Luminaries such as Mary Hesse, Richard Swinburne and Eileen Barker give an interdisciplinary review of the debate between science and theology, covering topics like genetics, environmental problems and technology.
Electron Microscopy in Medicine and Biology
Report of D.M. Greene, C.E. to the Water Works Committee, of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa [microform]
Walt Disney and the Quest for Community (Design and the Built Environment)
by Steve Mannheim
During the final months of his life, Walt Disney was consumed with the world-wide problems of cities. His development concept at the time of his death on December 15th, 1966 would be his team's conceptual response to the ills of the inner cities and the sprawl of the megalopolis: the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow or, as it became known, EPCOT. This beautifully written, instantly engrossing volume focuses on the original concept of EPCOT, which was conceived by Disney as an exper...
Soil-The Basis of All Terrestrial Life Ancient civilizations and cultures-Mayan, Aztec, Mesopotamian, Indus, and Yangtze-were built on good soils, surviving only as long as soils had the capacity to support them. In the twenty-first century, productive soil is still the engine of economic development and essential to human well-being. The quality of our soil resources, however, is threatened by human-induced and natural perturbations. World Soil Resources and Food Security takes an in-depth lo...
Einführung in die Strömungsmaschinen (Hochschultext)
by Hartwig Petermann
Unter der Bezeichnung Stromungsmaschinen werden Turbinen, Kreiselpumpen, Tur- boverdichter, Propeller und Stromungsgetriebe zusammengefaBt. Stromungsmaschi- nen begegnen uns als Haupt-und Hilfsmaschinen in Kraftwerken, als Antriebsmaschi- nen von Flugzeugen und Schiffen, als Hilfsmaschinen in vielen technischen Einrichtun- gen der lndustrie und des tiiglichen Lebens. Sie sind somit im Maschinenbau von grund- legender Bedeutung. Deshalb braucht jeder Maschinenbauer Grundkenntnisse tiber Wir- kung...
Die Harmonie der Ergebnisse der Naturforschung mit den Forderungen des menschlichen Gemüthes
by Maximilian Drossbach
Geology of India
by Frederic P Miller, Agnes F Vandome, and John McBrewster
Antarctic Tunicates and Endophytic Fungi: Chemical Investigation and Synthesis
by Matthew D Lebar
Summary of Easm Turbulence Models in Cfl3d with Validation Test Cases
by National Aeronautics and Space Adm Nasa