Fundamentals of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics (Astronomy and Astrophysics Library)
by Shoji Kato and Jun Fukue
This book offers an overview of the fundamental dynamical processes, which are necessary to understand astrophysical phenomena, from the viewpoint of hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation hydrodynamics. The book consists of three parts: The first discusses the fundamentals of hydrodynamics necessary to understand the dynamics of astrophysical objects such as stars, interstellar gases and accretion disks. The second part reviews the interactions between gases and magnetic fields on...
Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics III
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Fifth Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (Sociedad Espanola de Astronomfa, SEA). The meeting was held at the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha in Toledo, from September 9 to 13, 2002. The event brought together 219 participants who pre sented their latest results in many different subjects. In comparison with the previous scientific meetings of the Society, the numbers of oral talks and poster contributions (122 and 64, respectivel...
Fred Hoyle’s Universe
This volume contains papers presented at an international conference to celebrate Fred Hoyle's monumental contributions to astronomy, astrophysics and astrobiology and more generally to humanity and culture. The contributed articles highlight the important aspects of his scientific life and show how much of an example and inspiration he has been for over three generations in the 20th century.
Frontiers in Particle Physics (NATO Science Series B, #350)
The 1994 Cargese Summer Institute on Frontiers in Partide Physics was organized by the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (M. Levy), the Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (J. Iliopoulos), the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (R. Gastmans), and the Uni- versite Catholique de Louvain (J. -M. Gerard), which, since 1975, have joined their efforts and worked in common. It was the eleventh Summer Institute on High Energy Physics organized jointly at Cargese by three of these universities. Severa! new...
An up-to-date presentation of the progress and current problems in the early universe, cosmic microwave background radiation, large scale structure formation, and the interplay between them. The emphasis is on the mutual impact of fundamental physics and cosmology, both at theoretical and experimental (observational) levels within a deep, well- focused and well-defined programme. The nature of the domain itself leads to different aspects, approaches and points of view on the same topic....
Frontiers of Fundamental Physics 4
This symposium was organized at the B.M. Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad, India, and provided a platform for frontier physicists to exchange ideas and review the latest work and developments on a variety of interrelated topics. A feature of the symposium, as well as the proceedings, is the B.M. Birla Memorial Lecture by Nobel Laureate Professor Gerard 't Hooft. There were participants from the USA, several European countries, Russia and CIS countries, South Africa, Japan, India and elsewh...
Ernst Mach – Zu Leben, Werk und Wirkung (Veroeffentlichungen Des Instituts Wiener Kreis, #29)
Ernst Mach (1838–1916) zählt zu den bedeutendsten Naturwissenschaftlern und Philosophen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. In der Physik gilt er als Wegbereiter von Einsteins Relativitätstheorie und Kontrahent von Boltzmanns Atomistik. In der Biologie, Psychologie und Physiologie wird er als Pionier einer empiristischen und gestalthaften „Analyse der Empfindungen“ betrachtet. In der Wissenschaftsphilosophie schließlich war er Vorbild des Wiener Kreises mit dem Verein Ernst Mach und Wegbereiter eine...
Matter in the Universe (Space Sciences Series of ISSI, #14)
This volume, the fourteenth in the Space Sciences Series of ISS/, is dedicated to the matter in the universe, which was the topic of a workshop organized by ISSI from 19 to 22 March 2001 in Bern. The aim of the meeting was to gather ac tive researchers from various fields (cosmology, astrophysics, nuclear and particle physics as well as space science) to asses the exciting new developments in the search for abundant and yet unknown forms of matter in the universe. Due to the importance of the f...
Cosmology and Particle Physics (NATO Science Series C, #427)
In recent years there has been a steadily increasing cross-fertilization between cosmology and particle physics, on both the theoretical and experimental levels. Particle physics has provided new experimental data from the big accelerators in operation, and data from space satellites are accumulating rapidly. Cosmology is still one of the best laboratories for testing particle theory. The present work discusses such matters in the context of inflation, strings, dark matter, neutrinos an...
Birth of the Universe and Fundamental Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics, #455)
The articles collected in this volume cover topics ranging from Planck-scale physics to galaxy clustering. They deal with various new ideas from cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics that might lead to a better understanding of our physical universe. Among the topics covered are inflationary models, nucleosynthesis, dark matter, large-scale clustering, cosmic microwave background radiations and more. The book addresses researchers but it also gives a good overview of the subject for gradu...
