Proceedings of the Twentieth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC20)
Proceedings of the 20th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference
Aplicação da Distribuição Normal Reduzida na Definição de Nível Crítico (Nutricao de Plantas Aplicada, #1)
by Paulo G S Wadt, Jairo R M Dias, and Raquel Schmidt
Einführung in die Strömungsmaschinen (Hochschultext)
by Hartwig Petermann
Unter der Bezeichnung Stromungsmaschinen werden Turbinen, Kreiselpumpen, Tur- boverdichter, Propeller und Stromungsgetriebe zusammengefaBt. Stromungsmaschi- nen begegnen uns als Haupt-und Hilfsmaschinen in Kraftwerken, als Antriebsmaschi- nen von Flugzeugen und Schiffen, als Hilfsmaschinen in vielen technischen Einrichtun- gen der lndustrie und des tiiglichen Lebens. Sie sind somit im Maschinenbau von grund- legender Bedeutung. Deshalb braucht jeder Maschinenbauer Grundkenntnisse tiber Wir- kung...
Des Canaux d'Irrigation de l'Italie Septentrionale Envisages Sous Les Divers Points de Vue. Tome 1 (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by Nadault de Buffon-B
Das Wissensgebiet der Physikalischen Chemie hat sich so stark ausgeweitet und vertieft, daB man berechtigterweise die Frage stellen kann, ob man heute ein Buch vom Umfang des hier vorliegenden iiberhaupt noch schreiben diirfe. leh habe diese Frage mit meinem Mitarbeiter Herm Dr. Gerhard Greiner, dem an dieser Stelle flir seine kritische Unterstiitzung herzlich gedankt sei, lange diskutiert mit dem Ergebnis, daB man der Physikalischen Chemie wissen- schaftlich nur beschrankt gerecht werden k6nne,...
Electrical Engineering (de Gruyter Textbook)
by Viktor Hacker and Christof Sumereder
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering is an excellent introduction into the areas of electricity, electronic devices and electrochemistry. The book covers aspects of electrical science including Ohm and Kirkoff's laws, P-N junctions, semiconductors, circuit diagrams, magnetic fields, electrochemistry, and devices such as DC motors. This text is useful for students of electrical, chemical, materials, and mechanical engineering.
Theoretical and Computational Physics of Gas Discharge Phenomena (Texts and Monographs in Theoretical Physics)
by Sergey T. Surzhikov
This work concerns the computational modelling of the dynamics of partially ionized gases, with emphasis on electrodischarge processes. Understanding gas discharges is fundamental for many processes in mechanics, manufacturing, materials science, and aerospace engineering. This second edition has been expanded to include the latest developments in the field, especially regarding the drift-diffusion model and rarefied hypersonic flow.
Membrane based Point-of-Use Drinking Water Treatment System
by Pawan Kumar Labhasetwar
Membrane based PoU water treatment systems are preferred due to shortcomings of other water treatment technologies. This system works without the addition of chemicals, with relatively low energy consumption, and easy and well-arranged process conductions. Hence, there is an inevitable need to understand the basic operational parameters, design and maintenance of membrane based PoU water treatment systems. The book provides insight of membrane based PoU water treatment systems (ultrafiltration,...
Rapports du Jury International, Vol. 2: Groupes VIII Et IX, Classes 71 A 88 (Classic Reprint)
by Michel Chevalier
Water Quality International '98 Part 8 (Water Quality International, #8)
Selected Proceedings of the 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association on Water Quality, held in Vancouver, BC, Canada, 21-26 June 1998. Part 8 contains 43 selected papers from the sessions on Urban Storm Drainage; Diffuse Source Pollution; Sewer Processes; and Marine Wastewater Outfalls. These papers, by many of the world's leading experts, constitute an unrivalled wide-ranging and authoritative compilation of current work on drainage and sewerage in urban and rural contexts. Top...
Traite de Topographie Et de Geodesie Specialement Appliquees Aux Operations Forestieres. 2e Edition (Savoirs Et Traditions)
by Regneault-E-E
This handbook documents engineering methodologies for the development of standardized, statistically -based material property data for polymer matrix composite materials. Also provided are data summaries for a number of relevant composite material systems for which available data meets specific MIL-HNBK-17 requirements for publication. Additionall
by Atkins