islands, their nature, morphodynamics and status. It is a must for anyone who wants to know more about this great coast and its beach systems. This is the first book ever written about the beach systems of Brazil, and actually the very first about the beaches of an entire country. The Brazilian coast extends f...
This and the companion volume describe and illustrate more than 2000 species, from selected protozoans to fishes, found in the coastal waters of the British Isles and north-western Europe. They cover all benthic habitats, from the intertidal zone to approximately 30 metres depth, and also include representatives of estuarine and supralittoral faunas. Each major animal group is briefly introduced, with notes on the morphology, biology, and ecology of representative species, together with suitable...