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (Fundamental Theories of Physics, #180)
by Lawrence P. Horwitz
This book describes a relativistic quantum theory developed by the author starting from the E.C.G. Stueckelberg approach proposed in the early 40s. In this framework a universal invariant evolution parameter (corresponding to the time originally postulated by Newton) is introduced to describe dynamical evolution. This theory is able to provide solutions for some of the fundamental problems encountered in early attempts to construct a relativistic quantum theory. A relativistically covariant cons...
Dieses Lehrbuch verfolgt ein doppeltes didaktisches Ziel: die Klassische Mechanik einerseits modern und methodisch sorgfältig darzustellen und andererseits Studierenden anhand von vielfältigen Beispielen die weitreichenden Anwendungsmöglichkeiten dieses Faches zu demonstrieren. Dazu werden bei den Herleitungen die verwendeten physikalischen Argumente ausführlich erläutert. Die mathematischen Berechnungen werden schrittweise begründet und leicht nachvollziehbar dargestellt. Zahlreiche Aufgaben mi...
The Vector Mode in the Second-order Cosmological Perturbation Theory (Springer Theses)
by Shohei Saga
This thesis sheds valuable new light on the second-order cosmological perturbation theory, extensively discussing it in the context of cosmic microwave background (CMB) fluctuations. It explores the observational consequences of the second-order vector mode, and addresses magnetic field generation and the weak lensing signatures, which are key phenomena of the vector mode. The author demonstrates that the second-order vector mode, which never appears at the linear-order level, naturally arises...
Towards New Paradigms: Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2011 (AIP Conference Proceedings, #1458)
The Spanish Relativity Meeting/Encuentros Relativistas Espanoles (ERE) is an international conference devoted to Relativity and Gravitation which is organized every year by one of theSpanish groups working in this area. The EREs started in 1977 with the main objective of promoting scientific discussion and exchange of knowledge in the field. The conference sessions cover all the different fields connected to Relativity Theory, such as Cosmology, Relativistic Astrophysics, Black Holes, Experiment...
Toward the Theory of Everything (AIP Conference Proceedings, v.452)
by Gregory D. Mahlon
The proceedings of the 20th annual Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto conference on high energy theory provide an overview of recent advances in elementary particle theory, including gravitation, collider physics, heavy quark systems, physics beyond the Standard Model, 2-d field theories, technicolor, supersymmetry, and string theory. The common thread linking these ideas is the quest for a fundamental, unified theory, sometimes called "the theory of everything." MRST is unique in providing an...
The proceedings from the 12th Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation offer an up-to-date series of lectures covering issues at the forefront of cosmology, gravitation, and astrophysics. Of particular note are the interesting results presented by Belinski regarding the absence of black hole evaporation. In addition, Riffini offers an insightful article you'll want to read that explores the origin of gamma-0 ray bursts.
The Spanish Relativity Meeting is an annual meeting providing a forum where all subjects in relativity and gravitation can be discussed. During the Spanish Relativity Meeting 2008 topics in general relativity, mathematical relativity, cosmology, astrophysics, numerical relativity, black holes, theories of gravity and string theory were treated.
This proceedings would be of interest to researchers and students interested in a combination of introductory lectures with state of the art research in gravitational physics including cosmology, dualities and non-commutative geometry. The VIII Workshop of the Gravitation and Mathematical Physics Division of the Mexican Physical Society has been devoted to present state of the art research on gravitational physics ranging from Cosmology to Non-commutative gravity and Loop Quantum Gravity to a wi...
Theoretical Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 646)
MRST 2002 is the 24th in an ongoing series of annual meetings that brings together an international group of researchers clustered around the Universities of Montreal/McGill, Rochester, Syracuse, and Toronto working on various aspects of theoretical high energy physics. This year features discussions on a wider than usual scope of interrelated topics, with invited talks ranging from the latest developments in cosmic microwave background radiation research and the solar neutrino puzzle to the Bek...
This thesis explores the possibility of searching for new effects of dark matter that are linear in g, an approach that offers enormous advantages over conventional schemes, since the interaction constant g is very small, g1. Further, the thesis employs an investigation of linear effects to derive new limits on certain interactions of dark matter with ordinary matter that improve on previous limits by up to 15 orders of magnitude. The first-ever limits on several other interactions are also deri...
Prespacetime Journal Volume 5 Issue 11 (Prespacetime Journal, #5)
by Quantum Dream Inc
Spacetime, Geometry and Gravitation (Progress in Mathematical Physics, #56)
by Pankaj Sharan
This is an introductory book on the general theory of relativity based partly on lectures given to students of M.Sc. Physics at my university. The book is divided into three parts. The ?rst part is a preliminary course on general relativity with minimum preparation. The second part builds the ma- ematical background and the third part deals with topics where mathematics developed in the second part is needed. The ?rst chapter gives a general background and introduction. This is f- lowed by an in...