Electromagnetic Theory and Applications aims to serve as a textbook for Physics and Engineering Students. The book covers vector algebra, electrostatics, electric field in dielectrics, boundary value problems, magnetostatics, maxwell equations and wave propagation, waves at an interface, transmission lines and wave guides, retarded potentials and radiating systems.
Giant Magneto-Resistance Devices (Springer Series in Surface Sciences, #40)
by E. Hirota, H. Sakakima, and K. Inomata
This is one of the first application-orientated books on the subject. The main topics are magnetic sensors with high resolutions and magnetic read heads with high sensitivities, required for hard-disk drives with recording densities of several gigabytes. Another important subject is novel magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) with non-volatile non-destructive and radiation-hard characteristics.
In this book the author carefully analyses the role of the concept of causality in Quantum Electrodynamics. This approach makes it possible for the first time to publish a textbook on QED which not only includes full proofs and detailed calculations but is also mathematically rigorous. The book begins with Dirac's theory in part one, followed in part two by the quantum theory of free fields including a new approach to the concept of exterior fields. The third part is devoted to the study of the...
"Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors" is a well-established, specialist conference, held every two years, covering a range of topics of current interest to R&D in semiconductor physics/materials, optoelectronics, nanotechnology, quantum information processing. Papers accepted for publication are selected and peer-reviewed by members of the Program Committee during the conference to ensure both rapid and high-quality processing.
Electricity (Introduction to Physics)
by Britannica Educational Publishing
Electrical And Geometrical Properties Of Organic Monolayers
by Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Tetsuya Yamamoto, and Zhong-can Ou-yang
This book addresses the physical mechanisms involved in the characteristic electrical properties and the geometrical structures that are observed from dipolar monolayers composed of organic molecules by using dielectric physics, electrostatics, the physics of liquid crystal, and soft matter physics. The orientational order parameters, introduced to quantify the orientational structures of monolayers, guide us towards this goal. Dielectric polarizations are spontaneously generated from monolayers...
Electric Railway Transportation (1917)
by Henry W Blake and Walter Jackson
Power Quality Enhancement in Smart Distribution Systems
by Farhoodnea Masoud, Mohamed Azah, and Shareef Hussain
Electrodynamics: An Introduction Including Quantum Effects
by Harald J W Muller-kirsten
An extensive text on electrodynamics with detailed explanations and calculations. One hundred worked examples have been incorporated, making the book suitable also for self-instruction. Apart from all traditional topics of Maxwell theory, the book includes the special theory of relativity and the Lagrangian formalism and applications; the text also contains introductions to quantum effects related to electrodynamics, such as the Aharonov-Bohm and the Casimir effects. Numerous modern applications...
Our aim in this book is to present a bird's-eye view of microwave tubes (MWTs) which continue to be important despite competitive incursions from solid-state devices (SSDs). We have presented a broad and introductory survey which we hope the readers would be encouraged to read rather than going through lengthier books, and subsequently explore the field of MWTs further in selected areas of relevance to their respective interests. We hope that the present book would motivate newcomers to pursue r...
Spezifikationen Für Netztrafos
by Rafael Villela Varela, Francisco Banuelos Ruedas, and Francisco Eneldo Lopez Monteagudo
Especificações Do Transformador de Potência
by Rafael Villela Varela, Francisco Banuelos Ruedas, and Francisco Eneldo Lopez Monteagudo
This exciting new book was designed for a one semester first course in electromagnetics for engineers and physicists. It represents a significant departure from the traditional format of electromagnetics textbooks. In recognition of the importance of dynamics, it deemphasizes electrostatics and magnetostatics, and avoids the need to teach partial differential equations and special functions. Instead, it stresses time variation and wave propagation phenomena. Mathematics used is at the level of...
Basic Mathematics for Electricity and Electronics
by Bertrand B. Singer and Harry Forster Jr
This work develops concepts in short "jobs" which concentrate on either a mathematical or an electrical competency. The theory is developed in simple stages and then applied to the solution of real problems. "Check-ups" provide motivation and a mathematical diagnostic; "brush-ups" review the concepts necessary for continuing electrical development and application; and self-tests serve to check students' final understanding. This edition first introduces some of the new AC concepts as DC concepts...
Chiral 3D Potassium Tris(oxalato)Ferrate(iii) Crystals
by Saritha a, Raju B, and Althaf Hussain Khaja
Rezonansy Fano V Spektrakh Pogloshcheniya Kristallov Sapfira
by Dikova Evgeniya
Multiobjective Shape Design in Electricity and Magnetism (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, #47)
by Paolo Di Barba
Multiobjective Shape Design in Electricity and Magnetism is entirely focused on electric and magnetic field synthesis, with special emphasis on the optimal shape design of devices when conflicting objectives are to be fulfilled. Direct problems are solved by means of finite-element analysis, while evolutionary computing is used to solve multiobjective inverse problems. This approach, which is original, is coherently developed throughout the whole manuscript. The use of game theory, dynamic optim...