Erneuerbare Energien
Umfassender berblick ber die Charakteristik des regenerativen Energieangebots. Zus tzlich werden Kennzahlen f r eine konomische und kologische Bewertung zug nglich gemacht und die Potenziale der regenerativen Energien und deren derzeitige Nutzung in Deutschland umfassend diskutiert.
Energy Explained (Energy Explained)
by Vikram Janardhan and Bob Fesmire
Energy is truly the world's most vital commodity. It makes modern societies possible, and the decisions made regarding it have far-reaching repercussions. Every day stories about the price of oil, the resurgence of nuclear power, or the latest clean energy alternative can be found in mainstream news outlets across the country. Yet despite its high profile, energy remains largely misunderstood. People are confused, intimidated and generally discouraged from learning about energy, partly because t...
Modeling and Optimization of Solar Thermal Systems
by Jagadish and Agnimitra Biswas
In recent years, scientists and researchers have been continually searching for efficient and effective ways to harness solar energy for heat and power production. The development of solar technologies and thermal systems are a prevalent area of study, as they represent a vital step in fully optimizing the potential of solar energy. Unfortunately, research is still lacking on the development and application of these solar thermal systems. Modeling and Optimization of Solar Thermal Systems: Eme...
European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects
Introduction IX Community Energy Research and Development Strategy Programme Characteristics ImpLementation and Supervision Structure Status of Implementation Diffusion of Knowledge and Results Information for Future Proponents Breakdown of Support by Sector Breakdown of Projects by Sector Geophysics and Prospecting DrilLing 57 Production Systems 79 Secondary and Enhanced Recovery 183 Environmental Influence on Offshore 245 Auxiliary Ships and Submersibles 253 Pipelines 271 Transport 289 Natural...
New Energy Crisis, The: Climate, Economics and Geopolitics
by J Chevalier
Atomically dispersed metallic materials (ADMMs) are the most advanced materials used in energy conversion and storage devices to improve their performance for portable electronics, electric vehicles, and stationary power stations. Atomically Dispersed Metallic Materials for Electrochemical Energy Technologies aims to facilitate research and development of ADMMs for applications in electrochemical energy devices. It provides a comprehensive description of the science and technology of ADMMs, incl...
The World of Mineral Deposits
by Florian Neukirchen and Gunnar Ries
This vivid introduction to economic geology not only describes the most important deposit types, but also the processes involved in their formation. Magmatic, hydrothermal and sedimentary processes as well as weathering and alteration are explained in the framework of plate tectonics and the history of the Earth. The chapter about fossil fuels includes unconventional deposits and the much-debated fracking. Other topics covered are exploration, mining and economic aspects like commodity prices....
The petroleum industry is arguably the most influential and important industry in the world. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the economics of oil and natural gas extraction and production along with a detailed discussion of pricing, taxing, and markets of these most valuable commodities. The optimization of the time profile of revenues from individual fields is discussed along with the development of oil pricing, tax systems, and oil and natural gas regulation. This book will...
Advanced Energy Systems (Energy Technology)
by Nikolai V. Khartchenko and Vadym M. Kharchenko
This second edition to a popular first provides a comprehensive, fully updated treatment of advanced conventional power generation and cogeneration plants, as well as alternative energy technologies. Organized into two parts: Conventional Power Generation Technology and Renewable and Emerging Clean Energy Systems, the book covers the fundamentals, analysis, design, and practical aspects of advanced energy systems, thus supplying a strong theoretical background for highly efficient energy convers...
Progress in Sustainable Energy Technologies Vol II
This multi-disciplinary volume presents information on the state-of-the-art in the sustainable development technologies and tactics. Its unique amalgamation of the latest technical information, research findings and examples of successfully applied new developments in the area of sustainable development will be of keen interest to engineers, students, practitioners, scientists and researchers concerned with sustainability. Problem statements, projections, new concepts, models, experiments, measu...
The importance of oil in the world economy cannot be overstated, and methods for recovering oil will be the subject of much scientific and engineering research for many years to come. Even after the application of primary depletion and secondary recovery processes (usually waterflooding), much oil usually remains in a reservoir, and indeed in some heterogeneous reservoir systems as much as 70% of the original oil may remain. Thus, there is an enormous incentive for the development of improved or...
Our world is nested, both physically and socially, and at each level we find innovations that are necessary for the next. Consider: atoms combine to form molecules, molecules combine to form single-celled organisms; when people come together, they build societies. Physics has gone far in mapping the basic mechanics of the simplest things and the dynamics of the overall nesting, as have biology and the social sciences for their fields. But what can we say about this beautifully complex whole? How...
"Designed to provide recommendations for achieving 50% energy savings over the minimum code requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 for large hospitals; allows contractors, consulting engineers, architects, and designers to easily achieve advanced levels of energy savings without having to resort to detailed calculations or analyses"--
British Electricity Experiment, The: Privatization: The Record, the Issues, the Lessons
by John Surrey
Monitoring for a Sustainable Tourism Transition: The Challenge of Developing and Using Indicators
by Professor G Miller and L Twining-Ward
Knapp und klar arbeitet der Autor die Grundlagen zum Verstandnis der Kernenergie heraus und ermoeglicht Lesern damit einen leichten Einstieg ins Thema. Dabei vermittelt er nicht nur die technisch-wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen in allgemein verstandlicher und umfassender Weise, sondern befasst sich auch mit den gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen der Sicherheit, der Entsorgung und der nuklearen Abrustung. Der Band bietet die Moeglichkeit, die aktuellen Entwicklungen nach der Reaktorkatastrophe in Fuku...
Heat Conduction, Fifth Edition
by Sadik Kakac, Yaman Yener, and Carolina P. Naveira-Cotta
Heat Conduction, Fifth Edition, upholds its reputation as the leading text in the field for graduate students, and as a resource for practicing engineers. The text begins with fundamental concepts, introducing the governing equation of heat conduction, and progresses through solutions for one-dimensional conduction, orthogonal functions, Fourier series and transforms, and multi-dimensional problems. Integral equations, Laplace transforms, finite difference numerical methods, and variational form...
Computational Intelligence in Electric Power Transmission (IEEE Press Series on Power Engineering)
by Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy
1.2 billion people on Earth still don't have electricity. Even where cell phones are now common, like sub-Saharan Africa and parts of India, villagers still walk miles to charge them. But new large-scale, sustainable solutions will not only usher in a new era of light, but be an important first step in lifting people from poverty and putting them on a road of sustainable economic development. Also, a unique, transforming opportunity for Western thinkers and practitioners will be created. These a...
Semiconductors and Modern Electronics is a brief introduction to the physics behind semiconductor technologies. Chuck Winrich, a physics professor at Babson College, explores the topic of semiconductors from a qualitative approach to understanding the theories and models used to explain semiconductor devices. Applications of semiconductors are explored and understood through the models developed in the book. The qualitative approach in this book is intended to bring the advanced ideas behind se...