Contact and Context
This collection brings together some leading figures in Gestalt coaching to take stock of the field and consider how it might move forward. It covers the principles of Gestalt coaching and encourages practitioners to rethink the application of Gestalt in new ways and new settings – e.g. leadership, management and team development. Individual chapters also explore radical and personal perspectives on Gestalt coaching, from considering the place of embodiment to ‘being’ in coaching practice and lo...
Exploring the Unknown - Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civilian Space Program Volume II
by Dwayne A. Day, Roger D. Launius, and John M. Logsdon
Toward an Understanding of the Progenitors of Gamma-Ray Bursts
by Joshua Bloom
This fascinating book reviews the progress made in Mercury studies since the flybys by Mariner 10 in 1974-75. Thus far, it is the only book on Mercury which balances a wide range of Earth-based observations, made under difficult conditions, with the only available space-based data. The text is based on continued research using the Mariner 10 archive, on observations from Earth, and on increasingly realistic models of this mysterious planet's interior evolution.
Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change (Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, #11)
Land Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change: The Science of ASTER and MODIS is an edited compendium of contributions dealing with ASTER and MODIS satellite sensors aboard NASA's Terra and Aqua platforms launched as part of the Earth Observing System fleet in 1999 and 2002 respectively. This volume is divided into six sections. The first three sections provide insights into the history, philosophy, and evolution of the EOS, ASTER and MODIS instrument designs and calibration mechanisms,...
The goal of this unique book is to provide the tools for readers to become active participants in carrying out their own investigations about curved spacetime near Earth and black holes. To that end, the book uses calculus and algebra, rather than tensors, to make general relativity accessible. Five chapters introduce basic theory and seven projects guide readers in the analysis of major applications. To facilitate study and review, each section begins with a summary of the key idea. Marginal no...
Modern astronomical research faces a vast range of statistical issues which have spawned a revival in methodological activity among astronomers. The Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II conference brought astronomers and statisticians together to discuss methodological issues of common interest. Time series analysis, image analysis, Bayesian methods, Poisson processes, nonlinear regression, maximum likelihood, multivariate classification, and wavelet and multiscale analyses were all imp...
A Design for a Reusable Water-Based Spacecraft Known as the Spacecoach (SpringerBriefs in Space Development)
by Brian McConnell and Alexander Tolley
Based on components already in existence, this manual details a reference design for an interplanetary spacecraft that is simple, durable, fully reusable and comprised mostly of water. Using such an accessible material leads to a spacecraft architecture that is radically simpler, safer and cheaper than conventional capsule based designs. If developed, the potential affordability of the design will substantially open all of the inner solar system to human exploration. A spacecraft that is compr...
Robot Memetics (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
by Walt Truszkowski, Christopher Rouff, Mohammad Akhavannik, and Edward Tunstel
This book provides a novel perspective on the concept of memetics as applied to the development and evolution of intelligent robots and robotic communities/cultures. It provides a framework for the emergence of a hybrid community of people and intelligent robots collaborating to realize mutual benefits and scientific objectives. It aims to show that as the hybrid community emerges, so does its culture. Once this foundational work is done, the book illustrates the robot memetic ideas in the conte...
Superdense QCD Matter and Compact Stars (NATO Science Series II, #197)
2 Homogeneous superconducting state 210 3 Superconducting phases with broken space symmetries 213 4 Flavor asymmetric quark condensates 219 5 Concluding remarks 221 Acknowledgments 222 References 223 Neutral Dense Quark Matter 225 Mei Huang and Igor Shovkovy 1 Introduction 225 2 Local charge neutrality: homogeneous phase 226 3 Global charge neutrality: mixed phase 234 4 Conclusion 238 References 238 Possibility of color magnetic superconductivity 241 Toshitaka Tatsumi, Tomoyuki Maruyama, and Eij...
The World Market for Potato Flakes, Granules, and Pellets
by Philip M. Parker
Evolution is nature's most fascinating process, the possibility given sufficient time to combine simple inorganic compounds to more and more complex biochemical compounds, which make up more and more complex organisms. It is therefore crucial in our effort to understand the evolution to see it from as many different angles as possible. This books draw an image of evolution from the thermodynamic viewpoint, which gives new and surprising insights into the processes and mechanisms that have driven...
H. W. Brandes: Vorlesungen UEber Die Astronomie, Zur Belehrung Derjenigen, Denen Es an Mathematischen Vorkenntnissen Fehlt. Teil 1
by H W Brandes
Results of the Iastp Program (Advances in Space Research S., Vol 20/4-5)
A symposium presenting the scientific results of the Inter-Agency Solar Terrestrial Program (IASTP) was convened by COSPAR commission D at the 31st Plenary meeting in Birmingham, UK, during July 1996. This publication contains 65 of the papers presented at the meeting, and which passed the subsequent review procedure. Papers included describe the various missions and ground-based programs that constitute the IASTP, also called the International Solar Terrestrial Program, or ISTP. These missions...
Reference Frames and Gravitomagnetism: Procs of the XXIII Spanish Relavitivity Meeting
This book provides an authoritative overview of the developments in gravitomagnetism which have taken place in the last few years. In particular, experiments for measuring the Lense-Thirring effect with satellites orbiting the Earth are reviewed, and an updated list of references on gravitomagnetism is included. The book also presents diverse research in general relativity and cosmology. It will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in cosmology, astrophysics, astronomy, relativity...
The Hamilton-Type Principle in Fluid Dynamics
by Angel Fierros Palacios
The book describes Fluid Dynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, and Classical Thermodynamics as branches of Lagrange's Analytical Mechanics. The approach presented is markedly different from the treatment given to them in traditional text books. A Hamilton-Type Variational Principle as the proper mathematical technique for the theoretical description of the dynamic state of any fluid is formulated. The scheme is completed proposing a new group of variations regarding the evolution parameter.