Most studies of witchcraft and magic have been concerned with the era of the witch trials, a period which officially came to an end in Britain with the passing of the Witchcraft Act of 1736. However, the majority of people continued to fear witches and put their faith in magic long after this law was passed. This book traces the history of witchcraft and magic from 1736 to the year 1951, when the passing of the Fraudulent Mediums Act finally erased the concept of witchcraft from the statute book...
I Love You Grandma Coloring Book
by Jupiter Coloring and Adult Coloring Books Flowers
An “enchanting compilation of spells.” Review of The Green Wiccan Magical Spellbook by Soul and Spirit. This is the must-have grimoire for every modern-day witch who wishes to discover a world of boundless possibilities, with spells for attracting more love, money and luck into your life, cleansing your home, healing a rift in a friendship, and much more. This lavishly illustrated compendium, written by Celtic Wiccan High Priestess Silja, covers a wide-ranging array of spells. With an easy to...
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft, 3rd Edit
by Denise Zimmermann
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft (2nd Ed) is an updated and revised edition of this best-selling New Age book on Wiccan magic and witchcraft! It includes more spells and recipes than ever before, an expanded section on essential oils and herbs, magical concentration exercises, magical ethics, and much more. There is also greater coverage of the Wiccan religion and its deities.
Tras las Huellas del Astado
by Tine Estrella de la Tarde and Ayra Alseret
Well-Spring woodland Elf Notebook (Fairyland 150 Lined, #14)
by N D Author Services
"Power of the Witch" is an extraordinary account of the beliefs and practices of a contemporary witch, known as the "offical witch of Salem". After the disappearance of the ancient matriarchal societies, witchcraft endured bitter presecution from the middle ages to the 17th century and still encounters ignorance, fear and loathing today. Breaking her faith's tradition of secrecy, Laurie Cabot refutes its roots and history, its rich and powerful feminine mythology, and its kinship with the earlie...
Wielka Czarna Księga - Demony, Piekielne Duchy i Ewokacje dla Czarownic i Czarownikow
by Amelia Teije