Organic, O-, P-, S-, Se-, Si-, Ge-, Sn-, Pb-, As-, Sb-Centered Radicals (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New, 9C2) (Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series / Molecules and Radicals, 9d1)
by A G Davies, J a Howard, M Lehnig, B P Roberts, H B Stegmann, and W Uber
This publication is a summary of a technical meeting on use of neutron beams for high precision nuclear data measurements and additional materials supplied by international experts, together with the individual contributions describing the current status of their respective neutron beam facilities, highlighting major achievements and future developments in this field. It describes both the research reactor and accelerator based neutron beam facilities for nuclear data measurements, classifies th...
In this new approach for a consistent transport theory in nuclear fusion processes, Leslie Woods draws on over 40 years of fusion research to directly compare theoretical findings with experimental results, while taking into account recently discovered phenomena. This is thus the first book to find theoretical explanations to the sometimes-puzzling tokamak observations. Following a look at the quest for fusion power, the author goes on to examine tokamak magnetic fields and energy losses, as wel...
Introduction to the Physics of Particle Accelerators
by Conte Mario, William W Mackay, and Mario Conte
Advances in Quantum Phenomena (NATO Science Series B: Physics, v. 347) (NATO Science Series B, #347)
Papers from the 1994 meeting represent a broad review of contemporary experimental work on quantum phenomena, emphasizing state-of-the-art experimental science. Useful as an introductory manual for young researchers, the volume addresses topics that include: experiments with single and ultracold ato
This publication presents the outcome of an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP), which served as a technical forum for sharing international experiences in the field of nuclear forensics with a focus on improved procedures and techniques, optimization of nuclear forensic analysis, preservation of evidence, and provision of support to Member States. The CRP results address both technical needs to develop the discipline of nuclear forensics as well as to promote confidence in the application o...
This book offers a tutorial on the response of materials to lasers, with an emphasis on simple, intuitive models with analytical and mathematical solutions, using techniques such as Laplace Transformation to solve most complex heat conduction equations. It examines the relationship between existing thermal parameters of simple metals and looks at the characteristics of materials and their properties in order to investigate and perform theoretical analysis from a heat conduction perspective mathe...
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science, Volume III. Springer Series in Chemical Physics 89
by Kaoru Yamanouchi, See Leang Chin, Pierre Agostini, and Gaetano Ferrante
Propagation of Gamma Quanta in Matter (Progress in Nuclear Energy S.)
by O I Leupunskiu, O I Leipunskii, B V Novozhilov, and V N Sakharov
Nuclear engineering education (IAEA Nuclear Energy, NP-T-3.3)
Maintaining nuclear competencies in the nuclear industry is a one of the most critical challenges in the near future. With the development of a number of nuclear engineering educational programmes in several States, this publication provides guidance to decision makers in Member States on a competence based approach to curricula development, presenting the established practices and associated requirements for educational programmes in this field. It is a consolidation of best practices that will...
Scientists as Writers (Routledge Library Editions: 20th Century Science) (The MIT Press)
In the endless debate about the Two Cultures no book until this attempted to provide a selection of scientific writing on specific themes to stimulate students of arts subjects into discussion and writing about the nature of science and its relationship with the rest of life. This book is based on a selection of prose passages written by scientists about science, supplemented by notes and a brief linking commentary. Originally published in 1965, the passages were chosen to illustrate or commen...
New Technologies for Supercolliders (Ettore Majorana International Science, #57)
The present volume is based on the proceedings of the 12th Workshop of the INFN ELOISATRON Project, held at the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture (EMCSC), Erice (frapani), Sicily, Italy, in the period September 15-20, 1990. The proceedings deal with the presentation of "New Technologies for Supercolliders". Three new energy frontiers (16,40 and 200 TeV) are now opened up for the future of Subnuclear Physics. Basic problems above the Fermi-energy are crowding up: but no one knows th...
Nuclear Waste Handling and Storage
The requirements for management systems for research reactors are set out in the IAEA safety standards. To ensure that an integrated management system based on the IAEA safety standards is tailored for the size of the different organisations and commensurate to the risks of an activity, the safety requirements for management systems for facilities and activities (IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-R-3) includes a requirement to grade the application of the management system and the deployment o...
International Conference on Particle Detection, Metrology and Control
It is a pleasure to write a foreword for Professor Tore Wessel-Berg's book, "Electromagnetic and Quantum Measurements: A Bitemporal Neoclassical Theory." This book appeals to me for several reasons. The most important is that, in this book, Wessel-Berg breaks from the pack. The distinguished astrophysicist Thomas Gold has written about the pressures on scientists to move in tight formation, to avoid having their legs nipped by the sheepdogs of science. This book demonstrates that Wessel-Berg is...
Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (Coleccion seguridad)
INIS: Authority List for Journal Titles (INIS Reference)
INIS: Authority List for Journal Titles (INIS Reference)
Advanced Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting Techniques
by Dr Wolfgang Becker