It is a pleasure to write a foreword for Professor Tore Wessel-Berg's book, "Electromagnetic and Quantum Measurements: A Bitemporal Neoclassical Theory." This book appeals to me for several reasons. The most important is that, in this book, Wessel-Berg breaks from the pack. The distinguished astrophysicist Thomas Gold has written about the pressures on scientists to move in tight formation, to avoid having their legs nipped by the sheepdogs of science. This book demonstrates that Wessel-Berg is...
Partial Differential Equations in General Relativity (Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
by Alan D. Rendall
A graduate level text on a subject which brings together several areas of mathematics and physics: partial differential equations, differential geometry and general relativity. It explains the basics of the theory of partial differential equations in a form accessible to physicists and the basics of general relativity in a form accessible to mathematicians. In recent years the theory of partial differential equations has come to play an ever more important role in research on general relativity....
Blow-Up in Nonlinear Equations
by Maxim Olegovich Korpusov and Alexey Vital Ovchinnikov
This book is about the phenomenon ofthe emergence of blow-up effectsin nonlinear equations.In particular it deals with theirapplicationsin modern mathematical physics.The bookmay also serve as a manual for researchers who want toget an overview ofthe main methods in nonlinear analysis.
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Advanced Structured Materials, #44)
This volume presents the results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis that can be used for conceptual studies of product design, detail product development, process troubleshooting. It demonstrates the benefit of CFD modeling as a cost saving, timely, safe and easy to scale-up methodology.
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a signal-processing method to extract independent sources given only observed data that are mixtures of the unknown sources. Recently, blind source separation by ICA has received considerable attention because of its potential signal-processing applications such as speech enhancement systems, telecommunications, medical signal-processing and several data mining issues. This book presents theories and applications of ICA and includes invaluable ex...
Multi-finger Haptic Interaction (Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems)
Multi-finger Haptic Interaction presents a panorama of technologies and methods for multi-finger haptic interaction, together with an analysis of the benefits and implications of adding multiple-fingers to haptic applications. Research topics covered include:design and control of advanced haptic devices;multi-contact point simulation algorithms;interaction techniques and implications in human perception when interacting with multiple fingers.These multi-disciplinary results are integrated into...
Quantum Annealing and Related Optimization Methods (Lecture Notes in Physics, #679)
Advanced Signal Analysis and its Applications to Mathematical Physics
by Harish Parthasarathy
The mathematical tools used in signal analysis involve differential and difference equations, integral equations, matrix algebra and calculus, complex analysis and probability theory and random processes. This book applies these tools to problems in various branches of physics, such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism and quantum theory. The book will be of use to researchers in signal processing, physics and applied mathematics. Partial differential equations are introduced as an additional to...
Feynman Integral and Random Dynamics in Quantum Physics (Mathematics and Its Applications, #480)
by Zbigniew Haba
The Feynman integral is considered as an intuitive representation of quantum mechanics showing the complex quantum phenomena in a language comprehensible at a classical level. It suggests that the quantum transition amplitude arises from classical mechanics by an average over various interfering paths. The classical picture suggested by the Feynman integral may be illusory. By most physicists the path integral is usually treated as a convenient formal mathematical tool for a quick derivation of...
For most mathematicians and many mathematical physicists the name Erich Kahler is strongly tied to important geometric notions such as Kahler metrics, Kahler manifolds and Kahler groups. They all go back to a paper of 14 pages written in 1932. This, however, is just a small part of Kahler's many outstanding achievements which cover an unusually wide area: From celestial mechanics he got into complex function theory, differential equations, analytic and complex geometry with differential forms, a...
Algebras, Rings and Modules (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) (Mathematics and Its Applications, #586)
by Michiel Hazewinkel, Nadiya Gubareni, and V.V. Kirichenko
Accosiative rings and algebras are very interesting algebraic structures. In a strict sense, the theory of algebras (in particular, noncommutative algebras) originated fromasingleexample,namelythequaternions,createdbySirWilliamR.Hamilton in1843. Thiswasthe?rstexampleofanoncommutative"numbersystem". During thenextfortyyearsmathematiciansintroducedotherexamplesofnoncommutative algebras, began to bring some order into them and to single out certain types of algebras for special attention. Thus, low...
Applied Many-Body Methods in Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure
by D Mukherjee
Many Body Effects and Electrostatics in Biomolecules
by Dr Robert Bishop
J.-P. CALISTE, A. TRUYOL AND J. WESTBROOK The Series, "Data and Knowledge in a Changing World," exemplifies CODATA's primary purpose of collecting, from widely different fields, a wealth of information on efficient exploitation of data for progress in science and technology and making that information available to scientists and engineers. A separate and complementary CODATA Reference Series will present Directories of compiled and evaluated data and Glossaries of data-related terms. The present...
Enabling Technologies for Computational Science (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, #548)
Enabling Technologies for Computational Science assesses future application computing needs, identifies research directions in problem-solving environments (PSEs), addresses multi-disciplinary environments operating on the Web, proposes methodologies and software architectures for building adaptive and human-centered PSEs, and describes the role of symbolic computing in scientific and engineering PSEs. The book also includes an extensive bibliography of over 400 references. Enabling Te...
Discontinuous Galerkin Methods (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, #11)
This volume contains current progress of a new class of finite element method, the Discontinuous Galerkin Method (DGM), which has been under rapid developments recently and has found its use very quickly in such diverse applications as aeroacoustics, semi-conductor device simulation, turbomachinery, turbulent flows, materials processing, Magneto-hydro-dynamics, plasma simulations and image processing. While there has been a lot of interest in DGM from mathematicians, physicists and engineers, on...
Mathematical Modeling in Combustion Science (Topics in Current Chemistry, #299)
Supersymmetry (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics)
by Vladimir K. Dobrev
With applications in quantum field theory, general relativity and elementary particle physics, this four-volume work studies the invariance of differential operators under Lie algebras, quantum groups and superalgebras. This third volume covers supersymmetry, including detailed coverage of conformal supersymmetry in four and some higher dimensions, furthermore quantum superalgebras are also considered. Contents Lie superalgebras Conformal supersymmetry in 4D Examples of conformal supers...
Unified Field Theories (Science Networks. Historical Studies, #13)
by Vladimir P Vizgin
Despite the rapidly expanding ambit of physical research and the continual appearance of new branches of physics, the main thrust in its development was and is the attempt at a theoretical synthesis of the entire body of physical knowledge. The main triumphs in physical science were, as a rule, associ ated with the various phases of this synthesis. The most radical expression of this tendency is the program of construction of a unified physical theory. After Maxwellian electrodynamics had unifi...
World Market for Silicon-Electrical Steel Flat-Rolled Products, The: A 2007 Global Trade Perspective
by Philip M. Parker
Exotic Smoothness and Physics: Differential Topology and Spacetime Models
by Torsten Asselmeyer-maluga and Carl H Brans
The recent revolution in differential topology related to the discovery of non-standard ("exotic") smoothness structures on topologically trivial manifolds such as R4 suggests many exciting opportunities for applications of potentially deep importance for the spacetime models of theoretical physics, especially general relativity. This rich panoply of new differentiable structures lies in the previously unexplored region between topology and geometry. Just as physical geometry was thought to be t...
This book presents the science of tensors in a didactic way. The various types and ranks of tensors and the physical basis is presented. Cartesian Tensors are needed for the description of directional phenomena in many branches of physics and for the characterization the anisotropy of material properties. The first sections of the book provide an introduction to the vector and tensor algebra and analysis, with applications to physics, at undergraduate level. Second rank tensors, in particular th...