Metamorphically Speaking Gneiss Slaty Cleavage
by Rusty Tags Journals
Energy and Water Cycles in the Climate System (Nato ASI Subseries I:, #5) (NATO ASI, v. 5)
Water is the most effective agent in the climate system to modulate energy transfer by radiative processes, through its exchanges of latent heat and within cascades of chemical processes. It is the source of all life on earth, and once convective clouds are formed, it enables large vertical transports of momentum, heat and various atmospheric constituents up to levels above the tropical tropopause. Water triggers very complex processes at the earth's continental surfaces and within the oceans. A...
Traite de Geognosie 2 Volume Set (Cambridge Library Collection - Earth Science)
by Jean Francois Aubuisson De Voisins
Jean Francois Aubuisson de Voisins (1769-1841) was a French geologist and engineer who studied under Abraham Gottlob Werner at Freiberg together with Humboldt, von Buch and Jameson. Werner had coined the term geognosy to define a science based on the recognition of the order, position and relation of the layers forming the earth. His theory of the marine origins of the Earth's crust (Neptunism) was widely accepted at the time. Aubuisson however challenged this view, and showed that igneous rocks...
This book presents the fundamental principles of thermodynamics for geosciences, based on the author's own courses over a number of years. Many examples help to understand how mineralogical problems can be solved by applying thermodynamic principles.
Prehistoric Gold in Europe (Nato Science Series E:, #280)
Interest in the study of early European cultures is growing. These cultures have left us objects made of gold, other metals and ceramics. The advent of metal detectors, coupled with improved analytical techniques, has increased the number of findings of such objects enormously. Gold was used for economic and ceremonial purposes and thus the gold objects are an important key to our understanding of the social and political structures, as well as the technological achievements, of Bronze an...
Minerals Yearbook, 2002, V. 3, Area Reports, International, Europe and Central Eurasia
Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum Geosciences
This book presents several intelligent approaches for tackling and solving challenging practical problems facing those in the petroleum geosciences and petroleum industry. Written by experienced academics, this book offers state-of-the-art working examples and provides the reader with exposure to the latest developments in the field of intelligent methods applied to oil and gas research, exploration and production. It also analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of each method presented using benc...
Developments in Palygorskite (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, #128)
by Arieh Singer and Emilio Galan
Instrumentelle Analytik (Springer-Lehrbuch)
by Douglas A Skoog, F James Holler, and Stanley R Crouch
Das Standard-Lehrbuchs zur Instrumentellen Analytik, begrundet von Skoog und Leary, ist hiermit endlich wieder auf Deutsch verfugbar. Als stark erweiterte, komplett uberarbeitete Ausgabe unterstutzt es fortgeschrittene Studenten der Chemie an Universitaten und Hochschulen. Es berucksichtig die Anforderungen einer grossen Vielfalt an Disziplinen, die ein Grundwissen in Analytischer Chemie benoetigen, und richtet sich damit auch an Physiker, Ingenieure und Biochemiker. Das Buch fuhrt aktuell und k...
Mapping closely to how ore deposit geology is now taught, this textbook systematically describes and illustrates the major ore deposit types, linking this to their settings in the crust and the geological factors behind their formation. Written for advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a basic background in the geosciences, it provides a balance of practical information and coverage of the relevant geological sciences, including petrological, geochemical, hydrological and tectonic pr...
The World of Mineral Deposits
by Florian Neukirchen and Gunnar Ries
This vivid introduction to economic geology not only describes the most important deposit types, but also the processes involved in their formation. Magmatic, hydrothermal and sedimentary processes as well as weathering and alteration are explained in the framework of plate tectonics and the history of the Earth. The chapter about fossil fuels includes unconventional deposits and the much-debated fracking. Other topics covered are exploration, mining and economic aspects like commodity prices....
Mother Nature Is Awesome (from Volcanoes to Earthquakes) (Books for Kids)