Space, Time, Matter, and Form (Oxford Aristotle Studies)
by David Bostock
Space, Time, Matter, and Form collects ten of David Bostock's essays on themes from Aristotle's Physics, four of them published here for the first time. The first five papers look at issues raised in the first two books of the Physics, centred on notions of matter and form, and the idea of substance as what persists through change. They also range over other of Aristotle's scientific works, such as his biology and psychology and the account of change in his De Generatione et Corruptione. The v...
Gelehrtenpolitik, Sozialwissenschaften Und Akademische Diskurse in Deutschland Im 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert
by Rudiger Vom Bruch
Codices, Avicenna Latinus, Volume Codices
In the years 1961-1972 Marie-Therese d'Alverny published in Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen Age 11 fascicles of a study of the codicological tradition of the Latin Avicenna. In these she identifies and describes more than 150 Latin manuscripts of the Avicennan corpus preserved in European libraries, thus laying the foundation for work later published in the Avicenna Latinus series. These fascicles are photomechanically reprinted here, together with hitherto unpublished mate...
The Temptations of Evolutionary Ethics
by Professor Paul Lawrence Farber
The Achilles of Rationalist Psychology (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, #7)
by Thomas M. Lennon and Robert Stainton
"How is it that the mind perceives the words of a verse as a verse and not just as a string of words? One answer to this question is that to do so the mind itself must already be unified as a simple thing without parts (and perhaps must therefore be immortal). Kant called this argument the Achilles, perhaps because of its apparent invincibility, and perhaps also because it has a fatal weak spot, or perhaps because it is the champion argument of rationalism. The argument and the problem it addres...
Autonomie Und Planung Der Forschung (Studien Zur Geschichte der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, #8)
by Karin Orth
Soap, Science, and Flat-Screen TVs: A History of Liquid Crystals
by Research Professor (Retired) David Dunmur and Professor of Applied Mathematical Physics Tim Sluckin
AN OBSERVER BOOK OF THE YEAR `A peerless intellectual biography. The Glass Universe shines and twinkles as brightly as the stars themselves' The Economist #1 New York Times bestselling author Dava Sobel returns with a captivating, little-known true story of women in science In the mid-nineteenth century, the Harvard College Observatory began employing women as calculators, or "human computers," to interpret the observa...
Medical Paratexts from Medieval to Modern (Palgrave Studies in Literature, Science and Medicine)
This collection establishes the term 'medical paratexts' as a useful addition to medical humanities, book history, and literary studies research. As a relatively new field of study, little critical attention has been paid to medical paratexts. We understand paratext as the apparatus of graphic communication: title pages, prefaces, illustrations, marginalia, and publishing details which act as mediators between text and reader. Discussing the development of medical paratexts across scribal, print...
The idea of elegance in science is not necessarily a familiar one, but it is an important one. The use of the term is perhaps most clear-cut in mathematics - the elegant proof - and this is where Ian Glynn begins his exploration. Scientists often share a sense of admiration and excitement on hearing of an elegant solution to a problem, an elegant theory, or an elegant experiment. The idea of elegance may seem strange in a field of endeavour that prides itself in its objectivity, but only if sc...
In their search for truth, contemporary religious believers and modern scientific investigators hold many values in common. But in their approaches, they express two fundamentally different conceptions of how to understand and represent the world. Michael E. Hobart looks for the origin of this difference in the work of Renaissance thinkers who invented a revolutionary mathematical system-relational numeracy. By creating meaning through numbers and abstract symbols rather than words, relational n...
Die Prasidenten Der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft Im Nationalsozialismus (Pallas Athene, #5)
by Ulrike Kohl