Ideal for children and adults alike, Hubble: The Print Collection showcases some of the most beautiful and dramatic pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. These cosmic images reveal galaxies, nebulae and planets from our Solar System in spectacular detail. Every picture is presented in a large poster which is accompanied by accessible information - including on the birth and death of stars, the dynamics of galaxies and the mysteries of dark matter. Easy to pull out and keep, each individu...
Green's Functions in Classical Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics, #938)
by Tom Rother
This book presents the Green's function formalism in a basic way and demonstrates its usefulness for applications to several well-known problems in classical physics which are usually solved not by this formalism but other approaches. The book bridges the gap between applications of the Green's function formalism in quantum physics and classical physics. This book is written as an introduction for graduate students and researchers who want to become more familiar with the Green's function formal...
Pond an Almanack for the Year of Our Lord God 1685 ... Fitted for the Meridian of Saffron-Walden in Essex. (1685)
by Edward Pond
The 2009 World Forecasts of Milk in Solid Form Containing Up to 1.5% Milkfat Export Supplies
by Philip M. Parker
The Sun and Its Role in the Heliosphere (Advances in Space Research, Vol 20/1)
The Heliosphere is a large volume of space dominated by the expanding solar atmosphere. Spacecraft at 60 Astronomical Units from the Sun (1 Astronomical Unit = 150 Million Kilometers) have not yet encountered the boundary where the Heliosphere ends and interstellar space begins. This publication contains 22 papers, most observational, some theoretical, on heliospheric topics. Most of the observations reported are either from the recently commissioned SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) spa...
Rockets and People, Volume I (NASA History Series. NASA SP-2005-4110)
by Boris Chertok and NASA History Office
Figur Der Erden, Bestimmet Durch Die Beobachtungen Der Herren Von Maupertuis, Clairaut, Camus, Le Monnier ...
by Maupertuis and Anders Celsius